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>> No.44900150 [View]
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Yukari left the faux shrine through her gap after snagging a quick after hours session. That crow may be reserving this weeks nights but its nothing a bit of barrier manipulation can't make up for. She already had the framework for slowing time there, so making its effects a bit more extreme allowed for some quality time to be spent.

Why she even lasted a full 4 minutes and 23.89 seconds longer this time, breaking her old record. Yukari felt like a cat on the prowl, high and mighty with nothing but her grace and wits to thank for it.

Why she even made sure endure the intense sensations to make sure every drop ended up where it needed! Eirin didn't know a thing of what she was talking about, Yukari was as fertile as volcanic ash and she would prove it!

With a fist raised in the air, something she's been enjoying doing as it made her feel like a young youkai again, she opened a gap straight onto the nearly vanished path of the youkai mountain and stepped out.

Before her was a deserted mountain peak bathed in the filtered moonlight of the cloud covered sky. If she was human it'd be almost pitch black but to her the light was just enough to read to a book.

She could feel the energy surrounding the peak of the mountain, a barrier one could say. She could, with enough time, break through it but that would be rude and not worth the time it'd take. This barrier was meant to be entered after all and while it was convoluted to enter without the owner's permission one of Yukari's talents could practically feel the twisting path.

She walked forward, parasol in one hand and fan in the other while her white dress almost dragged in the mud. Though with a bit of fudging the barrier between clean and muddy clothes none of the moist earth that touched it stuck to it or her high heels.

She got in without much fuss, and the ground became firm again as the tempature was cool but much warmer than it was outside. Even the clouds were spare and the moonlight bright and illuminating.

She heard it then, a silent leap from the brush and swoop from the sky. Ah, her guard pets were as efficient as ever... Her parasol caught the birds talons and didn't let go, causing it to panic as it squawked. The tigers claws were parried by her fan and its jaws failed to close on anything of substance.

A light tap to its nose caused it to yowl as her hand struck out in blinding speeds. She heard another sound, feet landing beyond the treeline and a clear feminine voice calling out, "Houso, Kanda. Thats enough, thank you."

Yukari let go of the eagle's claws and let the tiger bound back with soft smile on her face. Yukari called out, "Kasen-san, I'm glad you were still up at this hour. I was hoping to talk about a most distressing situation~"

Kasen sat across from Yukari at the rather spartan table in her 'dojo's' den. Tasteful decorations of poetry, natural scenery, and archaic decorations meant to inspire and focus the mind were arranged with a delicate touch.

Tea steamed on the table between them as they sipped at it. Yukari really did find Kasen refreshing, even though they may have disagreements about this and that. She really did value her and regarded it as a shame that Kasen was more interested in the goings on of celestials rather than Gensokyo at large.

Knowing that if any one of the sages would be understanding of her plight she came to Kasen. "My my, I see that your pets are as active as ever. They seem to be as playful as when you first adopted them~"

Kasen sipped at her tea, her own face was neutral but showed a tiredness, "proper discipline and diet does wonders for them, as well I'm quite confident in my tending" Kasen accepted the compliment without much of a reaction, "still I don't believe you would come here to play with my guards, please speak."

Ah, there it was. That delightful forwardness with just enough politeness. "I'm sure you're rather tuckered out, but the matter of our mutual friends is one I couldn't put off any longer."

A wistful smile formed on Yukari's face as her eyes showed a trace of sadness, "it seems my plans to reform that wayward miko and her misguided husband have simply garnered too much resentment from parties that wish to see them in constant turmoil"

Kasen's face was clear disbelief, "So you come to complain that your sick joke of a counciling center has recieved its rightful condemnation...? I didn't think that even you lacked such shame"

Hurt was what Yukari was, or would've been if she didn't see her reaction coming from a mile away. Yukari sighed as a pout surfaced, "I would've thought that surely you of all people would see the ingenious of my plan, you were close friends of both were you not?"

Sighing, Kasen replied, "indeed I was, I was one of the last to let her be after it was clear she didn't wish to change. Though if you believe I'd give you blessing or act as a mediary I'm afraid you're mistaken."

>> No.42528716 [View]
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She considers herself human and an ally of humans. She genuinely wants to guide people to improving themselves and thus has a tendency to go into lecture mode. She really likes sweets too and supposedly sneaks out into the outside world to dine at popular sweets shops. Although she's very serious she plays along with others well even humorist fairies, and even gets caught up in antics easily enough despite her position.
For anything else please read Wild and horned hermit, her manga.

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