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Search: Infinite hallways

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>> No.46867934 [View]

My point is exactly that no, we cannot extrapolate Kaguya's ability to some general "control over time" because expressions of her ability indicate that it's both more limited and simply different. She keeps things constant, but can't accelerate or decelerate any processes arbitrarily, time or entropy; she makes hallways in Eientei infinite - not simply larger, like Sakuya with SDM's interior. Kaguya works with infinities, not any finite quantities, to sum it up.
One would naturally think that "instantaneous" part is about similarly working with infinitesimal quantities - but since we don't know of any examples of what specifically this may entail, we still can't say anything - whether Akyuu is right with her ideas or not, it's unknown.

>> No.46867499 [View]

You left out the part where she stopped things from aging/degrading in Eientei on a whim and made the hallways in Eientei infinite. And iirc the hourai elixir is based on her power. That and a big part of her character has to do with time. Immortality, entropy, past memories, eternity etc. I'm not saying her powers aren't vague but we have an idea of what she can do.

>> No.46773632 [View]
File: 121 KB, 750x1200, 15b7f4caa3b22a35a01c6994b7fc1bdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Breasts that big and round can't possbily be good for aerodynamics => Slower flight speed => affects the IN incident.
It's all magic based, flattard. Aerodymanics don't mean shit for characters who can clear infinite hallways.

>> No.46701287 [View]

They just flew until they made it through. Play imperishable night. They fly so fast that the sheer size of the infinite hallways doesn't register to them. Then Eirin gets shocked when they make it through.

>> No.46187836 [View]

>Not like she has anything better to be doing
She manages Eientei's defences with her infinite hallways and such. Also probably heavily involved in organizing and planning the yearly lunar festivals. Oh that and basically beating the shit out of Mokou for fun.

>> No.45947431 [View]
File: 312 KB, 832x1080, 7930b74a3275a45534b8a432b0f6043c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I supposed that she was just using her powers to keep herself hidden. At least, that seemed a better answer to me than the more probably answer that both Yamame and I hadn't noticed her at all. Either way, she'd agreed to lead us to Eientei, so that was something. However, Reisen didn't lead me to the same room this time. Instead, she led me toward what had been described in Marisa and Tenshi's recounts to be Eirin's office. "My master would like to start discussing your assistance with her work." Reisen told me emotionlessly. She stopped at the door and raised a hand. "Your co-operation is greatly desired, so Miss Yamame can stay with you, as long as you are willing to discuss sensitive matters in front of her." Any, I replied immediately. "Very good." Reisen replied, nodding curtly, and pushing the door open. "Master, I have brought him."

"Ah." Eirin looked up from a sheet of paper on her desk. "Thank you, Udonge. You can return to your duties." Reisen nodded again, then turned, and disappeared down the hallways. "Well, I suppose I should start by saying 'Happy New Year.'" I blinked, frowned, then remarked that she was the second to actually do so in the new year rather than right before it. Yamame looked at me with a frown and opened her mouth, so I cut her off by saying that saying it during the countdown didn't count, and she stuck her tongue out at me, then told me that I'd left her very distracted afterward, so that was my fault. After a few moments, I looked back at Eirin, who'd simply watched us.

Finally, I asked her what she was planning for this assistance stuff. "Just for the benefit of...Not having anyone one else crack my skull open, allow to just check with you once more. You are, in fact, amenable to assisting me with my experiments with the hopeful end goal of discovering an antidote to the Hourai Elixir?" I nodded, but reminded her that I wasn't consenting to her sticking me with a bunch of needles and pumping who knew what into my body. "Yes, I believe that is partially why you still have someone accompany you to these sessions, is it not? No, I believe that if there are any trials to be done this time around, they will be done with your full knowledge, if they have to be done on you at all. Is that more comforting to hear?" It was, I supposed.

Still, it didn't stop Yamame. "You'd best tell the truth." She muttered. "If you don't - Genbu Ravine Type A will seem like nothing compared to what I'll give you." Her threat was received emotionlessly by Eirin, which I expected.

