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Search: neurons

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>> No.46967595 [View]
File: 371 KB, 1280x905, 2c09d3fe9162283b000c8b2b37d95b51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you want to get REALLY out there, you could even suggest that they had complete thinking brains before the first chemical life ever emerged. I haven't fully considered the likelihood of this, but if it were true, it would explain one of the biggest plot holes in CNS theory: how life came about in the first place.
It's hard to imagine how the first primitive lifeforms could have started making black holes (and therefore been a useful adaptation) before making the massive jump to consciousness and technology. Even basic chemistry doesn't seem all that useful until humans are factored in. This kind of massive jump is extremely unlikely; evolution progresses slowly, each step providing a slight improvement.
But it's easy to imagine quantum intelligences evolving this way. All the way up from single particles that link two quantum events together, any slight improvement in their sensing, processing, or influencing ability would lead to leaps and bounds in the efficiency of black hole formation. Reasoning would have an even easier time emerging in such an environment than it did for animals on Earth, and once it did emerge, further improvements in intelligence would have MASSIVE impacts on universe reproduction.
A human brain with only 100 billion neurons and a mere 200,000 years of culture beind it can easily imagine creating life as a way to aid black hole production. We have no idea about the number of "neurons" in a quantum "brain," and their culture in just this one universe is at least 8 billion years old. Who knows what they might have planned for us?
Really puts creation myths in a new light.
And again, why should we be similar to them mentally? Because they're the most intelligent beings possible, and we're literally made in their image.

>> No.46967033 [View]
File: 3.92 MB, 1280x720, jav junkie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jav liquified my neurons

>> No.46896393 [View]

This is activating both my neurons and my fight-or-flight instincts.

She’ll look like this >>46890146 when you don’t trust her.
But then she’ll look like this >>46893873 when you do.

>> No.46839986 [View]

you're activating my neurons

>> No.46794781 [View]

>tell myself I'm gonna rest and recover and NOT fuck the doll for a day
>get done work
>go cuddle with her
>end up fucking her reverse cowgirl into doggy into prone bone until I'm completely exhausted
dolls are wonderful
also decided to order a better douche kit cause it's much easier to bring a bucket to her then to bring her to the shower
oh and catdoll TPE smells wonderful btw
need a large heating blanket, her being cold is a tad off-putting

>> No.46786284 [View]

firing of neurons and reconstruction of synapses

>> No.46750667 [View]
File: 218 KB, 272x340, 160914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy more clothes for my torso.
Anything you anons recommend from amazon/aliexpress? Not necessairly cosplay, just cool stuff to get neurons firing.
Was thinking about maid dress from nekopara but it's like $100 with a wig, plus I have a feeling it would be disapointing since there would be so much skin covered up with no easy access

>> No.46646415 [View]


In the middle of the night, I woke up from a dream.
It was something called "brain porn,"
but it wasn't real porn; it was a pilgrimage through the brain, a journey showing all its functions.

I reached a cluster of neurons,
and the leader among them was kind.
He showed me that he could turn lights on and off,
and he talked about the amygdala.
To go down there, he said I should take the spiral path,
but I boldly jumped straight down instead.
The moment I hit the floor, I woke up.
And now, I'm here, risen from a small death.

Death is nothing to fear.
We are pure electricity.
The moment before birth was eternity.
If you can be born once, you can be born again.
We are electricity, here with me,
interacting with itself.

I am Thou
Thou Art I

>> No.46595975 [View]

this scene really activated my neurons

>> No.46483713 [View]
File: 2.28 MB, 1720x953, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 fuel per roll
>no more fuel to gamble
amazing neurons at work

>> No.46302287 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 98 KB, 986x518, rats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 ways to deal with Rikafag
1) join the discord
They're combating the braindamaged Rikafag because they(respecting their gender) hate either the braindamaged Rikafag or this place just to spite on everything around them or don't have any braincells like me or less then mine's
2) become a hacker
You can break through 4chans firewall and get my ip and leak it etc etc
3) become a mod
there's one already doing its work but alas you can as well i think mods have to sign an agreement where they cant leak someones information like their ip but it's not entirely true and become poor
4) turn off your pc
5) kill yourself
one the easiest because it also can happen accidently, proved by others
6) become a rogue shitposter and make fun of rikafag
one the annoying option since you're ruining other's entertainment as well which lore discussion
7) get a life
it's hard to do but also easy depends on the individual
8) become just like me
which is the hardest because i am beyond even braindamaged i am solid i have no idea why but rika choose me everything ends with me without anyone knowing
9)ignore the posts
cant be done if all you think it's me being the source of the problem when anons fueling the braindamaged but you can try it's not even that hard
10)stop the Rika hate
it's been nearly 101 years and you still criticize her for the wrong reasons or ranking her as the worst character in media for contrarian reason. The shitsugou fan crew even made braindead headcanons like Rika was the main culprit along with oiishi (if he was serious or not or samefags from the main shitposter who enjoy innocent Rikafag tears), the St. Lucia rebuttal cancer, the cancer shipping shit war, the deranged Rika loathful hate, even worst hate than ones being thrown at shitoko; at that time when shitsugou was aired to its finished product, shitokofags were lying and acted deranged and the hateful retard suddenly appeared and said Rika was the shittiest part of higurashi vn even worst than the plot armor shitoko. how can you say it without outing yourself as a Rikahater or shitokofag? with zero fucking shitoko figurines. tsk tsk watch and read closely, it was SHITOKO'S FAULT. It's easy to open your heart and realize Rika's pain and her weakness struggle and have humanity which was part of the fucking CONCLUSION HOW CAN YOU READ IT AND MISS IT YOU HATE HER SO MUCH YOU MISSED IT BECAUSE OF THE SHITOKO SHITSUGOU DRAMA SHIT YOU SECONDARY YOU TERTIARY YOU QUATERNARY YOU YOU DIDN'T HIGURASHI AT ALL YOU LIAR. YOU DIDN'T FINISH EVEN HIGURASHI DEEN. ILLITERACY IS THE REASON YOU DIDN'T READ HIGURASHI AND NOW YOU'RE SHITTING AND PISSING ALL OVER THIS PLACE FOREVER YOU'RE A CURSE A CURSED SOUL. or was it the one samefag crew??? things like this are possible. and you have the audacity to call yourself righteous? whether you're a samefag or loathed Rika that fucking far or not? a crew of hivemind psychopaths or just unrelated to each other faggots? doesn't matter. may god have an infinite death and neurons of pain upon you. resurrection and immediate death follow up
11) stop having mental illness
treat yourself with some meds
posses me and then kill yourself

