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>> No.48151099 [View]
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>Merry does unhinged stuff when Renko's not around
As opposed to Renko, who does unhinged stuff regardless of who's around.
Why do you think Maribel is like that?

>> No.47639212 [View]
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>>47629294 >>47636901
>kept doing it very intensively
>would have gotten further faster
Very well could have been the case, though considering what others have discussed when it comes to having one foot in the spiritual and your own experiences with extended periods of liminality, sounds like you still needed to go through things at the pace you did for good reason.
>dabbled with magic derived from monotheistic systems
>weird and unpleasant results
Something to look out for with others then! Haven't felt drawn towards much of the same myself but I've always considered that a given, it'd be shame for the learning process to always include the "summoned something detrimental/You Shouldn't Have Done That" hurdle imo anyhow.
>the divination system itself doesn't really matter, it's more about the reader
I'd argue for the weight behind that as well but maybe that's just more projected egotism on my part.
>I have gathered and dried the yarrow stalks needed for traditional use of I Ching
Good on you! I've yet to do anything along the lines of proper bone-burning and such so it'd be really fascinating to see if a successful execution of those methods bears fruit. Definitely something on my future agenda as well.
>did you attempt something like that around 25th-27th of July..?
I did quite a few things around those dates honestly, including but not limited to drawing, posting, and potentially writing whatever pastebin Eclipse was talking about earlier. Any of those giving cause to ask?
Life has gotten quite better for me since then btw! I'm deeply thankful for those supportive thoughts in prayer & otherwise.
I'm actually a brunette, but I do have "European ancestry" so...

>I would love to hear the reading.
I'll do my best to discuss it now then since it's taken me a while to fully come to terms with its potential meanings over the past week, very interesting at least in that it "jumped out at me" for a few different reasons.
It was a simple Clarity Spread consisting of 4 cards, 1 defining card and 3 delineating cards covering a basic situation (in this case anything you needed to hear right now), but the main card for the overall circumstance (the first laid down/most important in such spreads) was actually naturally reversed at some point during my shuffling process (I do good portions of these readings essentially blinded so as little of my own personal intent carries over as possible).
The Nine of Cups is usually an unquestionably positive card when it comes to the state of anything currently being worked towards. The "card of wishes" as it may be referred to, especially since the cups are all about emotion. However, it's reversal implies that there could be some sort of blockage preventing either true progression of the situation itself or you from really feeling like you've reached such a state. This may be from something you aren't seeing, but considering this isn't the Two of Swords or any related cards I'd say it's not as if the "issue" is solely coming from within here. Perhaps it has more to do with those liminal states that often seem so attractive to these forces? You tell me.
Your supporting cards (Seven of Cups, The Hierophant/Pope, Daughter of Wands) help paint that clearer picture we'd need.
The first is a card of underhanded temptations & coping with the incongruities of a falsely-constructed narrative against reality. The second is, of course, immediately tied to furthering spiritual practices or listening far more attentively to any given "teacher" within your current sphere. The final card, being among the court-cards for each suite, could be our biggest stand-in for anyone specifically involved here. That would be up to (You) to determine with certainty. Regardless, in my experiences it'll often represent an independent or free-thinking passionate type going through some manner of great mental/spiritual transformation. So, what is there to make of this?
Have you been led astray by some independent agent or fed bad advice from a good place? Maybe less of the former and more of the latter if part of the "Acknowledgements" on that website are to hold any weight but I of course can't possibly know everyone you might. Could this be discussing your "colorful" past involvements in any capacity? If it's any consolation, I've been doing my best to be forthright with good intentions.
Although if my music is bad and I should feel bad then I'd hope more anons would've let me know by now.
Is this not where you ought to be at this point then? I don't believe so either, especially because I'd hate to be the one to start telling you this is all a lie when that couldn't be farther from things.
If anything, this could simply be an obvious warning over where any total "Quest for Excellence" would get you in the end compared to otherwise. We may be doing our best to work against this but it doesn't hurt to keep yourself thoughtful.

As usual, hope that's all something!

>> No.47402889 [View]
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it's better than green tea

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