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She continues praising it by saying that her pet is seriously a genius too, to the point of not being able to think it is just 5 months old, because whenever she calls its name it comes to her. After a lot of stalling she finally decides to show a picture of it and says that what we'll look at is her pets first time on the toilet, this was the first thing Pekora saw and thus she wants it to be the first thing the nousagi see. Talking about the toilet reminds her that this pet also immediately figured out where the toilet was and furthermore he is a shy one, as she explains that as long as Pekora and her mother were around it wouldn't be near the toilet but when Pekora tried to see what would happen if she went away the guy went straight for the toilet so fast that Pekora first wondered where it disappeared to and searched it only to find it on the toilet. Finally she prepares the picture and says that it is a male, a prince, and reveals the image to be that of a male cat sitting in its litter box, currently using it.
This is also what she was so amazed about earlier when she talked about it coming when she calls for it, since sure it doesn't leap up to her or anything but when she calls it shows up in front of her and that is amazing to her since it is cat after all, making her think her cat is a one and only.
She calls it both u-nyan and goronyan and the nousagi might be wondering why goro and she says since she couldn't really come up with a name and since she does like numbers she created one from how you pronounce 5(go) and 6(roku), goro. And the u-nyan is from her name Usada. She feels like she has to decide on a name as soon as she can.

Now on to the bad news, they might be wondering why she said there was bad news as well and that is that, in her family there is someone who have allergies right, in fact their household is one where it can be said they have allergies to both cats and dogs. And Pekora thought that she herself was fine and without allergies but it turns out that she too has a fairly strong allergy and laughs, this is also why she said she'd go to the hospital before the stream but she couldn't go today, so she'll go first thing in the morning to get some medicine. But despite that she wants to treasure and raise goro-nyan.
At first she figured she would wait a bit before introducing her cat to everyone, like waiting for it to calm down and once they had gotten used to it, and then introduce him but in the end she really wanted to share with the nousagi the day that she brought him home, considering the relationship she has with the nousagi. And with this she'll be able to frequently tell them all about u-nyan's escapades.

As for some first-time stories regarding the cat, she is so excited about her cat she is having issues starting on something, once again about to start on a story about how much of a genius it is and is about to talk about when it first arrived but breaks off and talks about it crying on the way home. Back at the pet store they asked the clerk if this cat talks a lot and while its voice is rather quiet it will meow a lot when it does, and Pekora didn't really get it at the time since when she was touching and holding it at the store it didn't seem to make any noise at all, so she figured it must be a pretty strong cat but of course once it was taken away from the pet shop it started to whine and Pekora felt really bad for it and wanted to quickly bring it home.
And with that she says that anyone who gets brought into a new environment will have it rough right, and at first that was the case as it was timidly going around the house, sort of like on an adventure but then a few ten minutes later it was running around the house playing, which made Pekora a bit confused because surely this was a cat that they just bought but here it is running around like it has always been here.

Pekora also knows that for the first three days or something one shouldn't mind the cat too much and let it acclimate in its own pace, therefore Pekora is restraining herself by streaming right now because what she really wanted to do was take a break and play with it. The chat reacts in shock and she reads it and laughs and says that she obviously wanted to stream as well, don't worry.


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