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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6447857 No.6447857 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese xenophobia in a nutshell.

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6447838 No.6447838 [Reply] [Original]

Any VNs with weddings or a wedding theme? I'm kinda itching to get hitched vicariously through a visual novel. VNDB has a wedding tag http://vndb.org/g865 but it's pretty sparse (as are most tags on VNDB) and none of those look any good. Oh, and I've been downloading Grow Up Bride for about 7 weeks now, it's still stuck at 98%.

>> No.6447913

>Etna isn't even wearing a top, only the ribbon covers her chest


>> No.6448030

Floral plus or something by Xuse
pretty old

>> No.6448040

ore no yome for xbox360

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6447836 No.6447836 [Reply] [Original]

You deny the darkness in your soul! You deny your power!

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>> No.6448602

Shirou, Tiger's need meat to live. Taiga needs YOUR meat. If you don't, she'll die from a severe meat difficiency!

>> No.6448822
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Stay classy Caster

>> No.6448826
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Makes sense I guess.

>> No.6448865

HF was good enough for her.

Now, Ayako on the other hand...

>> No.6448934
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6447815 No.6447815 [Reply] [Original]

Why is NV so shitty?

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>> No.6447868

>invisible walls
There's a mod that fixes that.

>> No.6447871

There's "freedom" in Oblivion, but nothing to do, so its rather pointless. I guess the thieves guild quest-line is fun, but in what sort of game to you justify it by saying "this one part was fun" but the rest was tedium.

>> No.6447884

The Dark Brotherhood quest line kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the last half and was overall fun. Being an assassin in an open sandbox world is very fun and contains many possibilities. That is the only reason I would play games like the GTA series.

>> No.6447926

I bet you faggots post in jrpg/hotglue/starcraft/farm sim/someweirdonlinetank game threads and believe that they're more /jp/ related than Fallout. They aren't[.spoiler]

>> No.6448038

I never said that Oblivion was good, nor that it wasn't pointless.
But the freedom of Oblivion is still stripped in Fallout 3, and it is not as if fallout 3 is any less pointless.

Fallout 3 is basically "the same game", only emptier, more restricted, just as pointless if not worse, everything is gray, and you can barely even move.

Something like vehicles could possibly up the game some, but it is not really as if it would matter, because the way the world is designed you would barely be able to use them, and there wouldn't be a point to do so even if you could.

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6447777 No.6447777 [Reply] [Original]

I see danmaku falling on me when I close my eyes.

>> No.6447800

You are doing it right

Go on

Also, portable Touhou, everywhere always, you have achieved it.

>> No.6447805

happens if i've been playing too long (esp ESoD because of the red bullets)
you close your eyes and try to go to bed but you see Red Magic

>> No.6447826

God dammit, now I'm seeing them. Every time someone brings up danmaku I see bullets raining eyes open or closed. It's a bother.

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6447744 No.6447744 [Reply] [Original]

figure thread?

>> No.6447745
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>> No.6447749
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>> No.6447763

Is that Putin?

>> No.6447776
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>> No.6447796

I need to get both of these figures.

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6447735 No.6447735 [Reply] [Original]

I hate sluts but why do I always get turned on when I see a loli getting fucked in all holes by atleast 5 different men?
Have I found the art of seeing myself as the girl who's getting raped?

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>> No.6447802

Hypnotism has always been one of my biggest fetishes, and it is far less the whole being dominant thing that so many people may think is the main thing about the fetish.

But the hypnotism thing actually creates a loop hole where non-sluts can act like sluts without actually being sluts.

>> No.6447817

I wish thinking about this yesterday. I think it's most fun if she's pure, but there are two kinds of purity. The most obvious kind of purity is the innocent loli kind. But there's another important kind of purity, the strong and inaccessible tsuntsun kind. A very arrogant fantasy, but wouldn't it feel really good to not only fuck the woman no other man has ever managed to even get close to, but also make her completely your own? Stuff like that really excites me. If she has had a boyfriend before, it's just not the same, where the hell is the fun trying to claim for yourself a woman who is already willing to give herself up to any man?

>> No.6447827

>Liking female submissiveness = insecurity
This just doesn't work, because it implies that guys who are into femdom are the ultimate alphas, which couldn't be further from the truth. Just look at how many people on /jp/ are into femdom and try telling me there's no connection between being into it and being a virgin loser.

>> No.6447830

Inaccessibility is fucking hot. The classic scenario for me is the princess of a kingdom that is invaded savage men or orcs.

