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Search: bird rape

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>> No.46578873 [View]

Other tengu will try to rape you, and depending on how crazy your bird wife is, she'll say that getting raped is a form of cheating.

>> No.46431926 [View]

>I'm sorry officer, but the rape limit does not apply when the Free Bird guitar solo is playing

>> No.46201140 [View]

Close, see the Dodo bird is so pathetic you just naturally take pity on her and allow her to rape you.

>> No.46124607 [View]
File: 532 KB, 1100x1014, __himekaidou_hatate_touhou_drawn_by_himeshita_johnny_mafuyu__abf5d544304311eb433aa7da8f8b49a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was that even 'Tate, though? We only have the wings to go by. If so, great that this NEET bird is finally leaving her room for once. Maybe she can even visit Anon, he's like, the ultimate shut-in!... if you consider being forcefully locked in a rape dungeon a form of shut-in

>> No.45935943 [View]

>Chose Randomizer (Tsurara Onna, Houri, Raiju)
>Curtain 2 is Houri

Honestly, I did not expect that. Having that over rape bird is better.

>> No.45881610 [View]
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how is towa going to react to bee toothbrush scene and bird rape scene?

>> No.45832793 [View]
File: 107 KB, 500x500, mokomegascrub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed buzz buzz, we don't have many goods and the carbs are not an easy fight
Fairies and spaghetti in Gensokyo are like birds and breadcrumbs in RL, except you can't rape a bird like you would a fairy

>> No.45008387 [View]

Okay, what do you think about a NTR system that spawns a copy of your character as a NPC named Rival that have the same abilities as you do and walk around flirting, impregnating and TSRaping touhous just like you do, this NPC will give special attention to your lover grinding her stats, fucking her behind your back and finally stealing her from you and fucking her in front of you.
Or what about stray dogs that can rape a random girl at the end of the day with a small chance of the girl becoming addicted to dog cock?
Or what about having a system that makes possible for a bird to randomly shit on your head everytime you transition to another open area?
Or making entry on SDM impossible for male characters because every girl there are canon lesbian (some them are futa) and if the MC tries to trespass or bothers meiling too much it triggers a event that will either kill the MC after being tortured or it will transform him into a girl after being buttraped because apparently they really hate men

>> No.44925523 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 1.85 MB, 1400x1000, blacksouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell did it come to this:
- Locked in a cycle of dilated time, rape and impregnation
- Mastermind is a blondie with a twisted sense of love
- Main assistant fell in love and wants to set him free
- Calls everyone the same name
- Incest
- Bird girl
- Soul is quite literally black
- Only girl that won't see him is Alice
Reimu is going to finally redeem herself by becoming his Red-White Hood.

>> No.44837318 [View]
File: 242 KB, 850x1700, IMG_2038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this. What a dumb bitch. Fucking bird-brained idiot. I want to punch her in her stupid face and rape her afterwards.

>> No.44168429 [View]

To me in all other scenes she was always very clinical and cold. "Did you write your report? What you're STILL not done? *sigh* why do I have to be here and oversee you." Something like that. In hindsight the report had a different meaning and her attitude was believable. Maybe she only seemed like a bitch because MC wanted to see her like that but I think part of it was real and she saw her visits as a bother and him never improving turned it into a waste of her time so she wanted him to hurry up. In the last scene with Tonae she appeared to me more calm, nice, apologetic and tired? She hoped for improvement but another loop started. My final thought from that scene was that maybe if Semina acted the same caring and less clinical bitchy way with him things could improve. Be the sister he wanted and not this cold supervisor. In his thoughts he always hated the Semina we saw and it fuelled his anger and rape delusions. Without him realizing his sister reminded him of his sister and how inferior he felt to her.

Another thing I didn't quite understand is how was he able to walk around the hospital so freely? I interpreted the H-scenes as delusions that didn't happen in reality because staff would intervene when he fucks a cat or a doll or a bird. Yet the fact he was walking around alone on an empty rooftop is weird. The other locations would be observed. His kinship with Mitsuki is just two sick people interacting. If the H-scenes weren't all delusions it would mean the staff or Tonae would tolerate him abusing animals. At least I think the animals were real though I'm not sure a bird that can't fly would sometimes not be on the roof. It's all confusing.

