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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.35112934 [View]
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I trust no one has fallen for this classic "falseflagging 101"

I have to admit, In terms of sheer autism requird to falseflag for this long is very humbling. For everyone who fears that I've become some type of mass falseflagger who's spamming the threads, Do not fear no more! I ask you this, In my entire time posting on /jp/ have i been known for endless spamming and falseflags? The answer is no! In this post i will show you the truth behind these two threads!

Let's start things off from the beginning, In the last thread >>>35097305. I'll admit, it's pretty hard for me to not type in a noticeable way. You can see me make the usual posts, Dlanor!, Sound images etc... then someone posted image from the trash theads talking about a discord raid. In the end, ended up just taking the bait and started responding in my usual shitposting way. As we can see halfway through the threads things started to get a little weird, The arguments the humiliation posters started to use became more and more obvious bait. posts involving trannies and SJWs became the norm near the end of the last thread. Now, I'm not /pol/tard but I'm not some raging leftist who's gonna cry and bitch about nigger being posted, or when someone posts some cute cunny. However the arguments they started using devolved more and more into buzzwords, so i just assumed they were trolling and stopped taking them seriously. That was my first mistake, after the thread was coming to a close i decide to make a thread using one of sound images. "someone" Didn't like that so they decided to make a new thread, This one.

At first, I really didn't care. I liked that my thread only had a handful of posters and was pretty slow. Most's of the posts were on-topic or mystery related so i had no need to join a different thread. Since my thread was so slow, I decided to try to finish up my mystery and check in every once in a while. After about a couple of hours I decided to check in on m thread only to see it dead and moved to /b/. It turned out "someone" decided to spam my thread with an never ending spam of humiliation copypasta. I went to go check if it had been someone over on this thread only to find out that "someone" had already spammed it with posts. in-between these posts a certain maria poster began to talk about how "The sperg has been spamming this thread" >>35104149 . >>35104255 I want you to take notice of the first reply that post had, it's going to come back to help us later on.

When i first posted here >>35105828 (As proved by the ip count going up) A "certain" poster replied to me with this post >>35105956 In it he states that I am the one to blame for all the spam in this thread and admits himself that "I am the one who spammed your thread. I did not spam this thread." as if trying to shift the blame onto me. I want you to take note of the way he types.

later on the "maria" poster shares a pastabin filtering all of my usual lingo, I don't have a problem with this. if you don't like my posts then you don't like my posts. After that post The thread becomes a shitshow of filters being posted and telling "the sperg" to fuck off. After a bunch of low-quality posts have been made the maira poster decides to posts this >>35112007 In it he states that he wishs for these threads to become more like the outsiders perspective of /jp/ "The primary purpose of this filter list is to prevent these threads from becoming boring. I actually do want to see more elaborate shitposts, sperg copypastas, autistic 1000 page arguments and "RIKA LOOKS UP IN HORROR" shitshows popping up here, which is why I don't add anything like that to the filter list, I only add easy lazy copypaste baits that do nothing except stall the thread and compound boredom."

He wants for these Threads to become what people who don't post on /jp/ think it is. After his posts he was then replied to by a "many" anons stating their distain for me and my "raids".

so after all of the evidence has been collected, what do i think? [blue] The maria filter anon is the very same anon who spammed The threads from yesterday and today! On top of that he's a newfag![/blue] How do i support this theory? Simple, Look at his replies! >>35112036
ALL OF THESE ARE HIM! We know this, thanks to the very first mention of "the sperg" in this thread. After he claimed I was the one spamming the threads the reply he got seems completely identical to the posts above me! This entire fiasco has been one (or two) anons Spamming the ever living shit out of these threads in a game of 4D chess! and sadly i fell right into their hands. They knew i hated all the spam so they would egg me on until i started shitposting, then they could make a make a multitude of spam and pin the crime on me!
This concludes my blogpost, Know this anons I love posting here and i would never spam copypastas in these threads, But in the end it's up to you what you believe!

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