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>> No.47032985 [View]
File: 681 KB, 900x800, 5850004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The moment she's forced in a situation outside her comfort zone she comes across as a dumb weirdo
Wouldn't that just give her too much overlap with Youmu? An area where I guess she may come off as weak could be her understanding of modern science where, unlike Sanae, she appears to be from a more archaic background, (well really so does everyone else
who isn't Sanea) despite both being outsiders to Gensokyo. One theory I have is SDM most certainly came from a different time line (1700-1800s) and Gensokyo can also take in places from any time period. Things that just disappeared from reality or time forgot, that the "outside world"
no longer had any need for. Like BAiJR stating "The existence of the whole mansion in Gensokyo may show that the vampire and maid are the illusionary beings that do not exist in the outer world anymore."

Something else none of the fanon ever brings up is that apparently Sakuya is really good at climbing mountains and has no qualms sleeping/surviving the outdoors, as referenced in SWR and UM. Perhaps that might give a little more insight as the kind of region Sakuya may have
originally derived from?

>> No.47020871 [View]

imaging living in the woods of gensokyo but your landlord is takane who gradually increases the price of your house payment every month and warns of the "consequences" you dont pay it on time all the while she's flirting. eventually you're unable to pay it on time due to its price being boosted too much so she offers you a deal you couldn't refuse.
You get:
A home in the mountains with a great view
No more house payments
warm meals everyday
shooting lessons
a business savvy and loving wife
She gets:
(you)r hand in marriage

>> No.47005927 [View]

We all know that it's Kanako. Her mountains of faith are unsurpassed by any youkai.

>> No.47004146 [View]

Im gonna assume you're in the capital? My parents are from san jose guayabal so thats where i spent most of my time. They have a nice house up in the mountains, like 20 minutes from the town. And thats exactly what you're describing. Even during the civil war and heavy gang activity, the small town remained clear of all that trouble.

>> No.47002897 [View]
File: 2.07 MB, 966x720, shameimaru_aya_inubashiri_momiji_and_himekaidou_hatate_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_ayano_ayn398__fcaf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WASSUP GENSOKYO, IT'S YA GIRL, AYA SHAMEIMARU! And today we'll be answering the question: who has the biggest Youkai Mountains on Youkai Mountain, if you catch my drift~remember to like and subscribe and just let's get into it!

>> No.46991860 [View]

>go to bank at night
>put on ski mask
>put on vinyl gloves
>rob bank
>call dolly helpline on a landline phone in bank
>"please dial 2 and a doll with a gun will be dispatched to your location"
>dial 2
>doll with a gun arrives in front of the bank, looking for ogre
>make my sneaky getaway out the back door
>cops finally arrive, they see dolly with gun at the front door
>shootout ensues
>dolly can't die because she's a doll
>but she can get shot up
>her delicate knee joint gets winged by a bullet
>falls to ground and hits her head on the ground
>cops begin to surround her
>dolly pulls out doll smartphone
>"If your dolly has fallen over during a shoot and bonked her noggin please dial 1 for Dr. Mr. Super Clear Headed"
>dials 1
>a dozen dolly commandos emerge from nowhere, each armed with a can of Mr. Super Clear Semi-Gloss
>commando dollies surround cops and unleash their toxic spray
>cops all pass out from the fumes
>dollies are naturally immune to spray fumes
>commandos extract injured doll, prepare to bring her back to dolly helpline HQ
>but not before each one gives her a kiss on the forehead and knee
>next morning
>forensic team investigates robbery
>analyzes bank for clues
>looks for foreign fingerprints on bank vault door
>find no fingerprints that don't belong to bank employees
>but they do find fingerprint-less smudges on the vault door
>swab smudges and send back to the lab
>lab results return
>traces of vinyl...
>agents of dolly helpline are now wanted for armed robbery and multiple counts of assaulting an officer
>one month later
>in my basement, now known as the Dolly Dungeon
>have a brand new doll standing on desk, the most adorable thing that's ever existed
>and mountains and mountains of cute outfits and accessories too
>all paid for with money from the dastardly bank heist
>was a brilliant plan, got away scot-free
>sure, there are several dolls that took the fall and are now wanted criminals
>but a man must do what he must in pursuit of supreme doll cuteness
>look back at doll, all decked out in her newest outfit
>so gosh darn cute, I just can't stand it
>call dolly hotline
>dial 3
>dial tone...
>the quiet of the dolly dungeon is shattered by a sudden explosion of wood from behind
>basement door is in tatters
>cans of Mr. Super Clear Matte come rattling down the stairs, spraying in every direction
>pull shirt over nose and mouth
>fumes are strong, have to escape fast
>have to get out, have to protect dolly
>turn to grab doll, hopefully she wasn't damaged in the explosion
>dolly is no longer there
>frantically look around basement, squinting through the thickening aerosol fog
>see doll
>she's climbed up to the solitary basement window above the desk
>she's trying to unlatch the lock
>good idea, she's escaping, or trying to let out the fumes
>doll unlocks window
>doll does not go out window
>dolls come *into* window
>dozens and dozens of the cutest and deadliest commandollies you have ever seen
>like a swarm of bats, they swoop down into the Dolly Dungeon
>dolls surround me, pounce on me, overtake my legs, my arms, my torso, the weight is too much, the fumes are too much
>collapse onto the basement floor, like a great tree being felled
>heart pounds, vision blurs
>struggle and shout and reeeee and attempt to break free of the convulsing mass of vinyl commandos pressing down on me
>but it's all in vain
>through the toxic mist, my own precious dolly, the most adorable thing thing that's ever existed, approaches me on the ground
>stands by the side of my head, looking down at my face
>"If your doll is simply too cute and you are having a panic attack, please dial 3 for a private screaming session"