"Quite so." She replied. "I'm sure that those words, if nothing else, will be a comfort to you. Now, shall we move this conversation to somewhere more appropriate?" I decided at that point that if I was going in for this, I might as well go all in, so I nodded readily. "Excellent. Follow me." She stood and turned at the door, one hand behind her back and the other beckoning us forward. Yamame and I followed behind her, through the halls of Eientei. For a moment, I'd thought them silent, but then I'd catch a glimpse of some rabbits through a door, or walking down a corridor, or I'd hear a conversation in the distance about something as simple as who's turn it was to do the laundry - Funnily enough, I heard that one twice, and on both occasions, the rabbits had agreed to make Reisen do it. Either way, we eventually emerged into a clinical room, much like the one that plenty of my nightmares centred around. This time, though, I had Yamame to steady me before I could weaken.

"Why are we here?" Yamame asked slowly. "Because if you're-"

"Yes, I am well aware that you want my repeated assurances, thank you. We are here for two reasons. One, this room is private, as this is not a conversation or situation that I want overheard. Two, I aim to begin work as quickly as possible. You see," And here, Eirin brought us to a bed, "While you are more concerned with the here and now, I must take the more long-term view. Both of your lifespans combined are the smallest fraction of a blink of the eye to me, and I do not want to waste any more time. Not," She raised a hand as Yamame tried to speak, "To say that I will rush you into anything. You have plenty of time. But no matter how much time you have, it pales to the contemplation of the infinite." I had a feeling it would take me an infinite amount of time to comprehend her words in general, so I decided to move past it for now. Instead, I asked her what she wanted me to do. She looked across the bed at me with her cold, grey eyes.

>> No.45826725 [View]

Hard to say who would win. They might be close in power but i'd say Yukari wins because her big computer-like brain would give her an edge. She also seems the type to rely more on tricks and cheating as opposed to Yuuka who is more straight forward.
She could dodge the gap or just fly right back to earth instantly. Even some of the weaker characters in Imperishable Night made it through Eientei's infinite hallways easily so Yuuka would logically move super fast. Also I want to fuck both of them.

>> No.45653991 [View]
File: 1.45 MB, 2150x2723, himajin_Ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god those tits are so fucking huge!! Her shoulders are wide too and she looks tall as fuck. This Yuuka could pick me up like I'm a baby and there's nothing i could (or would) want to do about it!!! Anyway, to answer your question this is very individual and dependent on who they are since the cast is so diverse. On the one hand you have hobo Mokou who probably talks to the villagers or might show up to get a drink or a snack. She's close friends with Keine so she might hang out during Keine's lessons, maybe even to help Keine with her class. The kids in said class love having her teach them as well despite her being strict and rough around the edges, especially when they do tests.
Kaguya on the other hand is wealthy and has a shitload of people to tend to her needs as a princess and she fully deserves to be worshiped and treated like royalty. Although she does pull her own weight in so far as her handling Eientei's defence via infinite hallways. She was also seen in the village in one print work. She also plays around with the moonie tech she has. Think of those American gun videos where they use and fire expensive weapons or even explosives except make it all sci-fi. Kaguya could be using hand held particle accelerators for fun. Or maybe she plays with robots. She also has the inaba give her foot massages and that is their highest honor in life.
As for other characters, Ran would be interesting too. We have an idea of what she does in her free time which is doing maths/calculating random shit like the Sanzu river's dimensions or fighting self made clones of herself as a form of training. We also see her hanging out with Chen. From what I've seen from her spell cards i think she spends a lot of time meditating and studying and training her body. I like to think that she does other stuff related to computers. Like making perfect operating systems that make man made ones look like shit. Or modding games or even creating new games from scratch. Oh and she generates AI art. Possibly porn as well. She probably hangs out with yokai/kitsune friends, maybe even Celestials. Considering how divine golden nine tailed foxes are.

