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>> No.42167973 [View]
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Lately I have been bothered by the fact I feel like generally most people like me, but they don't like LIKE me. Just to get things out of the way, I am physically fit, am stylish and practice great hygiene, and I don't have crippling anxiety to the extent of attracting scorn or disrespect. It's just that I tend to be the guy most people have a positive or neutral positive opinion of initially but not someone any ones to really hang or routinely out of their way to converse. Feels like people I work with will initiate a greeting every once in a while to I guess remind me they are fine with my company but that's about as far as they are willing to go.

I am usually the guy who broken people naturally gravitate to and people just pour me their biggest fears and struggles with little input from myself. When im with complete normalfags, I'll be the guy they share stories and experiences with initially but I rarely am able to add much substance to their diatribes aside from wisdom and empathy I have gathered through my own trials, tribulations, and anguish. They appreciate my easygoing nature but I guess they realize I'm not much more than a confessional booth or they feel I'm 2-dimensional and go on to speak to those around me, with feeling.

Basically im the guy who people have 4-hour conversations with but I am really just nodding my head, listening attentively, not sayiny all too much in comparison. I am not someone who is desperate for validation, but being not too far from 30 I am greatly concerned there's something fundamental I am lacking in connecting to others. I'm 100 percent sure I'm not an autist, since I have zero issues reading people or empathizing with anyone, and at my best days, I can come across as very charismatic for a period. Maybe this is all just because most of my social adjusting of the last couple of years has come from the workplace and people aren't there to be friends. Autists feeling like they are in the uncanny valley to NT's is deeply relatable to me. Supervisors, managers, and just leaders in general have no issue connecting with me, and they even enjoy when I toss breadcrumbs of my dork powerlevel into our conversations but everyone else...it's like I'm this amiable ghost.

>> No.22787542 [View]
File: 183 KB, 1182x1748, EN-WmxVUwAAiJSX.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have gone with DPH instead.

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