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>> No.43727149 [View]
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>a side effect is the loss of confidence in my ability to tell how old a woman is
interesting... I find my ability in this regard to have improved a lot since really learning to study the essence of hags. It's good that you're appreciating hags in the present moment though, context can provide additional spice but isn't always necessary.
Anyway, we all have our own struggles when appreciating hags. My own struggle is trying to articulate the inherent paradox of those cases where someone simultaneously looks young for their age while still also being ripe; the contradiction here is that if someone looks youthful for their age, ripeness probably shouldn't be discernible but I see cases of this all the time in JAV. How can someone look young for their age while still being discernibly mature? I still haven't found a satisfactory way to articulate my thoughts on this but I know it when I see it.

>Yumi Anno
>the categorisation changes with time
>based on the titles I fkn enjoy
>a difficult assessment for conceptualisation when focusing on the span of a career instead of only on the current form
Astute observation but maybe not entirely necessary. The Hag Ripeness Classification System™ (patents pending) isn't about classifying and grouping for its own sake but for facilitating more targeted discussion. That means for actresses who have had different phases over a long career, you can consider their ripeness on a case by case basis relative to the timeframes relevant to the discussion at hand.

>Sae Fujiki
We all have the freedom to assess ripeness according to our own subjective perception but there's definitely room for discussion here. The fact that you can perceive her as a True Hag from some angles is astonishing to me. You really think she's acquired the level of maturity to the point where even an idealised beauty of a mature woman is slipping away? That's how I interpret True Hags and tend not to invoke their name in vain. It's a damning label even if it doesn't necessarily and automatically equate to ugliness. I'm not sure I'd see her as Classic either since that entails some degree of unquestionable maturity that, to me at least, should easily sell roles as mothers and mothers-in-law etc without much suspension of disbelief from a viewer. Based on her appearance alone, for her to have offspring of a legal age would be noteworthy even within the context of fantasy presented within JAV. By this I mean she looks a little too similar in maturity to the baseline median average throughout the industry; she does look a little bit older but not to the extent where she could easily be singled-out as being significantly so. Your points on her looking extremely young from some angles seem to support this but I'd say she's great in big sister and aunt roles. She has what I'd call a very "trendy" and "fashionable" (as opposed to old-fashioned) type of look that can confer an illusion of youth even as a woman ages -- which makes your occasional reading of potential Classic or even True Hag status from her all the more surprising.

Anyhow, I hope you fkn enjoy Ayumi Shinoda (she hovered around Quasi-Semi for me in case you wondering) and thank you for sharing your thought-provoking ideas, sir! You are contributing to the ever-growing literature of hag appreciation

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