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>> No.46788422 [View]
File: 127 KB, 850x1649, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_keiki8296__sample-484db20582202cf9494d594a011c9b1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another nice and sunny day at the Hakurei Shrine and I was spending it here on this porch with Reimu asleep by my side. True to her word, she had stitched me a casual shrine attendants robe with a red bottom and white top which was thankfully free of frills. If you looked closely, you could tell that different fabric had to be used for different folds of the clothing, but the small pin pricks I saw on her hand told me no less work had gone into it.

The afternoon sun had well put the girl straight to sleep and, brushing the hair from her face, I thought she almost looked like a little angel, her soft, cute little face steadily breathing onto my side. I felt a little tempted to leave a little chaste peck on her forehead, in the hopes it might give her sweet dreams. Slowly though, her eyes fluttered open and the girl slowly awakened to the sound of chirping birds.

「Ah, sorry I fell asleep...」 She murmured, placing a hand on my chest to slowly get herself up. 「Oh! I, sorry.」 She exclaimed, Jumping just a tad. 「I wasn't a bother was I?」 I just smiled in reply, enjoying the girl's embarrassed face.

「It's your fault really! letting a girl take advantage of you like that.」 She trailed off, before she shot to attention. Pulling something out of her Miko uniform, she cursed. 「Stay here, I really mean it this time!」 She commanded before flying off once again.
By the time Reimu had arrived in the same airspace, Aya was already booking it, having gotten her photos. She knew the girl couldn't catch her if she was seriously running away, which may have been uncool, but to the Tengu, her new issue came first. As the scarlet bullets came hailing down the crow could almost laugh 'you might be a tad more serious but it'll take a hundred feints more then that to catch me!' she mused as she nimbly ducked, dodged, weaved, and stopped dead in her tracks with Reimu's Gohei at her throat.

"How did you catch up to me?" The Tengu asked.

"Catch you?" Reimu asked innocently as she floated to behind Aya, her tool still around her neck like a knife. "You silly little crow, I wasn't chasing you in the first place, I just threw out a couple of bullets and floated to a comfortable spot. You just so happened to pass by." She explained, punctuating the explanation with a few taps of the wood against the Youkai's throat.

"You know, you Tengu take awful pride in your wings, but..." Reimu began, stroking a finger down Aya's feathers. "...those feathers you preen, don't you think it's rude to leave them lying about? Here, take this one back will you?" She concluded, taking the stray feather Aya had given out and gently nestling it back into the wing, ruining the perfect order of the feathers.

"Ah, you found that one I gave him did you?" Aya said, a little nervous.

"I did, and, it occurs to me, isn't your wing out of order now? Maybe you should start fresh? I plucked quite a few chicken feathers in my time it wouldn't take long to-" At this the crow Tengu launched herself away from the miko and froze a few meters in the air away from her, shielding her camera with her life.

Reimu sighed. "Just what are you doing? I hadn't finished talking yet."

"I know this line! I was gonna say 'oh please don't pluck my wings miss Shrine Maiden' and then you'll say 'well then I'll take something equally precious' and that'll be the end of my camera right? Well I'm not gonna let you!" Aya said stalwartly.

At this Reimu blinked, snicked, and then let out a long, Innocent laugh. "Silly bird, who'd want anything to do with that musty old thing?"

It was Aya's turn to blink. "But don't you want to smash it because I got pictures of you and your beloved together?"

The Miko shrugged "Why would that matter?"

"Because when I publish it in the papers the whole village and every Youkai will know you have a sweetheart and come by to take a look?"

"Well 'if the Bunbunmaru talking about it every Youkai already knows' and the human villagers know to respect some boundaries. So, go ahead and publish it, I could use the donations from visitors since I'm feeding an extra mouth you know?" Reimu told Aya.

Aya sighed with relief, for a second she thought Reimu might've been driven to become a Youkai by some mad obsession with a man, but she was still the greedy, carefree girl they'd all come to know, although that comment about her precious Bunbunmaru was uncalled for.

"Oh and Aya?" Reimu began, the crow Tengu looked up to see two dark scarlet eyes staring directly back at her. "If I catch you sticking another one of your filthy Youkai marks on my precious person, I'll do far more then just pluck out your feathers one by one." And like that, the Miko vanished, leaving the Tengu a little shook, but having paid the price for interrupting a good mood.

"What a childish girl." Aya said aloud "Thinks just because she's head over heels for someone everyone's going to fall for the same bait? Ha! Some of us girls have stronger hearts."

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