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>> No.22713995 [View]
File: 1.46 MB, 855x1435, the_necklace_needs_to_go_tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I appreciate bringing back Arc's old outfit and keeping her hair vents. It's good that the dude who made this realizes what a downgrade those redesign choices were. Also nice that they brought back at least a semblance of what Ciel's hair used to be - or, more accurately, how different her hair used to be from the other girls - what with her hair being open in the middle.

But it's still done in that ugly, hyper-sharp modern Takeuchi style which I just can't stand. Shiki in particular really bothers me because Takeuchi is even more homogeneous with his male characters than he is with his female characters. It's one of the reasons that I vastly prefer reading the HF manga over watching ufotable's HF adaption, because the latter also tries to match Takeuchi's ugly modern style as much as possible. I know I'm being a pedantic asshole here, but I do really appreciate the fan effort overall. It's cool to see someone giving a shit about Tsukihime and making content for it, of course. And the regressions and nods back to the original designs shows that the artist has some good taste at least -- I hope Takeuchi and Nasu see it and, combined with that extremely popular April Fools video, which also utilized some of the original designs, realize what a fucking travesty those redesigns were in the first place; there's a reason hardly anyone draws fanart of them even after 7 1/2 years and it's because most people think they're shit. Even when the remake designs DO get drawn they're typically bringing in aspects of the older designs, especially pertaining to Arcueid's hair.

But, yeah. Sorry for the negativity. I still do really like the video as I said.

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