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Search: Greenland

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>> No.46923835 [View]

greenland's population is not statistically relevant. and also they're part of denmark so technically they're a first world country

>> No.46923825 [View]

look up the crime rate in greenland and try surmising a guess as to why that is

weird thing to say which schizo am i dealing with today?

>> No.46162028 [View]

going to say greenland and pray (not gonna cheat and do nerd shit like look things up on the internet before i talk)

>> No.45505057 [View]

doesn’t iceland or greenland or something require you to do a dna test and use an ancestry app to confirm that people aren’t related before they are allowed to marry

>> No.43609120 [View]

greenland photoshoot...

>> No.43121910 [View]

greenland mershark gf

>> No.43061213 [View]

greenland mershark oneechan for that blind moe

>> No.42437881 [View]
File: 672 KB, 1285x890, gensocko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truetrue. I feel like SA won't be too hard.

>Hina is Haiti because of dolls
>Sakuya can be the Philippines (maids)
Sounds go-
>Sakuya wasn't a bulgarian vampire hunter?

I definitely see that, a good second choice.

She's a good Christian girl, only cannibalism she engages in are Communion wafers. She's Vatican City.

Yuyuko, cause borgar.
Or Reimu, cause blows up anything it dislikes with indiscriminate force.
Or Marisa, cause personality.
Please do post if you do!

Any particular reason why?

Made Hina Haiti
Made Letty Greenland and Rin Iceland.
Made Cirno Argentina and Dai Uruguay.

>> No.42427234 [View]

letty = svalbard since it's pretty much cold there
daiyousei = iceland only because of its proximity to greenland.

>> No.42426508 [View]
File: 428 KB, 1191x718, itspreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Saki for Mongolia, because Genghis Chan had a quote about horses.
I like this. Horse for horse raiders.

>Yukari for Russia, Belarus/Kazakhstan for Ran, the other from the pair for Chen. Reflects their IRL relationship as vassals of the bigger entity.
Feels a bit off for Chen to not directly be a vassal of Ran, but overall good choice.

>Seija for North Korea, because she's the odd one out and everyone hates her.
I like it, but I can't think of a good character for South Korea if I use her...

>Alice strikes me more as a Frenchie, not a bong. Though I can't articulate why, just a gut feeling.
I can kinda see it, but she's based on Alice in Wonderland, isn't she?

>Momiji is Canada because leaf.
I forgot she had leaf shield. Yes, obvious choice.

>Cirno is Iceland. Come on, ICE-land. Or maybe Greenland, as this one is actually more ice-covered.
Cirno misnaming her land as Greenland fits too well. Greenland it is.

>Patchy is explicitly European IIRC, though not sure where exactly she's from.
I've heard claims she's hungarian...maybe I'll go with that if I can't come up with a better 2hu.

>Yoshika can be put in Egypt, because Rigid Paradise sounds vaguely Egypt-like.
Hmm...fair enough.

>Sanae is Mexico because she's an immigrant who came to take Gensokyans' jobs.

>Eiki can also be French, as the European Court of Human Rights is there.
Aaaa I almost made Eiki Belgium cause I misremebered the court of human rights being based in Belgium

>Komachi is Spain because she likes to take a siesta.
If I can find a better fit for Denmark, that might be a good choice.
Good post.

I can't tell if you're making fun of New Zealand or not. But I looked up their peach production per capita and the results are fairly reasonable, so okay.

I don't love my choices for France and the UK so...that might be good. I'll let it soak in my brain for a little bit.

>Shinmyoumaru is Liechtenstein because smol
Good choice.
>surely there's a 2hu that's enough of a saint to be a better fit there
Yes. Rumia.
>Kagerou is Hungary
Good call!

Tenshi=New Zealand

Please more suggestions and criticisms

>> No.42426398 [View]

Saki for Mongolia, because Genghis Chan had a quote about horses.
Yukari for Russia, Belarus/Kazakhstan for Ran, the other from the pair for Chen. Reflects their IRL relationship as vassals of the bigger entity.
Seija for North Korea, because she's the odd one out and everyone hates her.
Alice strikes me more as a Frenchie, not a bong. Though I can't articulate why, just a gut feeling.
Momiji is Canada because leaf.
Cirno is Iceland. Come on, ICE-land. Or maybe Greenland, as this one is actually more ice-covered.
Patchy is explicitly European IIRC, though not sure where exactly she's from.
Yoshika can be put in Egypt, because Rigid Paradise sounds vaguely Egypt-like.
Sanae is Mexico because she's an immigrant who came to take Gensokyans' jobs.
Eiki can also be French, as the European Court of Human Rights is there.
Komachi is Spain because she likes to take a siesta.

