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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.20556404 [View]

... Did I actually use a name of one of his things? I honestly just pulled out some random tropes from romance novels. I was aiming for more of a dig at Nora Roberts or the like.

>> No.20556330 [View]

Oh, free time, how I missed you.


I miss Bromont. Bizarre Slime was damn good times.

>> No.20547482 [View]

The fate of too many a good story.

Don't feel bad; it's the future he chose.

>> No.20544293 [View]


Hey, whatever happened to that Subnautica themed story? Did it get to the Raper Leviathans?

>> No.20542881 [View]

Happy new year, fellow nerds.


I had to delete this one wholesale, twice, before my dumb ass realized why I'm having trouble. I got into this shit to write about monstergirls, dammit.

>> No.20099808 [View]


>> No.20069106 [View]

Oh, I don't intend to go anywhere until I'm done. I've got fourteen more chapters of this, and then I've got the archmage story to complete. Don't know if I'll still be around after that, but that's probably at least two years away, anywho.

>> No.20068584 [View]


Oh, good catch. I'd forgotten to state outright that it was the amazon he'd spared. The downside to spending too much time planning things out ahead of time is that I don't have the perspective of people who don't know beforehand what's going on.

>> No.20066596 [View]

And I've got Internet again! Did I miss anything?


Couple updates, though one of them is smol.

>> No.19480186 [View]

The thought is, you can die defying the enemies of kin and country, or you can die having betrayed them. It's the same principle of shooting deserters in wartime - you can fight and die, or you can run and die. Part of both of my stories is how things seem to be settling back down to how they were in the old days - except this time around there are still monstergirls to try to influence things.

>> No.19476408 [View]

You aren't necessarily wrong, but that's not quite it, either. Val, at the end, had achieved a different ideal than the one Victor is slowly moving toward. You could, if you were of a /tg/ persuasion, think that Val was working toward a Neutral Good vision of the world. Victor, however, has never been anything but Lawful. You could read this story as him trying to figure out where on that side of the alignment chart he sits.

>> No.19475900 [View]


Come to think of it, I should probably edit things a bit. His very special sword is in his apartment, going unused since it refused to do what he wanted it to do. The one he just lost was the one he took off of a lizardman who thought he looked like a skilled swordsman.

>> No.19475631 [View]

Lythalia was always the most interesting one to me, because she understood everything of what was going on except for Val. From his perspective she was just an idiot, but that's because he was the only person she didn't understand.

And yes, those two were 100% perfect.

>> No.19475573 [View]

I'm glad for the extra work, since not worrying about bills has effectively removed all the stress from my life, but getting this story done would make me a lot happier.


>> No.19034729 [View]


Hey, I planned on making a trifecta of updates, and then I conked out and had work. Though, admittedly, this next day is going to be a long one, so I don't know why I thought I was gonna get that done in one day. Having a weekend free to do my own thing was just so weird and refreshing that I went a little crazy.

>> No.18745255 [View]

Sixteen days is worse than the two week cap I'd wanted to impose on myself, but I'll call it warmup for now.


This latest chapter is all about our paladin interacting with the girls around him.

>> No.18632283 [View]

Finally sold enough platelets for a new computer edition!


Two updates, but the first is small and the second is shorter still, but with good reason. Anything added would detract, I think. In any case, I'm curious to see what all I've missed around these parts.

>> No.17839213 [View]

It probably doesn't help that one dealt with them as family, and the other meets them most often in the context of criminals. How would you be judged as a person by your closest family, and then by someone who'd witnessed you at your worst?

A couple chapters from now it'll actually have a rather fun reversal, which I'm admittedly looking forward to writing.

>> No.17838590 [View]

Lythalia was always one of my favorites, personally. She was somewhat unique in that she alone wasn't actually trying to get Val to fuck her, but rather just to fuck anyone at all. In a DND scaling system, she was the most good-aligned. With that said, she also stone cold had no idea how to help him.

That they finally came to understand each other at the end was one of the most relieving things to write in that entire story.

Also, was the principal going to rape him, or had he just convinced himself that she would?

>> No.17837406 [View]

Tera was, in fact, the best character. Her and Cara, though, were probably the majority of the reason why he couldn't really deal with anti-monster sentiments on any level other than unthinking hatred, though. Anyone who wished ill of them was, after all, obviously pure evil.

I'd do that, but seeing just a couple days of older Lanternon, if memory serves, was sufficient to ruin Christmas that year. Seven years of hurting people and being idly horrified of the possibility that his best friend/romantic interest had starved to death couldn't possibly be fun to write, and I sincerely doubt would be fun to read.

>> No.17833373 [View]

Well shit, I'm already up too late and now I want to write more.

>> No.17833291 [View]

I appreciate that, honest. My personal life's gotta fix itself, though. I'm more getting dragged along than anything else. And besides, I do enjoy doing the writing when I'm not so stressed that I just stare blankly at the word file.

>> No.17833187 [View]

Yep. I honestly don't even have a general idea of the overview of the third. So far it's just been setting the story up - after that I imagine that I'll either have a clearer idea of how the beginning links up to the end. With the wordcount being what it is, though, it's going to be a novel before I hit chapter 8.

>> No.17833131 [View]

23 more posts, is what it comes to in my overview. If I had no family or job, it'd be done before new years.

As it is, I'm sure I'll post again before 2017 ends.

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