>> No.6447869

Or it might have something to do with admitting you're into femdom.

If you're a virgin loser and you know it, that makes it a lot easier to admit you want women to humiliate you.

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6447725 No.6447725 [Reply] [Original]

>friends show up unexpected and uninvited every month
>they hate weeaboos
>hide all weeaboo shit deep in computer
>can't even use a kawaii desktop
>don't hear from friends for over 6 months
>still afraid of losing them if they catch me with my pants down

What should I do /jp/?

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>> No.6447918

Give up OP, this is the only place you'll be able to get "friends".

Next time they come over display your hobby full force, and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised. If nothing else, nothing of value will be lost. You'll still feel alone and unhappy even when they're hanging out with you.

>> No.6447950
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You're complaining?
Well, let me tell you something, all the friends I ever had were Christians (because I was quiet and never dated a girl, and was friendless, so they thought I was pure or some shit like that). I had to pretend I believed in god just because I didn't want to be alone in High School (believe me, they won't treat nerd fags nicely in school, and if he's always alone it's even worse). Also, pretending I believe in god includes pretending I like Christian stuff and disliking wrong things, like music that isn't Christian.
Anyway, I got rid of them when I finished High School. I don't really miss any of them, or any friend I ever had during my adolescence.

>> No.6447951

For whatever reason, he likes these people. Look what he's worried about:
>still afraid of losing them

I suspect that OP, compared to many outspoken anon's of /jp/, simply has a lower tolerance for lonesomeness. It still must be high compared to the population average, since
>don't hear from friends for over 6 months
Are you okay with that, OP? Perhaps it's okay if you just happen to drift apart, as long as you're not kicked out of the friend circle in a sudden, embarrassing, dark-secret-exposing episode?

Also seems that OP has a higher tolerance for hypocrisy (in the mask-wearing sense) than many anons. Hiding his stuff just isn't a big deal for him.

>> No.6448164

"It is better to be alone than in bad company"

>> No.6448179

But do they hate faggots?
Offer your ass to them.
It'll solve all your problems you fucking slut.

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6447685 No.6447685 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6447688

If a boy rubs them, they'll grow!
I can't believe how many girls fell for that when I told them

>> No.6447691

more than 0?

>> No.6447712

Yeah I know, the hands of males are clearly magical compared to the hands of females.
Cause even if it worked, she obviously couldn't rub them herself.

Why don't girls rub them themselves?

>> No.6447723

>Why don't girls rub them themselves?

Girls do rub themselves, it's called masturbation.

And it makes them sluts.

>> No.6447746

Mankind is made of sluts. Even men are all ahegaoing bitch whore swine sluts.

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6447679 No.6447679 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6447687
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6447675 No.6447675 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.6447696

>Replace /a/ with typical /jp/ posters
There's a difference?

>> No.6447704

Samurai Girls

>> No.6447711

Hyakka Ryouran Sion Girls

>> No.6447714
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>> No.6447717

No, that's soap

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6447666 No.6447666 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when captcha was going to be a temporary measure to stem the tide of spam from a specific, now defunct website?

Good times.

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>> No.6448083

I personally type the damn thing out perfectly, each time. It honestly doesnt take that much time, and it's not that annoying.
Everyone just needs to take it easy.

>> No.6448095

I thought most people outside /b/ did do.

>> No.6448096

same here, but for each one of us, there are 200 (not 200, 2000) /b/tards typing whatever

and for every /b/tard, there's ten asspipe gawkers refreshing the page over and over, so that's like 22000 to 1
double that if you generously assume you yourself post every other page load, quadruple it if like most people you don't, so like 88000 to 1
so just fucking round it up to 100000

>> No.6448869

Shut up and get the fuck out Lowtax. Stop being butthurt people left your shitty website.

>> No.6448884

I never fill in the word that I know isn't checked. I just type "a". Why would I? I hate the captcha, I want it gone, I certainly won't work for Google.

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6447566 No.6447566 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.6448069

I litterally rofl'd for like 10 mins.

>> No.6448099
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>> No.6448103

I like how that's mostly capped from the same day.

You even got the dumb one where someone (Sion?) pointed out the triple 5's in my post for some reason.

>> No.6448105
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>> No.6448114

That's not funny, my favorite 4chan otaku-related board died that way.

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6447565 No.6447565 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.6447659

it was in this style too.


>> No.6447662

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gWyqAjQ7Ug huh I had no idea these got subbed.

>> No.6447816


>> No.6447819

Is there a collection of all of those videos(Preferably subbed) yet?

