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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

Search: chinkshit

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>> No.46971613 [View]

Kek I don't give a shit about bilibili chinkshit, Taiwan no. 1 by the way

>> No.46958261 [View]

>What's wrong with Genshin Impact?
chinkshit isn't japanese nigger

>> No.46953475 [View]

>modern iwara
>chinkshit dancing to koreanshit

>> No.46937915 [View]



>> No.46918987 [View]

>Homostars playing Wuwa
Huh? They have fucking perms for that? I thought they were still staying away from the chinkshit, or does Kurogames not give a fuck?

>> No.46918438 [View]

It is bad chinkshit. And when chink games are already terrible that should tell you have big of a turd this is.

>> No.46897211 [View]

If you dont mind a 4GB ram phone, Samsung Galaxy A15.


Search for Helio G99 under chipset. Dont bother with Kirin. Everything else that is recent is expensive. Exynos is typically the international version of Samsung phones. Dimensity is chinkshit.

>> No.46814600 [View]

hard pass

>> No.46589651 [View]

Hey retard, a flashlight could do that. If you've never shined it on a UV testing strip, then you're operating on blind faith that a $20 chinkshit item uses a medical grade diode and not that cheapest fucking thing they shoved in there. You could have a bright purple led in there for all you know.

>> No.46575878 [View]

How do you know the chinkshit uv light has enough juice to actually sanitize it?

>> No.46575047 [View]

Also don't care what the source language is, consolefagging-tier arguments about japshit vs gookshit vs chinkshit just don't mean anything to me.

>> No.46450102 [View]

chinkshit is always slop, trust me I have read at least 100,000 chapters.

>> No.46408653 [View]

>chinkshit quality

>> No.46282594 [View]

Chinkshit is not /jp/, fuck off

>> No.46180759 [View]

*hair breaks*
*latch falls off*
You get what you pay for with chinkshit masks

>> No.46178205 [View]

gooks > nips
they had the sense to get rid of chinkshit

>> No.46133287 [View]

was it chinkshit?

>> No.45897408 [View]

its not chinkshit and geyline guy also wasted months not wanting to read but not willing to drop it and eventually quit japanese so its another story of a bad game ending someones career

>> No.45884963 [View]
File: 490 KB, 1536x2048, 20240123_091434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without ScanLover, my life is nothing. It was legitimately the only Western website about gravure with free sharing and a community. /jp/ is shit, Akiba has paid downloads, and even Nyaa stopped getting chinkshit uploaded. I'm still on gravure Twitter and still keeping up with the scan blogs I follow, though.
There had been one based guy posting a lot of DVD uploads, I wonder if that had something to do with it's takedown. But I mostly suspect the JAV coomers ruined it, or someone posted Pyo.
Maybe they can get it back up if they remove local file hosting? That way it isn't SLF hosting infringing material.

>> No.45844535 [View]

nothing could ever break steam store much less a chinkshit

>> No.45798928 [View]

that's generosity these retards don't deserve, especially not when they are getting weaponized by broader anti-japan agendas and they actively see no issue with it or actively play along
let me tell you what happens, because i have seen it way too often:

first an idiot gets into "the animes" because of peer pressure, usually through some normalfag pandering slop like chainsaw man or whatever is the meme FOTM seasonal shit
second they try watching more anime and reading manga, because they recognize kino despite the 5 or so layers of separation between the original and multiple butcherings (the adaptation itself, shitty dubs/translations, etc) but quickly get burnt out due to their anti-japan brainwashing going off like crazy, which leads them to never shut the fuck up about variations of "it would be better if it was less cringey/fanservicey/pervert" because they are desperate to larp as "mature" with the media they mindlessly consume with their normalfag acquaintances
and last, after like 2 series tops they just start watching video essays about anime (and just anime, not manga) from eceleb grifters, which comes in two flavors, the usual ones wanking old good new bad which usually means the eternal evangelion, FMA and S;G wank, or the ones just shitting on everything with extremely rare exceptions that made them feel like a grown up boy (like frieren this season), whatever they consume they will still get their head filled with propaganda disguised as memes, end up complaining "isekai/LNs in general bad" for the rest of eternity, and find out 2-3 series they will call masterpieces but never actually read the source material of (and that's assuming they don't get memed into reading gookshit)

so what's the end result of that? it's very simple, usually it doesn't matter here because they just shit up pisscords and /a/, but on the rare occasion you see the weaponized plague spreaders reach up here asking for recs with that "everything is shit amirite?" attitude expecting people to agree, which everywhere else it would be the secret code word for people to start masturbating their own le mature hidden gems like evangelion/FMA/S;G
then when pressed further (even if it's just to try see what they like) which never happens to them normally, they will constantly avoid mentioning what they have actually read, because that list is empty or with just the one series they are currently reading if you are lucky, which mind you is a natural reaction when actually saying what they have seen will instantly ruin their image of pretending they are experts on the medium and instead out them as the morons they are for just going off the memes

from there a few things can happen with varying chances
a) and the most likely, they just fuck off after looking like clowns from doubling/tripling down on their "wtf i expected ironic garbage but i actually have to use my brain!?!" mentality and go complain about "elitists" in their hugbox
b) and the second most likely, if they got memed into reading gook/chinkshit they will have a melty and start spamming how that stuff is so much better than what japan puts out, then fuck off
c) unlikely but still happens, they will triple, quadruple, quintuple and sixtuple double down and beyond, but still quickly burn out within a day because this general is slow as fuck compared to the entirety of say, /a/ or /v/, where they can continue melting down for the rest of time

>> No.45695871 [View]

How do you rid your Google search results of chinkshit when doublechecking some words that are not in the dictionary? The search region is already set to Japan but some searches yield pages upon pages of Chinese while the same word in Japanese exists concurrently.

>> No.45629925 [View]

So what modern anime is good for you?
>inb4 the Chinkshit Medicine one.

>> No.45453264 [View]

Kmart sells cotton tshirts for like 5$, is it really necessary to resort to chinkshit?

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