>> No.46968005 [View]

it's been scientifically proven that fuji is one of the most aesthetically pleasing mountains in the world though

>> No.46965775 [View]
File: 1.03 MB, 1135x1041, Junko Hana isn't rig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A harsh wind swept through the battle scared plains that stretch on, decimated and lifeless, between the two figures. The two combatants were deathly quiet as they looked up from their weapons, their power made manifest in physical form. One held her ‘gohei’ in hand, colored a deep red from the course of the combat, she was careful and deliberate as she broke the still in the air; holding her ‘gohei’ aloft and already readying it for a swing. The other held a massive horizontal pillar, jagged and made of yellowed stone, as if made of sulfur and containing the fury of the highest mountains; the giant flexed her muscles as she raised the massive titan of stone aloft with impossible strength.

With malign fury, the miko’s ‘gohei’ ignited, crimson flame creating spectral images of the flaming tool that hovered behind the red oni. The goddess’ pillars cracked, pulsating lightning physically moving the rock as if it were a vein of metal; the popping energy hurt the eyes. Power swelled in the air as the currents picked up the intense heat and energy, speeding up the wind and churning them into two opposing vortexes.

The two combatants paid no heed as the air grew violent around them, letting the wind pull and tear at their battered outfits. Both only had a single objective, to put the other in the ground!

Hana slammed her ‘gohei’ onto the table with a soft thump, the well-worn little thing faithfully displayed a red background with a ‘+2’. Kanako grimaced as she drew two cards out of the pile, a resounding success!

With satisfaction Hana called out the magic word to end this deadly fight, ‘U*o!’ Tossing down the last card in her hand, Hana leaps up to her feet with high energy; she’d been sitting way too long and her legs were starting to go numb. Opposite of her, Kanako-the-loser sorted the cards into an orderly pile and slid them back into the box.

A devilish smirk crossed Suwako’s face, she leaned onto the table, facing Kanako with malicious intent. With a sing-song voice the froggy-goddess teased, “You hear that? Your number one fan has you right where she wants you~” Kanako sat on the left of Suwako, closest to the kitchen and on the plushest seat, even sitting she still seemed large and imposing. Now that she’d lost in a most important card game, one with the grandest of stakes, she seemed to seethe with a particular kind of roiling energy.

Her normally sharp features seemed extra pointed, her pupils were slits, her face seemed constrained; neither forming into a scowl nor frown. However, Hana was brazen towards the loser, a smirk on her face told everything about her bratty attitude, “Ka-na-ko-sama, you promised didn’t you!?”

Hana rounded the table, nearly dancing as she skipped over to Kanako’s side, where she proudly stood with her balled fists tucked into her sides. Without worry for consequence Hana beamed, “You promised! You said if I win I get to ask anything!”

