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>> No.12423814 [View]
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>Holy Heraticadon time in Monstergirl City
>Son won't stop dropping hints about the Red Crusader Paladin Sword he wants with a compass in the pommel
>Just looking forward to the wife's glorious turkey.
>Get him the sword, because hey, you had one when you were a kid and you never stabbed yourself
>Wait to see him open all his presents on the big day, see the disappointment when the long package is a decoy like a baseball bat.
>The vampire your brother married sends him a weird gift as she always does, this time it's a tight full leather outfit with "Cru/ss/ader" written on the back
>Your wife thinks it's religious and cute, and you don't have the heart to tell her what it means
>It's all worth it to see his eyes light up when you tell him you think you saw something hiding behind the family armor.
>It warms your heart to the core to watch him draw the practice blade and bubble with excitement, slashing at imaginary devils and demons
>Suddenly there's a crash in the kitchen and you remember you left the door unlocked
>The whole litter of the neighbor's Kobold puppies is tearing apart your glorious turkey feast
>They scatter out the back door almost too fast to catch, but you snag one by her fluffy ear and drag her back in
>As she woofs and whines her apology, you think about what a true Paladin should do on this holy day.
>Your son doesn't have a lot of friends. Being from your kind of family culture isn't very popular in the city
>So you tell her that she has to go play with your son and make friends
>Then you ring up some Chinese for delivery because damn if you're going to miss having some kind of dinner today
>They hit it off and play all afternoon
>After that they become inseparable, spending days out in the woods hiking and sparring in armor
>On later reflection, you should probably have picked your son's defacto wife a little more carefully
>But twenty years later, scratching behind the ears of your dozen grandkids, you can't really complain

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