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>> No.38088963 [SPOILER]  [View]
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>let me tell ye lads the tale o' me an' the great white squid!
>e'erone's heard the tales o' course, o' the giant squids, an' octopi, an' all manner o' sea critters that be takin' ships whole down ta the dark, watery depths, but ye youngins pro'ly ne're heard o' one as white as snow before!
>'cept maybe that ol' whale that got harpooned by some Dick, or the numerous ones o' sharks swallowing men whole
>but this one was a squid! Wit tentacles longer than a ships main mast, an' wide as trees!
>when I first seen it, I felt me face go pale, paler than the very trunks in front o' me!
>By the gods, them suckers were as big as me face, an' likely ta rip it clean off me head should I 'ave got too close!
>me ship, fine vessel she was, was rollin' the seven sees, hawlin' all forms o' cargo an' passengers from one continent ta another
>when one fine night, when the sea was calm, an' barely a breeze coul' be felt, she struck!
>the watchman gave a cry, thinkin' at first we was beset by sea ghosts
>but thems were no ghosts!
>them white tentacles come up from the deep on both me port an' starboard, slowly, so slow the men on deck knew not what ta do
>twas as if we coulda just sailed right out from 'em had there been any damned wind in our sails!
>but no, me ship sat still, still as leaf on a pond, 'til 'em blasted tentacles reached their zenith
>an' then came crashin' down
>down onta me ship
>down onta me whole living!
>like two hands claspin' ta-gether o'er her, an' pullin' her down inta the black abyss
>I lost me sight fer a minute or two
>don't know if were the darkness o' the water, or me passin' out
>but when I came to I saw me first mate be claimed by a shark
>taken off before I could even hope ta swim ta him
>saw a couple other men be snatch up too
>some by more sharks, some by sea nymphs, some by mermaids, if'n ya can believe it! Them bloody sea wenches!
>finally I was the only man left, sinkin' e'er deeper inta the depths, me ship in splinters around me
>then them tentacles come back!
>rising up from whate'er black hell waits at the bottom o' the oceans
>I didn't care no more, I gave up, me ship was gone, me men drowned or worse
>I welcomed death
>but the strangest thing happened then
>them tentacles wrapped 'emselves around me, but they was all gentle like
>I was bein' embraced more like a lover than I was bein' strangled
>down, down they pulled me, and as I got closer I began ta make out the outline o' the beast that'd snatched me
>an' she was beautiful
>pale skin ta match the tentacles that'd seemed ta replace her legs
>long, flowin', pale purplish hair
>breasts that'd make any shore wench envious
>an' them hips, me lads, them hips'd be the widest part o' that beauty's body
>when I was close enough, she replaced her tentacles wit her very human arms, and took me in fer a long an' passionate kiss
>suddenly I coul' breath again, an' I knew then that I wasn't'n any danger anymore
>an' that's how I met me wife! We be expectin' a youngin o' our own some day soon! I know she'll grow up ta be as charmin' as her mudder!
>Aye, Poseidon be workin' in mysterious ways

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