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Search: rikaisama audio

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>> No.21212263 [View]

yomichan: press alt+e, first entry will get mined
nazeka: press m, click on desired entry
edit your cards to include images/audio if you want later
its that simple thats all you need to do
"but i use rikaisama" stop using abandonware i mean yomichan's gonna be abandonware soon too at this point but still rikaisama is inexcusably old

>> No.21156046 [View]

>starting from "Did Genki 1 a year ago and forgot everything" level.
Just start reading, honestly. You'll start remembering stuff as you read, and you can look up most grammar in J-E dictionaries anyway, so there's no point in re-reading some shitty grammar guide.

A good place to start would be a VN with one of the lower numbers under the "freqlist 95% Target" column from this page:
See also: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/guide.html#_Visual%20Novels
https://pastebin.com/raw/DgZ84qwk *
* This pastebin is quite outdated. Replace mentions of "Rikaisama" (abandonware; no longer works) with Nazeka or Yomichan. If you use Nazeka, you don't need any of the HTML files or the Clipboard Inserter add-on since Nazeka has its own built in reader which performs their functions. You might also consider using Textractor over ITHVNR, especially if you're on Linux and having to run it+VNs through Wine:

You'll probably want to take advantage of Anki as well if you're low on time so you can grow your vocabulary as fast as possible. Do vocab or reading cards; steer clear of sentence cards (take ages to make and review, so a terrible fit for someone who doesn't have much time per day to spend on Japanese).

Try to also take advantage of "dead time", e.g. time spent exercising or commuting to work, to get as much time with the language as possible. If you're in a car during your commute, that might mean putting a bunch of Japanese audio content (not music; you want stuff with actual speech like podcasts, drama CDs, etc.) on your phone and plugging it into your car's stereo so you can listen while you drive. If you're on the bus you could use your phone/MP3 player with headphones, or alternatively get a kindle or something and read Japanese content on it.

>> No.20141657 [View]

- best control over which word + reading you want to mine
- easy to set up and use
- supports audio
- worst card formatting
- all info about word lost with rikai-like template

- most faithful to rikaisama
- easy to set up and use
- supports audio
- supports pitch accent (for some words)
- card formatting not as good a nazeka
- can only mine first word or reading in pop-up

- best card formatting (numbered definitions; doesn't just group all tags applying to a word at the beginning of the definition and instead applies specific tags only to their relevant sub-definitions)
- can choose which word from the pop-up you want to mine via the mining ui
- if a word has multiple readings for a particular spelling, nazeka will mine them all instead of just the one that you want
- least intuitive to use
- no control over which fields get filled
- no audio support

>> No.19261211 [View]

Hey guys I just switched to Yomichan from Rikaisama and I'm having a few issues. I've read through the DJT guide, the yomichan guide and the anki guide, but I can't see to get any answers.
My audio won't import, have the fields lined up and everything, nothing is playing when I hit the green import button from yomichan. I don't even know where the files would go, I looked in the anki collection folder.
Also, when I try to import a sample sentence it's putting the furigana before the kanji, doubling up all the writing for some reason.

Sorry for the TLDR, thanks for any help you can provide.

>> No.18863116 [View]

>whats better than english stuff is to have a visual and audio component that accompanies text
Good thing Rikaisama can save its audio to where I want it then. Don't know about pictures but I intend to have my vocabulary deck "talk" to me.

>> No.18770927 [View]

Getting back into the groove of things in light of localization bullshit. I made a vocabulary deck that uses audio clips saved from Rikaisama. Want to make a new one (old one is sloppy and was more or less abandoned for over a year). As for kanji, I'll likely go back to writing those.

>> No.18770885 [View]

>Rikaisama is abandonware and no longer works in Firefox since version 57.
Son of a bitch. I take it Rikaichamp sucks too much to be in the guide? I just need something that has audio clips and can save them via hotkey.

>> No.18739627 [View]

You could just look through your deck for all the mined words in that time period, right? So I don't have to expressly make a separate list. I mine sentences too, so whatever the solution would be I hope it wouldn't entail having to make new cards and copy+paste individually. If all it took last time was some guy sending an email to tech support, maybe I'll send an email eventually. I don't know if you need to be signed up to get contact though. I used to have an account on there but that was early last year.
I've been messing around with yomi, and I did try the alternate jpod sound pool the other day. Every word I wanted to mine didn't have audio through that source, so I just switched back to rikaisama for now. Seems like a lot less sound files through that source, and it was as if I already knew/mined all the words that had audio.
I'm not sure if godan verbs receiving れる for potential is necessarily 100% "wrong".. at least not formally/officially. Though clearly in current times 可能動詞 forms are expected for godan verbs when you want to express potential, and if they don't mark those forms as potential in yomi then that's definitely a fuckup. If anybody goes knee deep into grammar texts and chiebukuro arguments I'd be curious to what educated natives are saying.

>> No.18718506 [View]

it seems the audio database for rikaisama is down for the time being. either I'm going to have to stop mining words until it's back up, or find another source for audio.

>> No.18306425 [View]

I don't think so -- I hear it too.
Do you have yomichan, rikaisama, or one of the other plugins installed that uses audio from JapanesePod101? I'm using yomichan and double checked it on wwwjdic and it really does sound like ついずき.
Check it out on wwwdic if you don't have the plugins.

>> No.18155541 [View]

If you're not already using them, audio samples may help you remember readings. Not sure about the new rikai-whatever, but the rikaisama auto-import had audio, and you can download them from forvo. Other than that, try watching/listening to more Japanese.

>> No.17972935 [View]

I mined manually, copying and pasting words into Anki. When I wanted to mimic the Core decks by means of audio clips, I found out Rikaisama can save those with the push of a key. Rikaichamp can't do that (yet)?