which one would you like to try?

>> No.46302027 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 98 KB, 986x518, REATSHUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two more i forgot to add:
1) join the discord
They're combating the braindamaged Rikafag because they(respecting their gender) hate either the braindamaged Rikafag or this place just to spite on everything around them or don't have any braincells like me or less then mine's
2) become a hacker
You can break through 4chans firewall and get my ip and leak it etc etc
3) become a mod
there's one already doing its work but alas you can as well i think mods have to sign an agreement where they cant leak someones information like their ip but it's not entirely true and become poor
4) turn off your pc
5) kill yourself
one the easiest because it also can happen accidently, proved by others
6) become a rogue shitposter and make fun of rikafag
one the annoying option since you're ruining other's entertainment as well which lore discussion
7) get a life
it's hard to do but also easy depends on the individual
8) become just like me
which is the hardest because i am beyond even braindamaged i am solid i have no idea why but rika choose me everything ends with me without anyone knowing
9)ignore the posts
cant be done if all you think it's me being the source of the problem when anons fueling the braindamaged but you can try it's not even that hard
10)stop the Rika hate
it's been nearly 101 years and you still criticize her for the wrong reasons or ranking her as the worst character in media for contrarian reason. The shitsugou fan crew even made braindead headcanons like Rika was the main culprit along with oiishi (if he was serious or not or samefags from the main shitposter who enjoy innocent Rikafag tears), the St. Lucia rebuttal cancer, the cancer shipping shit war, the deranged Rika loathful hate, even worst hate than ones being thrown at shitoko; at that time when shitsugou was aired to its finished product, shitokofags were lying and acted deranged and the hateful retard suddenly appeared and said Rika was the shittiest part of higurashi vn even worst than the plot armor shitoko. how can you say it without outing yourself as a Rikahater or shitokofag? with zero fucking shitoko figurines. tsk tsk watch and read closely, it was SHITOKO'S FAULT. It's easy to open your heart and realize Rika's pain and her weakness struggle and have humanity which was part of the fucking CONCLUSION HOW CAN YOU READ IT AND MISS IT YOU HATE HER SO MUCH YOU MISSED BECAUSE OF IT SHITOKO SHITSUGOU DRAMA SHIT YOU SECONDARY YOU TERTIARY YOU QUATERNARY YOU YOU DIDN'T HIGURASHI AT ALL YOU LIAR. YOU DIDN'T FINISH EVEN HIGURASHI DEEN. ILLITERACY IS THE REASON YOU DIDN'T READ HIGURASHI AND NOW YOU'RE SHITTING AND PISSING ALL OVER THIS PLACE FOREVER YOU'RE CURSE A CURSE SOUL. or was it the one samefag crew??? things like this are possible. and you have the audacity to call yourself righteous? whether you're a samefag or loathed Rika that fucking far or not? a crew of hivemind psychopaths or just unrelated to each other faggots? doesn't matter. may god have an infinite death and neurons of pain upon you. resurrection and immediate death follow up

>> No.46220944 [View]
File: 114 KB, 940x940, 1703208931096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natives probably have 4-5x more neurons encoding kanji than even the strongest foreigner.

>> No.46184951 [View]

neurons fire up when they recognize epic reference and gintama strikes a fine balance where the references are numerous and varied but also entry level enough to be accessible to a wide audience

>> No.46156877 [DELETED]  [View]

It's interesting how some of the raiders' deleted posts from yesterday were complaining about loli, how the /d/ and /trash/ types always start deflecting in that same way, and how the original derail into the garbage fetish posting was done in response to a post about lolis.

The pattern really fires the neurons.

>> No.45980738 [View]

this really stimulates my neurons

>> No.45931375 [View]

ntr isn't about the guy, it's about the woman.
you're watching a woman acting immorally and that fires off neurons in your monkey brain

>> No.45926014 [View]

clicking buttons activates the neurons

>> No.45919901 [View]

I see pekobutt and my neurons go to work

>> No.45818949 [View]

the brain is a concept network, neurons that fire together wire together. It doesn't care what you're doing whether that's reading lolita for the 6th time or jerking off to a new loli doujin

>> No.45779754 [View]

it's called Noob1 for a reason
yeah but the time spent firing neurons is a function of your total time, not time per card. and you're supposed to still spend the saved time on japanese

>> No.45777746 [View]

People optimizing for s/card fail to realize the brain is a concept network. Extra time spent firing the neurons associated with a memory can build stronger connections

>> No.45705495 [View]
File: 129 KB, 800x450, sora00507jp-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy moly this bratty plump tiddy monster activates my neurons.

>> No.45686031 [View]
File: 116 KB, 800x534, mimk00143jp-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her recessed chin gives her a softer weaker demeanor that activates my bullying genes, but her cute nose and eyes and her plump soft warm perfect body activates my "i want to make babies with her" neurons.
surprisingly, she can pull of being a smug bitchy bitch very well.
Save some jaw for the rest of us.

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