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>> No.43929709 [View]
File: 437 KB, 1600x1313, Kagecowgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, a bit of a story, that one. Sekibanki got a little up in Kagerou's muzzle at the last Grassroots piss-up for the latter's constant whinging about her having it supposedly easy, living among humans. In the end, a wager was made. And so, following a tip and a glowing recommendation, Kagerou was hired as a live-in maid at a petty noble's estate.

Things went smoother than had been apprehended, however, and Kagerou's new employer proved lenient toward all except the greatest gaffes - even the odd stray hair in his dinner. Nevertheless, the biggest one was yet to occur as the night of full Moon loomed inevitably near. Now, normally, Kagerou would've been sequestered in her lonely house out in the wilderness and dealt with the urges congenital without bothering anyone, but... Well, when an able male is but one room over, reason doesn't always win out.

... Never, would be more like it.


... Actually, the sole reason Master was feeling pent up were Kagerou's pheromones playing havoc with his libido. A wolf-woman's physiology is scary...

As a side note, a fair while ago, I wrote a pair of shorts about the Grassroots fooling around with a bold human. They feature a shy but excessively horny and bisexual Kagerou, so if you'd like, you can peruse the first part here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27713854/chapters/67829245

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