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>> No.7401065 [View]
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>> No.4566433 [View]
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>> No.2565048 [View]
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Koishi's hat is the most fashionable, but Renko deserves a mention too

>> No.1239401 [View]
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>> No.604191 [View]
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>> No.513364 [View]
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All mythological creatures became extinct.

>> No.412001 [View]
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Without any shitty icons.

>> No.331012 [View]
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>> No.185724 [View]
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Meanwhile in the real world...

>> No.173697 [View]
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I don't count them. Touhous need to be in Gensokyo.

I don't really see these two as Touhous.

>> No.167795 [View]
File: 232 KB, 1600x1200, 1204970886851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, thank you. I didn't know they hosted those

>> No.144481 [View]
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To save a few people trips to the Touhou Wiki, Maribel Han and Renko Usami. They belong to a college-based club, of which they are the only members - the "Border Club."

Maribel (blond) has a distinct ability which allows her to perceive the Great Hakurei Border and, possibly, other disjunctions of normal space as well (e.g., she'd perceive the Lunar Capital if she could get to it). It is believed, and partially demonstrated, that her ability also allows her (and entouage) to encroach the Great Hakurei Border and temporarily enter Gensokyo, though the ability is little elaborated upon. Maribel also supposedly visits Gensokyo in her dreams.

Renko is somewhat of an eccentric among "normal" people. His ability allows him to, with no effort, always know the exact time down to the millisecond. Whether or not it is related, when Renko looks up at the night sky, he can also give his precise coordinates and location in relation to anything else.

There are many discussions which suggest that Maribel and Yukari are related, either personally or impersonally. The most liberal suggestion is that she is Yukari when she is asleep and Yukari is her when awake.

>> No.92091 [View]
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Welcome to Gensokyo.

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