That's every random idea my mind came up with for now.

>> No.42300088 [View]


>> No.42214329 [View]

>Graf Zeppelin Zwei
>gains surface shelling capability on par with light cruisers
>can artillery CI like Ise-class K2, only with randomly-chosen dive/torpedo bombers
>can do mixed CVCI and ArtyCI when embarking fighter + dive bomber + torpedo bomber + recon seaplane with a medium caliber primary/secondary gun in expansion slot
>obtains armored flight deck and compatibility with jets
>Winter 2023, Surigao Strait 3.0 single-map event to cash in on anime, Weevee is final EO reward (and California is EO boss drop) while Heywood is MO reward.
>Spring 2023, conflict in the Persian Gulf to secure oil supplies (insert MC2002 memes here), this area is then implemented as W8 after the event ends
>Summer 2023, the Norwegian campaign (including Oskarbourg Fortress, MO rewards Blucher); EO expands to an Iceland - Greenland campaign to secure GIUK, which then becomes the basis of W9 after event ends (also, either Zeppelin or Warspite gets a Zwei or partial Mod2 refit).

>> No.41286095 [View]

Close, greenturd

>> No.41286075 [View]

the ice in Greenland?

>> No.41278670 [View]

>your blind greenland mershark buddy hits puberty for her 150th birthday
she's gentle, right?

>> No.40936443 [View]

I'm okay with deep sea gigantism but just having giants for the sake of giants is dumb. Give me a reason why they're so big like having to deal with the excruciating pressure that far below the oceans surface. Also I wouldn't mind a 12" Greenland Shark gf who gets super upset when she can't smell or hear me because I left the room to get snacks.
But that's just me I don't give a fuck what you think, I'm just spouting my stupid head canon.

>> No.40873502 [View]

>Greenland shark gf
>she's at least three times your size and older than you by 400 years
>still clings to you and gets scared when you're away from her for too long
>even though she scares even some of the biggest hellhounds and manticores

>> No.40681977 [View]

Greenland is the icy one and Iceland is the green one.

>> No.40681942 [View]

It's Greenland hours

>> No.40672088 [View]

Well, things like the Kig map are for solving that problem, sometimes. Unless you live in Greenland.

>> No.40506916 [View]
File: 703 KB, 1407x1000, Rathalos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing LoL, had pushed far over to other side when we won. I had 10 kills, 8 deaths. Thought about playing Fiddlesticks next match, apparently there was to be 10 games.
I flew over a map, near Iceland and Greenland, beneath me the ice would melt. I went around melting the frozen lakes for a while, then went near a great church that had a giant humanoid lion statue outside it that came to life and attacked me. Clawing me once, I nearly died, clawing me twice, I did.
I was with a girl in a building, there was blob things on the ground that I threw corrosive blobs onto, I had a couple large ones that instantly disintegrated them, and a bunch of small ones that didn't do as much. A zombie appeared behind them, so I ran off, hoping it would be distracted with the girl. I ran through maze like hallways, with many doors I tried to shut behind me to slow it down. I accidentally went into a bathroom, when I turned around it was there, saying "I lost my mind, I lost my mind..."
With Yukari in a paddock near some waterholes. She says all I have to do is finish a couple pages of homework and hand it in.
In my room, my mother's boyfriend comes in and smells a bag of weed over the side of my bed. He comes over to where I was standing on top of a wooden trunk, and tries to force a little silver cross necklace over the top of my head but I fight him off. Then we hear my mother in the kitchen, going over we see her ripping a really cool bong that lit up with colours and made electronic wubwubs when it bubbled, after she smokes it I look inside and see a lot of residual smoke, and something burning within.
With Yukari in a truck, she said all I have to do is finish colouring in 132. I see a picture of her squatting with her dress hiked over her ass labeled 132, the only thing not coloured was her panties. I thought "Pink? Black is sexy. Red is also good." (I choose purple.)
Go down an elevator to a parking lot under mall to fight someone. I thought since my soul level's low(thinking of my current Ds3 Flan, since FlandreScarletIV recently got her savefile corrupted I made a new Flan, Nameless Flandre, and haven't played her much, only soul level ~200) I'd equip Dragon Arms to give myself an advantage. We considered dueling with Twin Princes' Greatword, but decided on Stormruler. I kept charging it up but the sword never turned white, but when I tried the weapon art it still did the airslice, he dodged it. Since I was extremely laggy, we gave up on the duel. We sat a bus stop, hearing something about McDonalds collecting information, and something about homeless people having a harder time getting welfare money than NEETs. We went with a couple of others down a road, one of us could "equip" a truck, which he would switch into in a couple of seconds, or vice versa, so I called him a transformer and imitated the sound effect when he switched. We walked between two fences on a grass path, one of us, my protege, climbed over the right-hand fence, and we acted like he was done for, saying Big Bang -something-, and calling him Dharma Doug. When he came back over we ran away, treating him as a zombie. The ground got muddy so I tried to stick close to the left fence, pulling myself along with it to try and escape him, but tripped, then he acted like he tagged me, then we both moved on.

