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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.18685256 [View]
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Last night I had this weird dream, I had a birthday party and a bunch of anime characters including Miku were there. but Miku led a bunch of people to this dark room, chained them up, and put parasites in their head through their nose and hooked them up to machines that covered their face. The machine was to keep the parasite alive in the head I guess, and the parasite would absorb info from the brain. Then the machine would play back weird fake robotic talking from the host like "I'm Hatsune Miku and I love to sing", laughing, while the real person was lying motionless next to it. Miku said "aren't they all so happy?" then did it to herself.

After that, all the remaining guests and I started trying to free everyone. It was so difficult and disgusting that it would take a full day just to free one person. You'd have to dismantle the machine and then when you took it off, the parasite would slither out their nostrils and you had to grab it tight and it'd shake and writhe violently. The texture was really disgusting too. You killed it by just smashing it against the walls and trying to cut it with things until it would finally stop moving. Also when it escaped your grasp it'd keep getting all over the place and you couldn't trap it since it could somehow flatten iself and escape from everything. Each day they'd be bigger, first they were worms, then snake-sized, and when I took Miku's she had a small octopus lol. Eventually I was getting really worried for the people who hadn't been freed yet when I woke up.

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