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>> No.46676032 [View]
File: 1015 KB, 1576x1334, __yagokoro_eirin_toramaru_shou_and_lily_white_touhou_drawn_by_chamaruk__d75cc55b50fcd77555009fc7873db2c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Shou goes to the doctor-

It was early in the morning, the opening of EIentei’s operating hours when the least amount of people would be there as Shou shuffled back and forth in her seat in the waiting room, she, like some of the other prospective mothers, her legs and jaw aching from all the sutras Byakuren had punished her with contemplating. She didn’t dislike it as much as the other monks, but eight hours was a bit much even by her own standards.

Punishments were much more fun when you were the one giving them out, but Shou already knew that.

All in all, things had been quite stressful recently, and she had been the last of the girls to get her checkup from doctor Yagakoro, for someone normally so steadfast. She had been shying away from what she thought of as her failure. All she wanted to do was hold her head and cry, but of course, she couldn’t do that, and wallowing in her own self-pity wasn’t something she was inclined to do, even if she wanted to.
She was a cat, tiger, youkai, and idol, after all, not a pig.

But Bishamonten, Bishamonten. Shou constantly thought about him, alongside Byakuren he was her entire life, she had barely even existed before meeting the witch-monk and her patron.

Shou clutched at her robes, she couldn't have been waiting longer than ten minutes, but it already felt like hours to her, hours, and hours of waiting.

Shou thought of how the others were going to handle their children, Nue had already laid her eggs. Although her reclusive, and now broody attitude has prevented any of the Myouren crew from seeing her recently.
Shou hoped she was okay.

“Number 9, usa~” An Inaba attendant called out as she stuck her head into the waiting room, Shou couldn’t tell which one it was, she had such trouble telling the Inaba apart from each other and they didn’t wear name tags.

“Yes.” Shou kept her voice quiet as she rose from her seat and followed the Inaba through the doorway.

“Nice to meetcha Usa!~” The Inaba exclaimed, taking a short hop as she began walking down the hallway.

“It’s nice to meet you too Miss Inaba.”

“So nice to meet another prospective mother.” The Inaba smiled as she looked at Shou’s bloated belly out of the corner of her eye.

“Truth be told, I’m not entirely confident, everything’s happening too fast.” Shou shook her head.

“Well, dontcha worry, usa~ You can take it from this rabbit, you’ll be a great mother.” And just like that the Inaba in the pink dress scampered off, leaving Shou in front of the door to the doctor’s room.

“Thanks…” Something was off with the Inaba, or she was either ignorant of why there were so many new mothers. But that was less likely,

Shou shook her head, dismissing the Inaba from her mind. Knocking on the door before her she calls out. “Doctor Yagakoro?”

“Yes, yes, come in.” The doctor’s tone was dismissive, and a bit annoyed as she responded through Shou’s calling through the door.

Opening the door, doctor Yagakoro gestures for her to sit down on a doctor’s stool next to Doctor Yagakoro with a baby blue color and a seat made of a soft material that flexed as Shou sat on it.

“So, miss Toramaru, I assume you’ve come here for the same reason as your colleagues?” Doctor Yagokoro looked up at Shou from her clipboard.

Shou had some suspicions about Byakuren’s visit, but she had left that to Chisazu and Nazrin to handle, they were more of the intrigue type anyways.

Eirin nodded “Well luckily I won’t have to check your blood pressure, have you experienced any morning sickness?”

“Yes, a tiny bit, although I’m mostly too… durable or hearty to notice it too much.” Shou scratched her cheek, somewhat in embarrassment. She didn’t want to sound like she was gloating, but she was as close to Byakuren in physical perfection as just about anyone.

“Good, good, now let’s get onto the ultrasound.” Eirin turned to the machine beside her, and the ultrasound device unfolding itself from the massive contraption, of which only a small portion existed within the Doctor’s room. “Could you lift your robe please?”

Shou nodded, parting her robe to reveal the fullness of her round belly, soft, pale, unblemished skin, stretched tightly over her normally muscled and lithe form, made soft by her pregnancy and her recent malaise. Although she did well to hide it, and had stopped from making public appearance under the guise of ‘preparation,’ that man, that poor beautiful, handsome man, had made her a mother, Shou thought.

Shou stroked her belly as a shiver went up her spine.

As Eirin placed the ‘scanning’ part of the ultrasound device against Shou’s belly, the screen lit up with activity. On it showed a clutch of three eggs, tightly packed. Shou was half surprised they even were eggs, but then again she was a cat youkai, although on the other hand she was a tiger and plenty of myths of tigers giving mammalian birth existed.

>> No.43156360 [View]
File: 1015 KB, 1576x1334, ワンドロお題絵.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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