Grumbling, the goddess blinks wearily without budging, nothing but a light reddening of her ears indicated otherwise, “It’s nothing so grand, I can’t fathom why you’ve been so caught up in this… going to the lengths of challenging me to that game!”

Hana squatted down next to Kanako, clasping her hands in front of her, “You said anything! Please?!”

Seeing opportunity, Suwako joined in the charade as she scooted over; her smile did nothing to hide her intentions, “That’s right, Kanako-sama isn’t a liar! She’d never make promises, then break them as soon as it’s inconvenient!”

With a snap, Kanako turned her head and scowled at her subordinate goddess, “You, stay out of this! You have nothing but ill intentions!”

Feigning a look of shock, the cheeky goddess leans back as if Kanako just struck her, “Geh, I can’t believe you’d be so cold to me! After a decade and you finally find a fan, so I try helping you get the fans you crave and I’m the evil god?”

Prize in front of her eyes, and uncaring about the look of scorn she nailed the whimsical god with, Hana scoops up Kanako’s hand from the table like a miner carrying ore to his cart. “Please Kanako-sama! I wasn’t joking when I said I thought your outfit looked real cool, everyone’s just dumb for not seeing you as the top idol!”

Letting out a ‘right right!’, Suwako joined in choir of praise Hana belted out. Kanako seemed to be crumbling, her face was wavering from the rocky mask of skepticism it had been. Hana could feel she was close, she could taste it, she just had press a little harder, “And on top of that, you should’ve been the top idol in all of gensokyo! I never knew there was an incident where everyone started bands and stuff, if I knew I would’ve shown up even if I was a child!”

>> No.46955116 [View]

Isn't Ushi a surprisingly good fit for Shiki? Seems appropriately crazy and nonchalant towards killing. Got the imouto energy and seems to appreciate his being a good brother, interested in his body and cutlery skills, Shiki thinks they're beautiful, harassing him in MB manga and game. mountains, oni stuff, lives with Tohno in the modern era, new chapter of her tales, gets teased on her attire and being enticing to a certain young man which sends Akiha into no bueno mode.

>> No.46950766 [View]
File: 175 KB, 456x366, kej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to visit Zipangu, and go to a hot springs where I can lounge in the water while looking at an open view down from the misty mountains and get served sake by a naked Kejourou loli.

>> No.46942766 [View]

To each their own, of course, but your worries are partly the reason that structured ritual instructions and the like exist. So you don't end up in the spiritual equivalent of Times Square during rush hour, screaming "Anybody and everybody, mess with me because I want results!"

There are obviously the imposter types, and the ones that show up claiming to help only to then lie, but that's what the various methods of protection are for.

One thing to note, speaking of the Renaissance period and earlier views on demons vs daimon/daemon, is that even the idea of the succubus isn't fully "bad", even removing the huge mess that is the succubus general (and I'm not planning on getting into that). By this, I am trying to refer to the older ideas and concepts of what makes something "bad" or not, namely that one succubus that was in a relationship with a priest that, if I remember correctly, he went on to become a pope(?) and she repented near the end or something. I would provide more information, but because the modern internet is inundated with non-relevant, low class garbage, it's virtually impossible to search anything of value without knowing the exact key phrase to find it, and even then you have to filter through the mountains of crap to get to a paywall or "subscription". Forgive me, I'm just an older guy that misses when information was free, much less unbiased, and generally intelligent. Rant over.

>> No.46936658 [View]

Since the conversation has died down a bit, I wanted to reply on my end with a few things now so I don't derail all the good stuff others are posting.

For starters, Kanako poster-thank you for that, I really appreciate somebody taking the time out of their day to do what you did. I look forward to living up to expectations.

To the one poster speaking about the images of (maybe)Gensokyo, I wanted to chime in to say that I think I've seen the image you're talking about from the perspective of the mountain, looking down into the village from behind the cover of the trees, but for the life of me I have been unable to find it again. I want to say I most recently saw it in one of the YouTube videos discussing Zun's early work, and the image was captioned with something about a 13 year old that had taken the image, but I can't be sure on that. The other one with the goats, I've seen a black and white or sepia toned image of a lone goat that's up on a retaining wall in the mountains, but that's all I've got.

