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>> No.15412327 [View]
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I didn't really have a priority list when I gene engineered body parts into Akeno and my Shoggoth. Not to say I didn't put any thought into it though. For Akeno I wanted to stick to a vanilla humanoid 13 slot body(Yerles, Eulderna, Jure, etc) so I pretty much just opened my own character's equipment sheet and followed the slot layout of that. For the shoggoth I wanted a completely exotic body but keeping it to 13 slots. When I got my shoggoth it only came with 3 slots. A head slot, a shoot slot, and an ammo slot. After extensive gene engineering it now has a head slot, a shoot slot, an ammo slot, 8 hands, an arm slot, and a neck slot.

After gene engineering missing body parts for pets I've come to the conclusion that there exists a conflict of damage slots vs resist slots. You see, the armor you tend to find in dungeons have resists which you need if you're going to survive whereas weapons tend to not have resists unless you get something like a defender weapon or a living weapon. So you kinda want to have armor slots and not be all hands unless you're really late in the game and have access to artifact fusion.

So you want hands and some armor slots for resists. If you're going for more hands you're going to have to decide on the ratio of hands to armor slots. The next question would be what should the armor slots be?

Well for me I answered that question by what armor slots would benefit me right now and in the long run. I wanted proximity assist and had a pair of gloves in storage with them so I gene engineered an arm slot into my shoggoth. There's also a static artifact called the twin edge that helps grant extra attacks so I gene engineered a neck slot into the shoggoth. Not saying that your pet must have a neck and arm slot but I'm saying that the armor slots you do choose should maybe map to gear enchants you want or armor artifacts you intend to get in the future.

Due to Akeno having a lot of armor slots, getting her resists up is a lot easier than it will be for my shoggoth. I'm late enough in the game to take advantage of artifact fusion and crafting that I can use artifact fusion to fill the shoggoth's necklace, helmet, and gloves with resists. If I run out of room on those three items I can then turn to putting resists on living weapons if need be.

Unfortunately, I don't see a person early on in the game having a pet with 8 arms or more having a good time surviving anything that can cast spells or breathes elemental stuff if it can't kill it before it kills them or has a dedicated healer that is constantly paying attention. As a side note I wouldn't go way over 13 slots. That speed penalty adds up. For me anyhow, I'm fighting things with speeds of 1500 or greater so speed penalties are unacceptable.

Congrats. Hope to see another godslayer eventually show up since very few people get that far in this game. I only know of a handful(5) of anons,including myself, that reached the levels of power needed to defeat a god. Since you're killing demi gods now you're definitely getting close. Now that you have the dumbell try to get the glasses as well so you can see exact information/numbers on attribute potentials. After you get those two you'll have another method of grinding out your attributes. This is what you do, you get yourself a training machine and then you head to Noyel. Wait for it to begin snowing. Might have to walk around a bit but it will happen eventually. Enter town and begin using your training machine. I'd hotkey it so you'll be able to spam it. Bring plenty of food, ideally herbs. Should be able to get some attribute points that way. What class and race are you by the way?

Cool, 1.59 is out then? I'll get to updating in a bit then. Have a lot of stuff I want to test out. So Ano decided to go with platinum. Not the most favorable result for me, gold, but certainly not the worst. It really could of been a whole lot worse. Like ancient books and gold medals bad. Well platinum is fine all things considered.

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