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>> No.47103132 [View]
File: 198 KB, 700x834, 1714942203785074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the normalfag thread were crossies larp as being truNEETs again?

>> No.47101894 [View]

Weird larp, who is this for?

>> No.47071510 [View]
File: 515 KB, 638x1000, F-f5fydbQAAvvWa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting here and start streaming, Lap.
I just really wish there was someone more traditional japan in hololive right now because as much as Ojou tries to larp as an actual oni with cool traditional motifs, she never streams and when she does it's fucking valorant or some dumb modern shit, I'm literally starving here and even Raden with her looks and rakugo she still ends up talking more about western painting and alcohol than anything else, not that I watch Raden much in the first place though since she disappointed me so quickly

>> No.47065600 [View]

We are not talking about metaphores here, we are talking about actual mercenaries under her service, if the assassins part was a metaphore then that would imply that a lot of other stuff are metaphores.
The "Byakuren is so evil she as literal assassins under her command Zounose is canon and so is KKHTA" bullshit people larp constantly about is bullshit until ZUN actually decides to double down on it, which he wont do, because its ZUN we are talking about here.
Thats my point, you can shit on her say that shes Yukari levels of evil with a lot of her other questionable behaviour, but THAT part specifically is bullshit.

>> No.47061488 [View]

I think Lui is getting ahead of herself a bit with this "artist" larp...

>> No.47060130 [View]

This larp's getting old.

>> No.47059237 [View]

my plan is to marry Anya and larp as Japanese so hard our children think they are

>> No.47053047 [View]

Weird larp

>> No.47052455 [View]

but I called twitnkretard out too...
you both are garbage
the difference is that you are trying to larp as if you aren't just as fucking bad
>ENwhores shit up the thread
that barely happens nowadays so your seething about enwhores even weirder
like.. who gives a fuck? JPs aren't streaming and when they are you don't talk about them. Why the seethe LOL

>> No.47034692 [View]
File: 105 KB, 499x710, 1549297957366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah they just had enough of that stupid larp of yours.

>> No.47014412 [View]

If someone on the internet claims to be a woman 90% of the time it's a larp

>> No.47013251 [View]

Yukari still complains when her furry laptop doesn't go along with her LARP of being popular. The touch of a man is something she'd no doubt go to great lengths for.

Mostly so she can show off to Okina and Kasen.

>> No.46982825 [View]

To me the problem has never been a bf but the larp of “omg I’m so single and so depressed I can’t even stream” only to be found out riding the cock carousel and coming back to shill their merch.
Be honest and deal with the consequences. If you can’t be honest you’re a piece of shit. It’s that simple.

>> No.46980793 [View]
File: 561 KB, 2000x940, 8ab9788ff2dbbaaf6fb222473222036d9f5822a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead they’ll make you LARP with them and go on autistic tangents about their guns
>Yamawaro captors: "Hehe, say the line anon"
>Me: "Ummmm oh shit umm okay...."
>*Lays down with Arisaka*
>Whatever close enough, not like they have moist nuggets in Japan/Gensokyo
>"I beg of you, grant me the strength to take this final prey. Let me linger in this world just a little longer. I have already slept enough for one lifetime... enough for an eternity. You have my thanks. I have to thank you... for waking me. If you hadn't shown up, my sleep... would have been eternal. Do you hear me, Snake? I am The End! I am here to send you to your ultimate fate! You'll make a fine quarry for my... final hunt!"
>Yamawaro captors: "Hahaha, this guy gets me every time. "Always makes us chuckle."
>Yamawaro captors: "Alright shows over, now get back to camp anon. It's time for your daily Snu Snu."
>End up raising some 20 little yamo's innawoods
Ehh there certainly are worse fates, sounds like your typical /k/ get together minus the feds and less of a sausage fest.

>> No.46978191 [View]

This is why you go with the yamawaro they won’t do such horrid things to you instead they’ll make you LARP with them and go on autistic tangents about their guns

>> No.46962743 [View]

Nice larp tranny, but unfortunately for you reality is English dub

>> No.46959877 [View]

Bro I like Teto already, she's my favorite in fact, you don't have to make her even better in your hypothetical scenarios

Teto was THIS close looking like she came straight out of a nazi larp comic from 4chan when she was initially conceived as a character, in fact her setting being military is why her SV design looks like it does

>> No.46953845 [View]
File: 711 KB, 1620x2160, 1700073930931020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWMC is going to be hilarious. I can already imagine them trying to play up the cutesy dog LARP in 3D making pawing gestures and shit constantly.

>> No.46949279 [View]

Aptly put better than I can, a cute mask does not substitute pre-requisites. Much as some love to larp on about good/bad masks, a good kig with a good photographer could make even the worst masks tolerable.
Similarly just because you have a decent camera doesnt mean you can take decent kig photos. Many would be better served learning on their phones first where they dont have to worry too much out of framing and composition. Kigs can can do all the posing in the world but if the photographer cant envision 2d scenes brought to life, no creative vision nor eye for detail it all falls flat rather quickly. I feel for the kigs who have to handle their photographers more like living tripods than someone who can contribute to the photoshoot.
Case in point with your other post, hire a professional least once.

>> No.46937263 [View]

Don't they also larp their kigs as different people in videos?

>> No.46933398 [View]

Unfortunately for Fraulien Walkűre most of /jp/mge are slack-jawed neverserved pacifist neets who don't fit her standards.
If you haven't fought wars before the Portals open, it's too late. Larp fighting with demonsilver afterwards doesn't count.
>a desperate Valkyrie down on her knees is a better "thankyouforyourservice" than an annual free shitty lunch at Arbys

>> No.46933379 [View]

if you didnt liked in the first eosd play then its larp

>> No.46931430 [View]

>I just assume PMiSS is speaking from the perspective of the future where the chronicles
Akyuu being the one who wrote them wuld make this a little hard... How old is she in canon again?

I'm kind of curious where CDS will go about this, since it'll be exploring Gensokyo's past compared to its current state. Will the past be closer to what we had in PCB prologue, or something different? If ZUN does his usual thing of status quo, Mizuchi will have to back down somehow, will it be shown Gensokyo is actually all still pretend but just extreme LARP, so she'll be convinced to back down?
ZUN's reaffirmance of villagers not being killed period in CoLA is interesting considering how the village is portrayed in LE (for a recent work, you can still compare with FS and WaHH) where villagers are still seemingly scared for their lives, despite the fact no one should have died from youkai since the ban.
LE exploring Reimu's relation with youkai also souds interesting with the whole pretend angle. I really wonder how it'll go.
I think I might summon grimfags if I keep speaking like that, so I'll shut the fuck up.

>> No.46925936 [View]

I'll never get /vt/oddlers and their extreme unicorn larp, stay in the westoid side kids

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