Lastly Mitsuki. I would love to know more about her. Was she just a depressed and suicidal person or did she have deeper issues like MC? She seemed to understand him and I believe their talks happened. But then she was also a nutjob yet she got released. It wouldn't have fit as part of the game but maybe a spinoff focusing on her own hospital stay would've worked. Instead of the same abstract flesh horror it could've been told in a more basic way. On the other hand I don't mind that she remained mysterious to the end like an angel.

I had watched that and another video but I preferred the EGS reviews by psychiatrists. I always welcome any analysis or interpretation. I consider it the most psychologically dense eroge out there. There are similar ones but I think this one captures a sick human mind the best.

>> No.44167025 [View]

I agree with you on Miyuki. I really don't know about Nozomi. Her scenes seemed so different from the others and I always looked for a clear connection but couldn't find much. When you consider that Nozomi and Mahiru are both animals he interacts with at the hospital but Mahiru is a stand-in for his dead pet cat, what does that make Nozomi really? At one point I speculated that the bird was just a bird who couldn't fly and her flock abandoned her there. The father bird punished her by rape. But that's not something we the MC would know. It's also possible that he raped the bird but visualized it as Nozomi who reminded him of the Semina he wanted to "free"?

Semina in the final scene was like a completely different person from the one we always saw. She seemed caring but also distant as she knew he was beyond hope and she needed to move on. As I'm not so sure about what really happened in their family with the rape stuff I can only conclude that she moved on from everything or maybe that MC's memories of the truth were muddled or made up.

Doll was very clear to me after reading it but now I don't remember it too much. He fucked around as a kid with a doll and treated it as a plaything, sadistically. She was an outlet for his rage and the scenes shooting arrows at her are reminders. As a doll she was pure and perfect. He loved but hated that and wanted to ruin her. With her again we have the same themes of physical violence, rape but also admiration. It does reflect his feelings on women. I agree with the breast interpretation. He adored his sister but also despised her and lusted after her. IIRC doll made me think that as a teen he tried to touch Semina and she got weirded out by him. It's a "realistic" story so she's a sister who would get creeped out by her brother touching her breasts, maybe repeatedly. I thought that was also why she focused on academics rather than doing it for the family. Semina knew what he did to Mahiru and the other stuff. She wanted to get away but ultimately ended up being the only person to care for her brother. The parents are likely dead?

>> No.44166427 [View]

I had many thoughts and theories about it. Looked through EGS reviews and found good stuff there.

I think the story itself isn't a complicated one once you know what's up with the MC and the girls and you see the ending. The hard stuff is interpreting all the little details about the girls and how they fit into MC's and his sister's story. I'm still not sure how bird and brain connect. IIRC brain was about academic life and social responsibilities of MC and his sister. Bird is the weirdest story with the rape by the father. Was the sister=bird raped? Was MC=bird raped by the father? It could be either way. He knew his sister got raped and maybe that awakened curiosity in him to rape the cat and have rape fantasies of his sister. Or he himself got raped and it fucked him up. The sister maybe knew and despite her own hate for him she felt pity or even guilt? The more I thought I concluded that he was the rape victim and the bird jumping to her death was him seeking his own release. The burning city talk fits him, too. But if he's the bird then what was with that last H-scene. IIRC it was weird and he talked about being the father who rapes her? I can't figure this one out. I'm also not entirely sure about Mitsuki and the tree. Did he at the hospital see her trying to hang herself? It wouldn't make sense since she is released. Maybe it happened long ago and was shown achronologically.

>> No.43951532 [View]

Listen you silly bird, sometimes I wake up with morning wood but that doesn't mean I'm giving you the rape pass.