Drawing the picture of me vomiting leeches. My eyes looked normal so I erased and redrew them bugged out, but accidently drew the right eye extremely massive, so erased and redrew it a bit smaller

Playing Warcraft 3. It was important to win because "Whoever controls this map controls manifestation" or something like that. In the middle of the map before an Altar of Kings, I summoned a hero and some skeletons to go take the enemy's base on the right side, but a "DLC" custom Raider with siege damage appeared next to my base on the left side, so I lost. (Read: I let my last dream thread die because an angry basedjak glowie shit the thread up.)

Over a railway, saw a menu where I could pick teams. There was a Fire team on the left, but it was blanked out. "They're forcing you to choose Lightning team", on the right. Which had a couple of monsters I could pick between, I only remember Rathalos. There was another team in-between, don't remember it. I guess Fire team would be me slowly posting dreams, while Lightning team is, well, like how I'm gonna post this shit.

I found something related to Shaka Ponk in one of my dad's sheds. I thought my mom divorced him because he's "Just a Nerd", that it'd be funny and cruel to show up while he's slaving away in his shed and sing "Oooooo-ooo~ I'm dying~ On my own~" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS48QDmVlo8

A Boost Juice employee made some nice images about Yukari's nipples for me. Also gave me "Fat free" gum.

I was praying to Zeus for protection after I die.

>> No.40445846 [View]
File: 81 KB, 756x1008, 132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing LoL, had pushed far over to other side when we won. I had 10 kills, 8 deaths. Thought about playing Fiddlesticks next match, apparently there was to be 10 games.

I flew over a map, near Iceland and Greenland, beneath me the ice would melt. I went around melting the frozen lakes for a while, then went near a great church that had a giant humanoid lion statue outside it that came to life and attacked me. Clawing me once, I nearly died, clawing me twice, I did.

I was with a girl in a building, there was blob things on the ground that I threw corrosive blobs onto, I had a couple large ones that instantly disintegrated them, and a bunch of small ones that didn't do as much. A zombie appeared behind them, so I ran off, hoping it would be distracted with the girl. I ran through maze like hallways, with many doors I tried to shut behind me to slow it down. I accidentally went into a bathroom, when I turned around it was there, saying "I lost my mind, I lost my mind..."

With Yukari in a paddock near some waterholes. She says all I have to do is finish a couple pages of homework and hand it in.

In my room, my mother's boyfriend comes in and smells a bag of weed over the side of my bed. He comes over to where I was standing on top of a wooden trunk, and tries to force a little silver cross necklace over the top of my head but I fight him off. Then we hear my mother in the kitchen, going over we see her ripping a really cool bong that lit up with colours and made electronic wubwubs when it bubbled, after she smokes it I look inside and see a lot of residual smoke, and something burning within.

With Yukari in a truck, she said all I have to do is finish colouring in 132. I see a picture of her squatting with her dress hiked over her ass labeled 132, the only thing not coloured was her panties. I thought "Pink? Black is sexy. Red is also good." (I choose purple.)

Go down an elevator to a parking lot under mall to fight someone. I thought since my soul level's low(thinking of my current Ds3 Flan, since FlandreScarletIV recently got her savefile corrupted I made a new Flan, Nameless Flandre, and haven't played her much, only soul level ~200) I'd equip Dragon Arms to give myself an advantage. We considered dueling with Twin Princes' Greatword, but decided on Stormruler. I kept charging it up but the sword never turned white, but when I tried the weapon art it still did the airslice, he dodged it. Since I was extremely laggy, we gave up on the duel. We sat a bus stop, hearing something about McDonalds collecting information, and something about homeless people having a harder time getting welfare money than NEETs. We went with a couple of others down a road, one of us could "equip" a truck, which he would switch into in a couple of seconds, or vice versa, so I called him a transformer and imitated the sound effect when he switched. We walked between two fences on a grass path, one of us, my protege, climbed over the right-hand fence, and we acted like he was done for, saying Big Bang -something-, and calling him Dharma Doug. When he came back over we ran away, treating him as a zombie. The ground got muddy so I tried to stick close to the left fence, pulling myself along with it to try and escape him, but tripped, then he acted like he tagged me, then we both moved on.

>> No.40442509 [View]

>ms greenland shark hits pubery around age ~150
that's going to be one weird sabbath

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