>> No.6447909


I could only find the first two. I think the only reason OMGITSBIGFOOT doesn't do more is because he doesn't have software to cut the video into multiple segments... I dunno why that's even a problem.

Of course, someone could always just do that for him and have SNazerine do the translations

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6447557 No.6447557 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/,

it is impossible to talk in /v/ about games like Etrian Odysee.

So, can we have a EO thread? Is EO /jp/ related?

I just bought a few days ago the first game for 10 bucks and until now, I love every minute.

In fact I love this game so much that I want to buy the next two games also.

How is the 3rd and/ or the second game of EO compared to the first, are they better or worse?

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>> No.6447595
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>Enjoy grinding
You must have done something exceedingly wrong if you ever needed to grind.

Also especially considering how there are sea quests and the ordinary quests, but most of all the sea quests.
But really, unless you are doing something wrong you should never have had to grind, even without the sea quests. The sea quests are mostly just something to boost everything making it all easier by doing interesting side quests.

>> No.6447600

Sea what? The topic was talking about the first game you know that right?

>> No.6447610

I was talking about EO1.

>> No.6447621

I'm lvl 11-12 more or less, Princess-Hoplite-Bucaneer / Zodiac-Arbalist
can I take on the first red boss at that level? I can't advance anywhere else, and I have currently accepted the quest to look for the missing guild, so they must be past that boss, right?

>> No.6447625

>The problem is, they're not all THAT much different from the first game. So unless you REALLY FUCKING LOVE that shit, completing all 3 games in the series might start getting kind of old.
Well, you won't finish the first game unless you really love it, so you can just take that as an initiation test. If you finish the main quest and want more, you should definitely look into the other games.

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6447531 No.6447531 [Reply] [Original]

Walk into the park.
See dis.
What do?

Just to spice things up, assume your next.

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>> No.6447585

I think the Japanese porn industry should draw the line more clearly between porn and comical stuff.

>> No.6447620

I laugh, then book it.

>> No.6447629
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I laugh my ass off every day because shit like this exists. Without unintentionally funny super-kinky porn, I'd lose a part of my happiness.

>> No.6447637

What part is gonna be happening by the moment I walk in?
If it's the part where she's spinning I'd laugh hard like I do every time I see this picture.

>> No.6447638
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6447528 No.6447528 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.6447661

Why would anyone get off to stepping on snails...

>> No.6447692
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>> No.6447699

I can understand the other pics, but those are plain fucked up.

>> No.6447705

Fetishes aren't known for making sense. Just smile politely and step back reaaaaal slow.

>> No.6447710

You didn't see those pictures of the chinese lady stepping on living kitten's heads until they were crushed to death? They used to be posted all over 4chan

This is a real fetish people do with real living animals you know.

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6447517 No.6447517 [Reply] [Original]


Today, Obama visited Kamakura and ate maccha-ice-cream,
but he didin't visit Hiroshima.

He should had visited not Kamakura but Hiroshima.

Obama didn't attend 11th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates held in Hiros hima(11/12-11/14).

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>> No.6447831
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u mad?

>> No.6447832


>> No.6447932
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Maccha-ice-cream outweigh Hiroshima

>> No.6447969
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>> No.6448186

>implying you didn't make those

Sure is chinky gook being butthurt ITT

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6447500 No.6447500 [Reply] [Original]

>give me a fucking break

>> No.6447500,1 [INTERNAL] 


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6447498 No.6447498 [Reply] [Original]

Annoyingly warm this Fall.. At this rate we won't have Winter this year. No Letty and no Cirno this year... sad... I won't be able to throw rocks at them again...

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>> No.6447855

that pic. ;_;

>> No.6447863

>autum first
how can you like rain and wind everyday ? everything die

>> No.6447874
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She's a seasonal Touhou because she is The Flower Master of the Four Seasons.

Also there is no summer Touhou yet meaning it's the only season left for her to be used as a symbol for. Plus, many things that are associated with japanese summer are also associated with Yuuka, not to mention it's supposed to be the harshest season (very warm etc) and Yuuka is possibly the strongest out of the seasonal Touhous.

So I'm very much okay with "Yuuka is summer", even if it's not a nearly as close a connection between her and that specific season when compared to Letty/Aki sisters/Lily.

>> No.6447877
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You will never meet Letty during winter like Santa.

>> No.6447883

I don't see your point. I meant popular characters generally have to put up with all sorts of shit from the fandom despite being popular, and that from people who like them and dislike them both.

My guess is that >>6447821 mean recognition rather than respect.