>> No.43013079 [View]
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>walking home to the village on the main roads
>rockslide has blocked it, now have to use a path trailing through the mountain base
>upon going far enough up an off road on the way home get confronted by this harpy
>she's huge, up there I mean, can barely sustain flight for long with the beach balls attached to her chest she's lugging around and forced to land on front of me
>boastfully declares I entered her territory and as the strongest monster around she gets to decide my fate, and states she's decided she'll teach me a lesson by raping me and making me her new husband
>after she cackles easily, she comes at me
>I slip around her easily and start walking at a normal pace, she can't even catch up and begs me to hold my horses in between gasps, she's totally gassed out
Honestly, I feel kind of bad for her, she couldn't rape me if she tried with all her strength because the sheer weight of her bosom is always tiring her out to carry around.
Remember, the bigger and thicker the Monster's breasts and thighs, the more easily you can around them. Unless they have magic to levitate with and alleviate the weight, their own body will be far too heavy and fat for them to be able to keep up with a comparatively much lighter human male.
Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna run circles around this fat bird woman and make her cry over not being able to keep up.

>> No.42866379 [View]
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I really wish there were more horror aspects in some fanfics, I don't like misery edge fag stuff, but I do want some scary elements especially at first with monsters. Bonus points if the monsters take care in comforting and easing their fears either while chasing, or after rape.
>You go home after a miserable day at work
>You lay down at your bed just trying to recuperate but you start hearing screaming coming from outside
>You look outside and see some dude get their ass zapped with electricity and then picked up by like a multicolored bird woman into the sky
>You see another dude getting dragged by his ankles into an alleyway by a demon
Like don't get me wrong they're all going to have happy endings and stuff but even if you know what's going on you're going to instinctively be a little nervous, let alone if you don't know what's going on or are paranoid and don't trust it.

>> No.42852909 [View]

bird rape!

>> No.42706393 [View]

There's still lots of possibilities with all the gods they have
>crocodile girl sobek
>gyaru cow hathor/hesat
>some kind of rape happy chimera for set
>horus harpy that picks fights with set
>sekhmet lion goddess
>nerd bird 2.0 thoth
The list goes on

>> No.42326078 [View]

If she is at a high enough favor with you and sees you out on a date like twenty times, even if you never went on a date with her, she will snap and rape you in your sleep, and when you wake up, she will force-feed you the Hourai Elixir like a mother bird feeds her children with an Eternal Bond of Love.

>> No.42319062 [View]

Bros I think I got scammed at the tanuki shop
>be me
>want to buy something nice for my back yard
>go to tanuki shop
>clerks recommends a bird feeder
>”this baby will get the prettiest birds from all over to come hang out in your yard. Buy now and I’ll throw in a bag of bird seed for half price”
>go home
>install bird feeder
>next day
>see cute harpy’s in my yard
>they’re eating the seeds like crazy
>leaving a mess everywhere
>go outside to clean it up
>harpy’s swoop down and rape me in the yard
>now have a regular harpy harem hanging out at the bird feeder

I went back to the tanuki shop to complain but ended up buying a bird bath and bird house. What should I do?

>> No.42209133 [View]

Hm, fire rape bird would kill all of em.

>> No.40756994 [View]

yes but this is the rape bird. as in you rape her, not she rapes you. i couldn't. theyre also the anxiety bird, and i dont find anxiety attractive.

>> No.40506649 [View]
File: 338 KB, 1500x1073, Four Guardians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an altchan that had /jp/ shit. There was something like a love measurement, I thought it had said I had 4/4 gold stars for Yukari, but that it should be just 1, because "stupid lust" I checked it, I was rated 3.

On exhentai, looking at a gallery but also a character creator. Gyate Izanami Hades, but the sides of her crown were exchanged with Patchouli's teal/purple ribbons, which I thought was nice. I could exchange her red eyes for Patchy's, the purple suited her, but it seemed silly so I switched back.
In a classroom. My protoge said something I made was quite good, so he wanted to hang it on the blackboard, I said "I don't know about that..." as he put it on "reversed memes" appeared. A picture I made of Izanami singing while playing with acoustic guitar, now she stayed her hand and bit her lip while cringing. An image of her smiling and saying "Start doing something" was replaced with her frowning and saying "Stop doing nothing" I rolled my eyes and said "Oh no~" I received a message from Cathlladd(https://cathlladd.neocities.org/)), it was one of his cursed looking pictures, with me and my protoge as tiny dolls hanged with gigantic nooses.