>> No.17972920 [View]

I want to (re)make decks with audio. Last I checked, with Rikaisama all it took was a highlight and the F key for a soundbyte. Can Rikaichamp do the same?

>> No.17920171 [View]
File: 334 KB, 880x720, 1504341032722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to use Yomichan's Anki integration is to have it fill in the expression, furigana, audio, etc. fields automatically for you, then to manually fill in the meaning field yourself (preferably from the Kenkyusha dictionary since it's definitions are usually better than JMdict/EDICT's).

Having either Yomichan or Rikaisama fill in the meaning field automatically is a terrible idea. Ignoring the fact that Yomichan's formatting of it is horrible, both add-ons populate the field with way too many meanings to be remembered, and add senses of the words which you never actually encountered and which might be really obscure or archaic (or which are just logical extensions of the core meaning which are pointless to have on your cards).

prove me wrong

>> No.17884685 [View]

Is there a way to change the way Yomichan names audio files? I'd rather keep the same nomenclature as rikaisama (reading - expression.mp3)

>> No.17824314 [View]

Just want to make sure what I did isn't completely retarded. I have everything set up for the rikaisama import but I switched the card order around so it shows me the hiragana and I have to guess the word. I'm doing this because I find I lean to heavily on kanji mnemonics (which doesn't help when kanji isn't used or in audio content)

>> No.17774510 [View]

Is there any way to get the cards put into Anki by Rikaisama to play audio?

>> No.17772714 [View]
File: 782 KB, 801x601, 1430910480339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded the JDIC audio files, and ideally, I want to set up anki to where any new card automatically plays the audio file to that word.
Normally, just mining from Rikaisama would be fine, but I like to read from my tablet and use EPWING2Anki to create new cards.

So, is there anyway to format my cards to automatically search my collection.media file for a sound file that matches that word?

>> No.17670320 [View]

>What should I be using then? Rikaisama is broken on regular Firefox.
latest versions of yomichan are not shit, and let you actually do 'the thing' rikai did
that is, just put the god damm definition on the card it makes without useless crap, and add the audio
you might lose out on a few edge features, saving audio only or word frequency but the core usage is fine

>> No.17668763 [View]
File: 57 KB, 922x922, Screenshot_2017-09-22_17-29-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an improved version of that "[VectorMaps] Regions and prefectures of Japan" deck on AnkiWeb, if anyone is interested.

Original deck: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/2080271721
My version: https://my.mixtape.moe/ffmdvc.apkg

- Re-ordered. Instead of being shown prefectures in alphabetical order, you are shown them in geographical order. You will never be prompted to learn a prefecture if you haven't already learned one next to it. The deck starts with 北海道, then 東北地方, then all the prefectures in 東北地方 starting with 青森県 and ending with 福島県. Rinse and repeat for every other region. This was the main motivation for me to edit this deck since I found it really difficult to learn anything in the original order.

- Audio. Every card now has audio, although for the regions (**地方) sometimes I was only able to find audio of the region name itself instead of **地方 so the card for 東北地方 for instance only has 東北 as its audio. For 山梨県, Rikaisama had no audio for it at all, nor for 山梨 on its own, so I had trawl YouTube looking for a video of someone saying it, which I fortunately managed to find ( https://youtu.be/21ZUtbsoX28 ).

- Improved tags. Every prefecture is tagged according to its region. Also removed the "region" tag for 沖縄県 since as far as I can tell 沖縄 is just part of the 九州 region and not a region in itself (I also edited the 九州地方 map image to reflect this).

- Edited the 関西地方 card to also have 近畿地方 on it, since the region is known by both names (and I think 近畿 is supposed to be the more official one).

- Edited the styling of the cards a bit because it was kind of fucked up on my PC. If my new styling is fucked up for you, feel free to download the original deck and copy the styling from that (make sure you don't delete the audio bit from my setup though).

- Added furigana instead of having kanji and kana side by side as in the original deck. (requires "Japanese Support" add-on from AnkiWeb to display - https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/3918629684 )

- Changed font to TakaoPGothic - https://launchpad.net/takao-fonts

- Added 54 (I think) new cards with the prefecture/region names in kanji on the front and in kana on the back to test your ability to actually read the names of the prefectures and regions rather than just identify them on a map/identify their flags as in the original deck.

I think that's all the changes. Let me know if you notice any errors or problems and I'll fix them if I can. Once this thread is dead though, I won't be doing any further maintenance or whatever on this deck so any future errors discovered will have to be corrected by whoever finds them.

If someone wants to add this to AnkiWeb or the CoR or whatever, then be my guest (if you upload it to AnkiWeb though, please include the above explanation of the changes, or an explanation in your own words if you prefer, so that people know what is different).

>> No.17666298 [View]

>yomichan can already do that, and the audio goes into collection.media folder with all the rest like rikai did
That's only for when you're making a flashcard of the word, which I don't want to do. I just want to download the audio alone like I could with Rikaisama.

>> No.17666211 [View]
File: 226 KB, 396x384, 1493815955455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to download the vocab audio from Yomichan?

I remember in Rikaisama's settings there was an option to save audio to a specified folder on playback, but I can't find an option to do this with Yomichan.

>> No.17630650 [View]

I practiced listening by making an audio anki deck with just voices on the front side using rikaisama to save the audio. And then I combined it with watching all my anime without subs. It's working well for me so far.

>> No.17623046 [View]

Yeah, I use it. I like it but it isn't without problems. It makes reading on your phone really easy which is it's main advantage to me. I'll get some Japanese news on my phone, import it in Lingq, and it gives me easy word meanings, tracking, and audio. There's not really a rikaisama/anki import alternative for mobile.

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