For everyone else, even though this thread wasn't started by me, I feel like a proud parent watching their child take its first steps after seeing all the knowledge and commitment from everyone here. It's been very much appreciated to have this place not devolve into the dang things it always does, and it's reminiscent of the older x threads back when people actually took the time to give topics like this the respect and seriousness it deserves. I feel the same way as the rest of you who've commented about having some form of love, respect, and affection or admiration for the place itself, and the people within that we're all so very fond of. The SDM crew, with the sisters especially, are very dear to me even if I can't fully articulate why, and the experiences I've had with all the rest of them that I've experienced is something I hope to encounter again in one way or another.

I won't necessarily be going anywhere, as this thread and the (hopefully) others to follow have my full attention, it seems. But I think I'll be holding off on the name unless it's relevant so I don't run it into the ground. And for everything else here, I'll be patiently waiting for anyone else who may want to contribute to this unique thread that everyone has created. Thanks everyone.

>> No.46929600 [View]

I have these photos which I think are of Gensokyo or some space time anomaly.
One is of sheep on a mountain, the camera is about 30 feet away, there’s a tree near the sheep. The other is a picture of a village nested in between mountains from the mountainside. There’s another photo of the sheep but i forget how it’s structured.
They were posted in a /jp/ thread at the end with no context and I found them while browsing waruso, you probably can too.
They’re on my old phone which seems to not want to charge, I’ll get it fixed eventually and when I do I’ll post them.

>> No.46924380 [View]

I just asked a question, it was not an attempt at making him not draw what he wants. If he prefers to appeal to the masses, since he was worried about that in the first place, it's a step he can take to make it more "palatable" for the average autist that would get angry at something like that. That being said I don't think it's a valid reason to start insulting people, but I also dislike the mountains of porn with generic, bald, faceless men, it's lame.

This has nothing to do with anything here. First anon drew his self insert OC fucking the 2hus but realizes people will most likely not like that. Some anons suggested erasing the faces, then this other dude I'm replying to became angry, implying we are twisting the first Anon's creativity, which is undeserved but understandable.
Here comes you. Being a sarcastic retard and implying he will have no progress over the years despite the discussion having nothing to do with his art's quality. Then you start having a schizo meltdown about "drawGODS". Go back to /v/.

>> No.46913539 [View]

The western TM fanbase unironically believes that living on mountains gives you superpowers due to terrible translations of interviews and misunderstanding of Japanese memes and absolutely refuse to change their mind on it. It's like how 20 years later people still bring up the wrong nickname for Touko.
>read the JP had Touko mention Lugh could have been killed for real if Soujuurou crushed his skull and Beo took too long to regen and this was omitted in the translation?
never happened

>> No.46910773 [View]

*looking at mountains of US-based media with the exact same premise, sometimes even worse*

Yeah, Anon, I don't know about all that....

>> No.46902324 [View]
File: 1.30 MB, 817x988, __komeiji_koishi_and_kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_matasabu__89a958d8797cb87251e61b8172b9c374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


“So now we have to…” Aya trailed off as they exited the land of the back door manually. They were floating in an expansive sky littered with various trash objects and large sphere’s, Mai and Satono had described it to her as a ‘maintenance area,’ but other than following the directions given to her Aya had no understanding of what it actually was or why it worked.

Bellow them lay a shattered glass half-sphere and inside it, Gensokyo. Above the glass sphere sat a giant spherical writhing mass of tentacles made out of a hideous black liquid that made Aya sick just looking at it.

“Yep, welcome to our life.” Chisazu complained from behind her desk, still covered with mountains of paperwork.

“Hey it's not so bad-”
“-Most of the time we-”
”-don’t have much to do-”
“-other than dance.”
Mai and Satono said, finishing each other’s sentences as everybody else looked at them as if the two were weirdos.

Nazrin chuckled as she held a length of wire in one hand. “Don't worry, unlike some people we’re in shape since we get out once in a while instead of spending a millennium behind a desk.

Chisazu muttered something as she lagged behind the rest, Aya couldn't make it out but it was clear those two were both too similar and too different oo get along. Although Nazrin was right, while the rat wasn't ‘out of shape,’ she was the least shapely of them there.
Maybe she could do an article about staying fit after all of this was over.


The world exploded into a series of sounds, lights, and sensations. Goro hadn’t even seen Seija and Biten clash when it had all happened at once.
He felt weightless, and then a falling sensation in the disorientation. The first thing his mind went to was Seija, where was she? Was she okay?
The second thing his mind went to was the mission, and from the mission his mind went to-

Right before-

“Ow!” Goro yelped as he felt somebody slap him on the back of the head.