>> No.45515087 [View]
File: 220 KB, 382x540, OkinaFeet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soubds like you're taking the power descriptions too literally.
I'm reading the descriptions, this isn't poetry where you can't take it too literally. I mean you should read it with a grain of salt, but even then most of the information is true and you can check for that by looking at other stories or decriptions.
>It's supposed to be something along the lines of "Supposedly can" too
I think it's something like the ''extent/degree''. Regardless this is just semantics. Sure sometimes it might say that only for a character to do exactly the thing that they ''supposedly can'' do. Like with flight, if im not mistaken people think that a 2hus flight is somehow limited because of what you said may be in the original Japanese. They say that while ignoring the that a lot of the cast can easily fly anywhere they want. Remilia flew around the moon to catch Yorihime off guard or the Imperishable Night protagonists flying through the infinite hallways in Eientei with them doing it so easily they didn't even know it was infinite until Eirin told them.
>Think of a power less absolutely and you'll stop having as many problems. I have to power to pick up rocks, since I can lean down and pick up a small rock in my garden, but I'm not gonna be able to lift a giant boulder any time soon because of it.
You or I may not be able to do that, but a 2hu can. What they actually do in the story can further clarify the extent to which their power goes. The hourai immortals are immortal. To what extent? Well they die plenty of times and eat spiritual and physical attacks for dinner and come back for more. This along with the description of their power and statements from other characters means they're basically invincible.
>As an example, even a strong youkai with a strong sounding ability like Yukari couldn't just open a gap to the moon, she had to leverage things to get there.
That is a good point, i also recall her having trouble getting to the heavens as well. Which is weird considering that she can easily travel across dimensions and open up holes in space time and pop up anywhere in Gensokyo or the Outside World. Her boundary abilities were said to be able to affect anything. So I cant find any canon explanation for why she can do what i just said but also has trouble going to less than a handful of places. My headcanon is that places like the moon are intentionally made harder for her to get to via magic or some other reasons because the people there don't like her. This applies to the heavens as well since she's on bad terms with Tenshi and she called the people there out for trying to keep others out of the heavens.

>> No.45413105 [View]
File: 121 KB, 850x600, SheKnowsHeIsHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would honestly make for an amazing fan game. Just use Copyright friendly Garret. Call him Barret or something. Add in some cool items from 2hu canon to help with missions. As you said the missions keep escalating but i wouldnt have him be an incident solver, he doesn't have the raw magic needed. It should just be him stealing from rich toehoes. Start in the village then escalate to SDM, maybe yokai mountain and then Eientei. Each one has their own unique and valuable items with Eientei having the Impossible Requests as the main draw.
Eientei is essentially impossible to beat since the hallways in Eientei are infinite and this guy can't just fly his ass through it like the main characters did. Even if he did Kaguya could just beat him to death. He could wind up losing like he did that one time he got assaulted and lost his eye. Maybe the person he got the building plans for Eientei from was a certain lying bunny.

Now If you really want him to win you'd need to give him a lot of plot armour, magic items and help from named characters but even then it wouldn't feel right. As for gameplay each place i mentioned would have such diverse enemies and obstacles and puzzles. You could have Sakuya's time stop be a periodic thing that you can time just right to not get caught. Maybe she freezes time and surveys almost the entire building and there's an area or two you can hide in. Or you can pretend to be an inanimate object via magic or just by staying still. You could exploit weaknesses of certain yokai or fairies. Maybe you could even let Flandre out in some indirect way to distract Sakuya. Eientei would be the best stage in the game. Best atmosphere for a thief game, i mean look at the backgrounds for Imperishable Night. You'd also get a reminder of the second thief game with some advanced technology being present. Kaguya had her moon tech expo so who's to say that her house wouldn't have integrated tech from the moon? Also Kaguya's beauty could be a gameplay thing that adds a layer of difficulty. Your character might start walking towards her without any input. This is especially true when she sings.

>> No.44008296 [View]

infinite hallways and chasing him down to exhaustion as a shogwall, then dissolving him away to a nice warm bed

>> No.42593542 [View]

here you go anon, fair warning they're just set up

>> No.39513521 [View]

I'll repost the shog one from last thread
>be (You)
>car breaks down in a storm
>middle of nowhere
>no signal
>heavy rain, howling winds, low visibility, lightning overhead
>able to make it to a nearby mansion
>ring the bell, knock on the door, no response
>contemplate just taking shelter under the porch till the storm lets up
>suddenly the door opens slightly
>look inside
>a dimly lit and lavishly decorated foyer with some seating
>call out if anyone's there
>step inside to get a better look
>door closed behind you
>after struggling with the door for a few minutes you sit down and decide to just wait till either the storm passes or the owners show up
>finally get a chance to appreciate the foyer
>solid parquet wooden floor, fancy chandeliers, luxurious imperial purple carpet and paintings of someone you can't make out in the dim light
>eventually the warmth of the room and the exhaustion of trudging through the storm get to you and you drift off
>wake up
>your in a large emperor sized bed
>wrapped in the warmest duvet you've ever come across
>as you get up you notice your wearing purple silk pyjamas
>in a slight panic you quickly leave the room to get your bearings and find yourself in a dark corridor lit only by lightning from the storm
>as you desperately stumble around in the dark calling out you only find more corridors and locked rooms
>it just keeps going on
>you turn impossible corners and travel down corridors that seem to last forever
>suddenly you hear something
>a wet squelching noise
>as you turn around you can just make out a dark writhing mass at the end of the corridor
>you run
>you turn corner after corner in these infinite hallways
>but the dark mass is never far behind
>finally you come to a dead end
>nowhere left to go
>nowhere left to run
>the mass gets closer and closer
>hanging on the wall is another one of those painting from the foyer
>lightning briefly illuminates the room finally allowing you to see the figure depicted
>it's (You)

