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>> No.18677236 [View]
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I've held on to Win98 for years, and always loved it. I've added
everything possible such as Kernal-Ex, to keep it going, and struggled
to cope with incompatible software that requires newer versions of
Windows, particularly browsers.

The time has come to retire Win98, and allow Microsoft to win their
efforts to obsolete the older versions of Windows. But Microsoft really
is NOT going to win. In fact in my case, THEY LOSE. From the moment I
first put my hands on XP, I hated their so called NT based OSs. I
tried, really tried to adapt to XP, and always hated it no matter how
hard I forced myself to use it. By that time they had created their
worst failure, Vista, and were on their way to more bloated OSs, which I
would not touch if they gave me a free computer. Just seeing a Windows
8 computer on the shelves at a store makes me nauseous. All I see on
those screens are ugly boxes with links to commercial companies I would
not even go near, such as Netflix. They cant even offer decent looking
icons anymore.

Years ago, I knew thart the time would come when I could no longer use
Win98. It appears this time has come. Mainly due to the fact that there
is no longer a browser that is made for W98 that is compatible with most
present websites. I coped with occasional websites which would not
properly load in past years, but it now seems that 4 out of 5 sites are
no longer loading properly, using Firefox 3.6.x, and worse using other
browsers that work on W98. Of course I place blame on Mozilla for not
making their newer versions of Firefox compatible with W98.

The PC computer was originally supposed to be *THE* hardware for any OS,
but Microsoft took over and made the PC the Microsoft Computer. Their
only competitor is Linux, and there is really no competition involved,
since Linux has no actual support, and there are so many different
variations of Linux that only a computer geek can begin to use it, and
even then, it wont run popular software intended for Windows witout
adding yet more software.

The bottom line is this. Either kiss Microsoft's ass, or toss your PC
in the nearest garbage can. Well, I have given this considerable
thought, and decided that I will never give Microsoft another cent.
Particularly when I hate every OS they have made since Win98. I can
still continue to use WIN98 for my personal uses, but in order to go on
the internet, I have decided to spend some money and buy a Macintosh
computer. I never thought that I'd make that switch, and being elderly,
I really hate having to relearn to use a completely different computer
system, yet, there really is no other option.

I say this with much sadness, because I really liked Win98, and still
do. It's the only decent OS made by Microsoft, and they did their best
to destroy it. I guess 2014 will be the year when all of my past 25+
years of PC computer learning and use goes down the shitter, and I
switch to Macintosh. In some ways, I wish I had begun my computer
learning with the Mac, because I would not have to start all over now.
But that's life, particularly when Misrosoft greed is involved, and they
create one of the wealthiest monopolies on earth, while creating
absolute shit.

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