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>> No.44536934 [View]
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"Fine, fine." Miss Tenshi said, raising her hands as she walked to the door. "You know, you seem pretty frustrated lately. When's the last time yo-" She was forced to cut herself off when Reimu's gohei suddenly found itself flying toward her head, so she simply leaned back, put her hand on the floor, and flipped herself over to land back on her feet as if nothing had happened. She left the room and I could only hear her laughter for a few seconds before it faded.

Okuu was the next to leave, and as her wings unfurled, I suddenly felt a little bit cold. Those wings had been far warmer than I'd expected. I'd only seen Okuu while I was in the depths of mental distress or breakdowns, so I hadn't properly gotten a look at her, but when she stood to her full height, I realised that she was tall enough that her wings were brushing against the ceiling. She didn't say anything, but I saw her have to bend down just slightly to get through the sliding door without her head hitting it.

Whoever had been standing on the other side of Okuu's wing had left first, and I didn't know who it was. Maybe Aunn? Or Lady Kasen? either way, Marisa was trying to get to her feet, only to hiss in pain and fall back against the wall. I staggered to my feet, pleased to find that my head didn't hurt anymore, but I was a little bit dizzy. I managed to make it over to Marisa, and I reached out an arm. She clasped her hand around my wrist and I did the same to her, then I pulled her to her feet. Her eyes widened in sudden pain, but it faded as soon as she was standing. "Urgh, that was awful. And I've still got to lie back down over there." Marisa pointed at the futon that Reimu was laying out. I tried to ask her what had happened to her. "Long story." She leaned in closed and whispered so Reimu couldn't hear, "Try asking when Reimu isn't on the warpath."

Speaking of Reimu, she'd dropped the futon on the floor, then turned to Marisa. "There. Lie there, don't move, and I'd better not hear a word from you for the rest of the night." Marisa gave me a look that I couldn't identify, then shuffled forward to the futon. I was about to go and help her lie down when Reimu came to a halt in front of me.

She was shorter than me, but when she looked at me, I still found myself taking an involuntary step back. Her eyes were intense, and she grabbed hold of my clothes with a fist. "You." She growled. "Come with me."

She dragged me out of the door and onto the veranda, then continued to drag me until we were around the back of the Shrine. Here, the rain fell in a curtain past the edge of the roof, but there was no wind and thus, the entire veranda itself was dry. Reimu was pacing, and she kept moving her hands like she was holding her gohei, only to remember that she had thrown it at Miss Tenshi. "So," She kept clenching her fist and releasing it. "You weren't even gone for a day. Then that birdbrain shows up carrying you, and you look even worse than you did before." Reimu looks mightily upset. "You're lucky that she can't remember where she found you. I'm the only one who knows where you were." That sounded concerning. This whole conversation - or monologue, since I'd yet to get a word in - was starting to feel slightly sinister. Reimu stepped closer, and I found myself backing up against the wall. "I'm assuming things didn't go as planned." I opened my mouth, but it was clear that Reimu had already decided that my input was not necessary in this conversation. "I'm not going to attack her." She finally said once she could plainly see that I had nowhere to run to. "I knew you liked her, so I was willing to let her be, but if you're getting hurt, I need to do something." I decided that I'd be better off just letting Reimu talk until she was finished. I figured this would be fine.

Then, Reimu slammed both of her hands into the wall on either side of me, leaving me trapped between her arms. I knew that I could probably break free if I wanted to, but I did still feel just a little intimidated. "No more visiting those caves until you're well again." I tried to speak. "Well, as in, you aren't having breakdowns. I do remember your reaction when you saw Eirin in the bamboo forest, and I doubt it's going to be much better now." I remembered that incident, and I knew that I'd be lucky if I could set foot in the bamboo forest at all without suffering some traumatic brain injuries. I wondered what Reimu wanted me to do. "Stay here. With me." She stepped into me, raising her head to stare me in the eyes. "It's the safest place for you to be." I'd already spent at least a week here, so I knew that it was a safe place, but at the same time, I felt a little like I was being confined. I also felt like the way she had specified that I was to stay with her felt a little strange.

>> No.43270257 [View]
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I wish Reimu was real and fucking hated my guts. Few things on this gay Earth make me harder than Reimu's glare.

>> No.34524096 [View]
File: 531 KB, 910x1273, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_matsukuzu__a1a7fc50ed5229de4a203762082a96bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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