>> No.39512874 [View]

what the perfect time to repost
>be (You)
>car breaks down in a storm
>middle of nowhere
>no signal
>heavy rain, howling winds, low visibility, lightning overhead
>able to make it to a nearby mansion
>ring the bell, knock on the door, no response
>contemplate just taking shelter under the porch till the storm lets up
>suddenly the door opens slightly
>look inside
>a dimly lit and lavishly decorated foyer with some seating
>call out if anyone's there
>step inside to get a better look
>door closed behind you
>after struggling with the door for a few minutes you sit down and decide to just wait till either the storm passes or the owners show up
>finally get a chance to appreciate the foyer
>solid parquet wooden floor, fancy chandeliers, luxurious imperial purple carpet and paintings of someone you can't make out in the dim light
>eventually the warmth of the room and the exhaustion of trudging through the storm get to you and you drift off
>wake up
>your in a large emperor sized bed
>wrapped in the warmest duvet you've ever come across
>as you get up you notice your wearing purple silk pyjamas
>in a slight panic you quickly leave the room to get your bearings and find yourself in a dark corridor lit only by lightning from the storm
>as you desperately stumble around in the dark calling out you only find more corridors and locked rooms
>it just keeps going on
>you turn impossible corners and travel down corridors that seem to last forever
>suddenly you hear something
>a wet squelching noise
>as you turn around you can just make out a dark writhing mass at the end of the corridor
>you run
>you turn corner after corner in these infinite hallways
>but the dark mass is never far behind
>finally you come to a dead end
>nowhere left to go
>nowhere left to run
>the mass gets closer and closer
>hanging on the wall is another one of those painting from the foyer
>lightning briefly illuminates the room finally allowing you to see the figure depicted
>it's (You)

>> No.37266202 [View]

>be (You)
>car breaks down in a storm
>middle of nowhere
>no signal
>heavy rain, howling winds, low visibility, lightning overhead
>able to make it to a nearby mansion
>ring the bell, knock on the door, no response
>contemplate just taking shelter under the porch till the storm lets up
>suddenly the door opens slightly
>look inside
>a dimly lit and lavishly decorated foyer with some seating
>call out if anyone's there
>step inside to get a better look
>door closed behind you
>after struggling with the door for a few minutes you sit down and decide to just wait till either the storm passes or the owners show up
>finally get a chance to appreciate the foyer
>solid parquet wooden floor, fancy chandeliers, luxurious imperial purple carpet and paintings of someone you can't make out in the dim light
>eventually the warmth of the room and the exhaustion of trudging through the storm get to you and you drift off
>wake up
>your in a large emperor sized bed
>wrapped in the warmest duvet you've ever come across
>as you get up you notice your wearing purple silk pyjamas
>in a slight panic you quickly leave the room to get your bearings and find yourself in a dark corridor lit only by lightning from the storm
>as you desperately stumble around in the dark calling out you only find more corridors and locked rooms
>it just keeps going on
>you turn impossible corners and travel down corridors that seem to last forever
>suddenly you hear something
>a wet squelching noise
>as you turn around you can just make out a dark writhing mass at the end of the corridor
>you run
>you turn corner after corner in these infinite hallways
>but the dark mass is never far behind
>finally you come to a dead end
>nowhere left to go
>nowhere left to run
>the mass gets closer and closer
>hanging on the wall is another one of those painting from the foyer
>lightning briefly illuminates the room finally allowing you to see the figure depicted
>it's (You)

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