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>> No.6267555 [View]
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>when the chance came, he refused the miracle
Now that you mention it, I remember Last Episode opening with Shirou dying peacefully... Fair enough. I'm not going to pretend I understood all of Last Episode - just enough to make me happy with it.
Still, I can't shake the impression that Archer was involved somehow. Why else would Archer's version of UBW show up for a full scene of introspection?

>> No.3932053 [View]
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See image.

>> No.3668814 [View]
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I get the impression that both Shirou and Saber had to wait until humanity's existence ended before they reached Avalon. Saber would be obligated to become a Heroic Spirit as soon as she truly died, and Shirou is trapped as a Counter Guardian as long as the collective conscious of humanity exists. To avoid the Throne of Heroic Spirits, Saber waits in her dream until Shirou is no longer needed to protect humanity.

>> No.2865066 [View]
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Because Kiritsugu is badass

>> No.2587546 [View]
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What about this version (from Realta Nua's extra CGs)

>> No.2499030 [View]
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Reality Marble > Mystic Eyes

>> No.2193446 [View]
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>> No.2180643 [View]
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Shirou from Fate

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