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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.10005337 [View]
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They come from the heart. Yama believes everything he posts.

>> No.9716575 [View]
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lets mahjong, /jp/!
Time for a 3P?

>> No.9648629 [View]
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>> No.9504019 [DELETED]  [View]
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Post your steam ID /jp/!
We'll be great friends and talk about being little girls and stuff!

>> No.9456814 [View]
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Don't worry anon. He's stronger than that.

>> No.9285306 [View]
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>> No.8154564 [View]
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Tokiko-chan... ganbatte

>> No.4260169 [View]
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Becoming a better person for none other than yourself. Go do things that you enjoy and makes you feel good. No, I'm not talking about fapping. Sure, VNs can count, but only sparsely. You should not limit yourself to one type of thing or you're just being closed-minded. Obviously staying on /jp/ all day isn't the best thing in the world for yourself either. You never know until you try, Anonymous. After all, you might find something you truly enjoy.

>> No.3672010 [View]
File: 116 KB, 624x657, 03f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge thanks for this. Best day of 2009.

>> No.3138924 [View]
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Works fine. Thanks.

>> No.3109133 [View]
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Makes me feel kinda bad to play against Mio-chan. GGs.[/spoilers]

>> No.2961798 [View]
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My imouto calls me like that sometimes. What, do you think retarded terms like "frangin" ou "frérot" would be more likely ?

>> No.2717666 [View]
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Aww, you kept it. Again, it comforts me in the impression /jp/ is actually tsundere. And, just as you see, this ban has expired long ago. It was only meant as a light, friendly prank from my best dude, the mod.

>> No.2674350 [View]
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Good evening (day ?), /jp/.

It's been a long while since I began reading through this board, and tonight I wanted to express my sincere admiration towards you guys. I felt that would be the least I could do, since everyday I can't help but feel the enormous gap between you and me - and consequently hate myself for it.

From the outside I look like what you'd call an "attractive normalfag", despite me being just like you at heart, spending countless hours on eroges and such. I'm always and always lying to people around me, never mentioning my hobbies, caring about my useless looks, and spending some of my precious free time with some fake 3D "friends". I know I'm being redundant here - of course they couldn't be real friends since they're goddam 3D persons, heh.
Two months ago, I even started going out with a female acquaintance of mine... Well, to be honest, one day she shyly asked me out, and my pathetic me was too weak to say no. Laugh at me as much as you like, I know I'm the only one to blame here.
Other people were saying that I was a "darn lucky guy", or that she was "really cute" and stuff - but I swear you I won't be fooled by those lies. Deep in the corner of my mind, I know she's only some vulgar pig-disgusting 3D. I'm only staying with her not to hurt her feelings.

>> No.2636809 [View]
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You made this same thread earlier. You're like Kaiji, trying to motivate a group that is already doomed to fail. Because of a small, ephemeral outburst of motivation you forced yourself to pump out, you think it gives you the right to tell other people to "do their best." However, that feeling is temporary, it is not true willpower.

You are just as weak as the rest of us, stop deluding yourself with idealistic j-dramas and shounen anime. Your fate was sealed the moment you were born.

>> No.2463180 [View]
File: 116 KB, 624x657, 1239307988441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya~ shokkun
Kyou wa mada FAP shimashita ka?
Kimi wa NEET desu ka? Soretomo NORMALFAG desu ka?

Boku wa mou nikai mo FAP shita!
Fuu daze~

>> No.2397745 [View]
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Aww... *hugs little Geo*

>> No.2385804 [View]
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>> No.2378832 [View]
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B-b-but I was told to "gb2 /jp/"

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