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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.17075118 [View]
File: 117 KB, 850x505, Don't call me a wanko!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sanae is trash, Kagerou is trash
Disagree but I strongly dislike how they are being used to do what is the equivalent of shitposting here. Poor Momiji didn't deserve this. Awoo~ meme is entertaining to some and /jp/ culture only, its just been copied and abused by nonrelevant boards. The fact that ALL of you let it bother you so much is stupidity of the highest order. Non relevant /jp/ posts and images are deleted by meido so none of you really have anything to worry about on the matter.

If I could vent further for a moment:
Secondaries,* a pointless word used to describe what some view certain fans of touhou as. Problem is on this board it adds nothing to any conversation and just serves to make the anon look like a snob/jerk.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying fanwork and memes and neither makes you any less of a fan than those who enjoy the games/canon work exclusively as long as don't act like an absolute retard about it to those who are enjoying the official work. Problem is when fans of the official work on this board feel like they have to go wave around how proverbially "great" they are because of it. Absolute malarkey.

Primaries and secondaries? Gimme a break, your not at some anime-con with a brain-dead normie telling you how they are a fan of touhou pissing you off, fuck off with that irrelevant trash, this is /jp/. Nobody is forcing any of you to go to any other boards to get triggered by other boards "cultural appropriation" ...and don't even get me started with tertiaries and quaternaries!

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