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>> No.46129508 [View]
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"Come on you brats! Even with four of you, there's still not a scratch on us!" I loudly joked as Seija and I leap from another book case before a flurry of crimson bolts blew it up. My Amanojaku partner was, uncharacteristically, quiet and focused, although I couldn't blame her, despite my jokes we really were in a pickle.

"Being mean all the sudden isn't going to save you mister Goro!" One of the Flans shouted, before shooting a volley of danmaku in our direction, which we just managed to graze.

Seems like the rumors about Flandre just being a vicious and volatile brat were unfounded, she hadn't used these clones when last we fought and even then, only pulled them out once we proved too hard to handle. She was still a demon, that much was sure, just a little more tactful then she was letting on. It was just like Gensokyo I guess, quick to accept everything, but just as quick to pass over the minute details.

"We'll have to overwhelm her." Seija quietly said as she flipped us to the other side of a few oncoming attacks.

"I'm working on it, just be ready." I retorted. Calculating counters to one crazed vampire was enough of a lift, doing it for three more while under a ravenous assault was exponentially worse.

'Now!' I thought, just as a massive, steel-bound copy of 'Buddah and his Dharma' was hurtling toward us, until we ceased to exist.

Sailing through nothingness wasn't as hard to get used to once you understood the principle. Despite not existing, we did, and that displacement of 'nothing' would eventually push us out of 'Nowhere' and back into reality exactly at the point in time we left it, albeit a couple feet forward. The displacement didn't require 'movement' so much as 'thought', my thoughts did exist, so they displaced 'nothing' and thus we were buoyantly pushed away from the massive book and in the direction I currently wasn't thinking about least we get pushed away from it.

In the far flung blackness I could see that tree, glowing and casting a light across everything that didn't exist. At it's root, sat Sekai, a touch frustrated I imagined? Either way, I couldn't tell from this distance and my thoughts where elsewhere, what was important is that the tree served as a good reference point until we were eventually ejected back into reality.

"Here we go you insatiable munchkins! I hope you're ready for a thrashing!" Seija yelled, back to the rude, obnoxious self I knew and loved. Did hopping through nothingness have some effect on her personality? Questions for later, as we now had maybe a second before the vampire flock regained their composure.

With a swipe, Seija produced four lime red lasers that directly bared toward the four, backed by a cascade of supporting pellets. The vampires easily grazed the pellets and eagerly prepared to dodge the lasers, until Seija snapped her fingers. The air around the trajectory of each laser vanished, and, the seemingly straight and consistent path of the beams of light became erratic and wavy, like the tides of a lake in rainfall. This caught the Flan's more off-guard, yet still, next to Hana and Reimu there was probably nobody with a more natural talent of dodging danmaku and they would just barley make it. So, I snapped my fingers.

From the crashed bookcases and shredded tomes, a tide of pages, inked with cursed text emerged and made like hail toward the girls. They shot out retaliatory shots to intercept the papyrus missiles and some found their mark, but many other flowed, duck and weaving away from the missiles and toward their targets. To cement the absolute mess that had become the small, battered section of the infinite library, Seija began indiscriminately flipping the field, causing even more disorientation, but not enough for me to miss my mark.

Gently, I tapped Seija on the small of her back, our 'go signal', since now, it was all or nothing.

Again, we hopped into non-existence, and again, and again, and again. Each time re-appearing not a second later in the chaotic battlefield to get closer to our target, because even despite all the hazardous conditions, the Flans were making a stand and would probably conquer our little field in just a few seconds. But between the volley of cursed pages, irregular lasers, the flipping of the field, and our hope through nowhere we had found our path and, finally, I pat the vampires white poofy hat from behind.

"That's game Flan-Chan." I Said happily as the chaos of the field subsided into a strange calm.

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