It was said that I had become a Greatsword user, but it seemed like a bad thing.
I was talking about humans being terrible, they're like orcs. We were playing a quiz, whoever lost would have to deal with the crowd savagely hating upon them.

Go over to a guy playing Dark Souls III 2 on a computer. I alluded to there being a salt video of me, he said "Hey, there's a video painting me yellow too" I thought "No way yours compares to mine, it literally has rape in the URL."

Saw /jp/'s catalog. There was a thread with an Azure Dragon sitting at a desk in a classroom, another with a Vermillion Bird(in this case, a cock). They were called the "Guardians of /jp/". Someone asked what those threads were about, I said "They're very powerful memes" sarcastically, thinking Altaar made them. The Azure dragon OP read "Nobody could have ever predicted him, also he's stupid" the latter bit annoying me.

Met Hecatia in a park, she was surrounded by a ton of lions, and was transformed into one. I asked if she was ok, she said yeah. She came with me, tampered with my head, mentioning "Calling upon visions" as I started seeing a profiling of 30+ images per second of all the different events that had happened in the timeline of this park. I saw Yukari, she had had a couple of boyfriends before I started seeing her sitting on the lap of Patchouli in a tuxedo, so I stopped there and possessed the Pache. Thought about her having boyfriends before me, she said "You're stuffy" I said "I wanna stuff it in you" then "That's not very romantic is it?" she agreed "Not very romantic."

Fought Sumireko in a fighting game, she used her finishing move, one that had a unique animation for each different character falling into the depths of the ocean with something related to them. I saw myself sinking along with Yukari. Then I was in the park, Sumireko was next to me, but her consciousness was locked in the deep, her body was partially possessed by Yukari, who was trying to kiss and run her hands over me. I tried to reciprocate, but it only disturbed Sumi and weakened Yukari's hold, so I held still, except absolutely could not stay still with Yukari touching me, so I settled for repeating "Yukari Yukari Yukari..." Likely inspired by Offshore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU4CHsN_CWc

Went to a grocery store with Yukari. She bought kale. A worker told me like she was afraid for her own life "please don't make light of yourself."
Went to another grocery with her. She took one VEGEMITE 40% Less Salt, and since it was on sale tried to take another, but we already had one at home so I had her put it back. Took chewing gum, but put it back as we went into a neighbouring candy store to buy some.

Walking on the street with strips of bacon. A family passes by and their dogs jump up on me, making me drop my bacon, and get their slobber over my pieces. The husband wants to make it up to me so he takes me to his house. He had cooked bacon for me but it was unsatisfactory. His son comes out with a dead blue parrot, acting all sad. I ignored him, thinking he was just trying to make me leave. Angus and a friend were with me, his friend says "Maybe the parrot was his only friend?" I say "Come on, nobody's that pathetic. *I* have no friends." The husband throws some bananas on the frying pan, but they leap up in flames. I exaggeratedly run out of the house, Angus and co following, then went back in after a bit. I'm waiting as the husband brings over a pan full of bacon, saying "Why do you have to be so perfect sometimes, Ben?" which makes me laugh. Angus to my left is trying hard to suppress a laugh, giving away he's thought the same, so I laugh even harder, and his friend laughs at him, which makes him stop laughing and say "Shut up."

>> No.39951683 [View]

you could be a matador for the QoH and her subjects amusement.
a man in a goofy costume armed with only a cape must test his mettle in the arena against an agitated jubjub. he must struggle to maintain his willpower grazing against plush jubjub feathers and lurid bird moans.
with careful timing he lands the cape upon her head and she may decide it's night and go to sleep. if defeated in such a way and he doesn't assault her further two more jubjubs are released into the ring.
it's rape or be raped

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