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Search: kill yourself autist

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>> No.46668229 [View]

Kill yourself, autist.

>> No.46560502 [DELETED]  [View]

that's what i'm saying. there should just be a neet thread elsewhere so that this one can exist for /jp/ oriented only. you aren't apart of /jp/'s culture for being a neet on your own. neet is a very vague description of a person.

webcore normies also belong elsewhere. if you aren't an over enthused autist kill yourself.

but it's useless. the boards will never regain what was lost. this site is too huge to have a coherient self policing community anymore. normalfag hoard will just yell at you for calling literally anyone normalfag and telling them they don't belong.

>fuck off

so it's uselsss. and i just don't say anything. i'd rather not use reddit or see what discord is about. myself being shut up in here i need some kind of interaction with SOME type of retard.

>> No.45110657 [DELETED]  [View]

Kill yourself and take the tripcode juggling autist with you

>> No.44412082 [View]

kill yourself already autistic nigger. the fuck is your brain's problem? go and make a yellow shit thread or something why you're in here then? why the fuck you're lurking in here and for what reason? are you the autist who made this thread or something? you're an actual faggot without an identity kill yourself

>> No.44027267 [View]

Not the point, you should care some autist is censoring shit removing content that should be left as is
Satoko bare pussy was something that would make the game instantly adult only so 07th Expansion censoring that for the consolefags is whatever but when you have a team that is Supposed to just add voice acting and the original script with PS3 sprites and backgrounds to the mangagamer steam version and they start going out of their way to censor shit that was allowed IN the mangagamer version then it's different and is just them removing content they do not like.
In short kill yourself disingenuous loser

>> No.43341586 [View]

You won't be able to convince me this wasn't a direct result of an autist or two flying off the handle every time his feelings were hurt

Either presenting an easy trolling target or pissing people off with constant "kill yourself"s

>> No.42302553 [View]

Kill yourself actual handicapped autist

>> No.42232550 [View]

>it's not blue, its turquoise
Kill yourself you pedantic autist

>> No.42008588 [View]
File: 84 KB, 998x859, 1670019716372522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself autist

>> No.41938319 [View]
File: 325 KB, 501x333, 1641509107537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me give you the run down.

So there was this guy named ub3r, typical minecraft autist right? Started using the shitchan.caca website, started flooding with stuff he was into (underage children and rape) at the behest of a splinter group called Clay party who promised to give him like 50,000 YT subscribers to flood shitchan with said material. Kuz, not liking that someone other than him was flooding the shitchan doxed him with his IP and released that info over to his mods, who then proceeded to tell him if he didn't want the infomation made public to make a video of attrition, but knowingly gave him false instructions so he'd end up actually dying.

Long story short; depressed adult in his 20's was nlackmailed by two awful sides of a shitty website and was naive enough to listen to either...but not much was lost considering he was a pedophile in the first place.

Personally, I see this as a warning from Kuz; if you piss him off, he WILL threaten you to kill yourself on stream.

>> No.40749407 [View]

oh no the autist is having a melty again
how about you kill yourself

>> No.40683202 [View]

fucking kill yourself you anglo larping autist.

>> No.40630459 [View]

Kill yourself already, autist.

>> No.40416835 [View]

kill yourself unironically you fucking autist

>> No.38795263 [View]

Genuinely kill yourself
It's obviously one autist forcing it for years, but the fact it's not an autoban phrase and image is insane.

>> No.38653048 [View]

We have very autistic people here who don't value their time. This is the thread that even in the very early times gave birth to the sperg that made sure he was on every day without fail at the right time for asacoco to reply to every one of the guys posts that posted about it and later ended up spamming kill yourself autist every hour to it too.If that kind of barneyfag autism was born here I don't know why you would be surprised other fuckers on 4chan have that dedication.

>> No.38579181 [View]

Omegle was good a decade ago, now it's full of insufferable zoomers who just want to be edgy but don't even know how to do that right. You can have a seemingly friendly conversation at first but then they'll suddenly call you a slur and disconnect, probably thinking they made you kill yourself. It's pathetic. I've used Omegle for both finding long-term friends and even a few romantic relationships, and for trolling. Trolling is an art, and zoomers don't understand it at all.
Sure. How many there are depends on your definition. If you consider Asian-Americans to be Asians, then there are tons of them. It's mainly Chinese-Americans and various Southeast Asian-Americans, not as many Japanese-Americans but there are some. You may meet Asian-British or Asian-Australians too. There are quite a lot of people from the Philippines and Indonesia and Malaysia. Occasionally some from Thailand, Singapore, etc.
>specifically Japanese
A few, but if you're talking about women (which you are because I bet you're one of those weirdoes who uses "Asian" to mean "Asian girl"), I've only ever met one on Omegle as far as I can remember. We did briefly become friends, but it didn't last.
>If not, there you go.
How would they know you are one? Do you start off by saying "I'm lonely and horny"? That'll never get you anywhere. Treat them like respectable people and you can have nice conversations, and if you're only there for lewd reasons, then segue into it by putting one foot in the door to test the waters. If they're not into it, then stop and move on if you really can't have a normal conversation with an Asian girl without sperging out. If you just want to have conversations about topics that interest you, then it shouldn't be too hard to find some, though they tend to be quite young. Please don't be that autist who asks 14-year-old Indonesian schoolgirls to show you their tits.

>> No.35496184 [View]

kill yourself autist

>> No.35269388 [View]


>> No.33763942 [View]
File: 37 KB, 392x408, 1615426006353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I literally the only anon who remembers this autist? He used to post these all the time like a 9 months ago. Nice to see you didn't kill yourself.

>> No.33440860 [View]

kill yourself and your chink friends you autist

>> No.33440827 [View]

Kill yourself autist

>> No.33281234 [View]

>off topic shitposter and a fucking Cytube autist.
Kill yourself /v/ermin.

>> No.33000931 [View]

Just remember that if you kill yourself, the first thing you'll see is a cringey whore autist western 'vtuber' who lusts after twitch cock and collabs with anituberrs.

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