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>> No.46819181 [View]
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The Yama doesn't take time off of work even for you, but she will prepare a highly regimented schedule for you to make sure your time is spent productively even when she is not around. Here to oversee your adherence to that schedule is one of her loyal aides (male, she's not silly enough to leave you alone with another woman all day) who will follow you around and make sure you go from place to place safely and more importantly, on time. There is not a time of day when you are completely alone and unobserved. The Yama's aide is always watching and the only time he is not is when the Yama returns home from work, at which point it will be her that is eagerly watching you and waiting to hear your every word about how your day was. To you, your days are boring at best and stressful at worst, not even worth sharing, but she always insists upon hearing every detail of it. You get the impression that she just likes hearing that you were in fact busy all day and did not have any time to do anything that was not scheduled by her.

The Yama has you studying the notoriously complex laws of the afterlife, with the intent of having you one day join her at her side as her top aide full time so that you no longer have to be apart at all. Of course being who she is, she is not willing to make an exception even for you and insists that you meet the qualifications for the position and earn it legitimately. You may be eternal in the afterlife but she would still prefer that this happen sooner rather than later so she is having you studying as hard as you can. Perhaps not so bad if you had a background in law in life but it may seem like a daunting if not outright impossible task if you never had a mind for it before.

More often than not, the Yama feels as though she is nothing more than a slave driver but she still shows the odd display of affection. Relatively small things like taking your hand in hers when you seem particularly stressed or leaning against you during a quiet moment of peace. You know why she is doing all of this and what she wants from you but she seems to be holding herself back from taking it. Even in moments when she comes close, when her lips come dangerously close to touching yours, she always pulls back, always saying something about how "we" aren't ready yet.

Maybe she just wants to know that she wasn't wrong about you and that you can live up to the expectations she placed upon you. It could be that only once you have proven her right that she will feel comfortable with taking the next step and truly making you hers. Until that day comes, she will be watching in one way or another, constantly making sure that your potential is not being squandered.

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