“You couldn’t have said my name?”

Looking up from where he had jolted awake, noticing the roof tiling he had been laid on, he saw Seija standing next to him and bent over so that her face was almost directly above his own.

“Ah, sorry, what’s going on.” Goro asked, looking around helplessly. The situation the village seemed to have determined since the last time the two were outside.
The streets were flooded with a ankle deep sickly black liquid and most of the houses had either been collapsed, covered by roots of the giant tree he was just now noticing, or were being hoisted in the air by either veins from the tree of tentacles which emerged from the viscous liquid.

“Fuck if I know, the things seem to be leaving us alone for now, but I didn't see where Biten or Anon ended up.”

“Hmm.” This was rather bad, they needed to at least ensure Anon was okay, last they knew of him they’d tracked him to the same room Biten was in, probably hiding somewhere.

“Anon, huh?” another voice interjected

Seija spun, unsheathing her red scissor sword from somewhere to slash at the voice.

*Clang* the sound of metal against metal sounded as Seija’s sword was casually blocked by a kitchen knife.
“That's pretty rude ya’know.”

“Ah, miss Komeiji.” Goro had already scrambled to his feet and gotten a third of the way through a bow apologizing to the satori Youkai.

“It’s okay, but if you’re looking for Anon, I saw Tewi making off with a rather conspicuous looking wardrobe a little bit ago.”

“Well that’s just dandy.” Seija sighed in exasperation. “Now we have to rescue him from that nymphomaniac hag of a Loli.”

Koishi chuckled. “Well I don't know about that, isn't Tewi in love with that one guy? Daiko-osmething? I’ve never met him, but Anon should be fine, right?” Koishi said shrugging.

“I’d have to agree with Koishi here Seija, while I don't really trust Tewi, Byakuren had said she was kind despite her trickster personality.”

Seija wanted to protest, in her mind Byakuren had no place judging other people as bad or good, she wouldn't even trust the woman to choose dinner. But she also didn’t care to search for Anon.

“Then, what are we even doing here now? And wasn’t the underground closed off or something?” Seija complains, looking to Koishi.

“ A giant mass of sentient hate drilling through the earth in order to fight a giant tree and attack people tends to make a few extra holes, and don't worry.” Koishi said, smiling as she slashed the air behind her with a knife, sending a wave of pressure to cut through multiple tentacles before it slammed into the liquid covering the village streets, dispersing in an explosion. “Now you can help the rest of us clean up this mess.”

>> No.46901343 [View]

So much for putting all those Mountains of Faith in her

>> No.46895597 [View]

I’m pretty sure unless you’re an American, randomly killing every person you meet for shits and giggles that comes near your territory is considered psychotic and bad.

Marisa’s got a pocket bike given to her that blow up mountains and she still gets bullied and tortured by every main character in CDS. The average magician would get annihilated if the spell card rules weren’t in effect.

>> No.46893753 [View]
File: 1.09 MB, 1278x798, Lavie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do question the decision to skip all the stuff between them being about to leave the mansion and then having been at the cottage for a few months. I understand they probably wanted to skip over the "how do we get this lolibaba up and over the mountains while hiding from the military" scenario, but I think those first couple months at Ryou's childhood home would have been the most interesting. I also wish they had fleshed out some connection between Sion and Ryou's sister: we know Elica knewe her and that's part of why she's so dedicated to Ryou, but did Sion ever know her?

I really wouldn't call her slight passive aggressiveness "plenty" of personality. I really thought all the other female characters were better written

>> No.46877396 [View]

what draws more attention? some annoying zoomer posting blurry pictures of a bunch of flashing lights and maybe a blurry picture of a girl with horns or animals ears inbetween schizo occult ramblings and AI posting, or a high school girl disappearing without a trace but leaving a trail of occult research about a place hidden in the yatsugatake mountains?
sumireko's general demeanour means she's not taken seriously, getting rid of her would only draw eyes to it

>> No.46868131 [View]

/vt/ is making mountains out of molehills and calling anyone a nijifaggot

>> No.46861207 [View]

yes we know all about your wild yuri adventures in the mountains

>> No.46857453 [View]

should probably have mountains behind of netherworld os actually behind a portal

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