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>> No.12740608 [View]
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>You began to beat your shield with your sword. Thump. Thump. Thump. The entire army was doing it simultaneously, in rhythm with each other. You look around at the guys nearest to you, they all have big grins on their faces. The boys always love it when we do this; it's really good for morale. Scares the ever loving shit out of the enemy too.

>You look out across at the enemy only 50 paces away. Monstergirls, thousands of them. All different kinds. The legion of the Veltras demon realm in all their glory. They certainly don’t look scared. You guess its going to take a little more than shield percussion to put the fear of the chief god into their heart.

>They look a lot less organized than your 501st Blood Ravens. They have no proper shield wall, no phalanx formation, only the occasional pike to prevent a cavalry charge. Most of them aren't even wearing armor. It's a wonder they have lasted this long. Apparently monstergirls make up for it with sheer, ridiculous, unparalleled physical strength.

>A few of the girls are making gestures at some of the men, trying to intimidate us back. Most of it looks lewd, a few of the gestures are threatening. A couple wolf girls are howling. A dragon roars and spits a massive plume of fire above your heads. A lot of the men quake at her display of power. You can always spot the rookies from shit like this.


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