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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6448570 No.6448570 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ im looking for galge or bishojo games i wonder if you could recommend me some... i never play one soo.. i feel like trying...
No Eroge, Hentai

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>> No.6448669

For galge try Da Capo or Canvas 2. For Bishojo games... Yo Jin Bo - The Bodyguards is about all I can think of.

>> No.6448686
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>Hey /jp/ im looking for galge
>No Eroge, Hentai
Does such a game even exist?

>> No.6448694

galge don't contain h-scenes. think Amagami.

>> No.6448701

Dream of the Red Chamber?

>> No.6448705

look promising thanks bro..

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6448554 No.6448554 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you did the Inganock drinking game of Amaterasu?

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>> No.6448764

It's possible. Just need to keep drinking before the stuff already in your system renders you unconscious.

And there's a sort of unconsciousness you don't wake up from, mind.

>> No.6448771

So the key to surviving is playing slow.

>> No.6448786

Didn't he also do FSN?

>> No.6448962


>> No.6449740

Yeah he did FSN too.

I miss this drunkard anon, his threads always brought fun into sundays.

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6448551 No.6448551 [Reply] [Original]

i wish it had more funny moments

>> No.6448575

err... I don't remember that at all.

>> No.6448581

it's on Yu's route

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6448521 No.6448521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


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6448518 No.6448518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pokemon white English fully patched, works on my acekard 2i.

>> No.6448524

sorry, heres the link

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6448513 No.6448513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

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6448512 No.6448512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


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6448503 No.6448503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

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6448463 No.6448463 [Reply] [Original]

I have a problem here... This exact picture turn me on. Like, it really does.

How about a drugged Touhou thread?

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>> No.6449583

did Koishi give Satori datura or something..

>> No.6449587
File: 20 KB, 400x261, FUCK YEAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro!

>> No.6449621


A disturbingly similar thread.

>> No.6449651

I think I might just attempt to translate this.
I shall post the translated doujin on /jp/ when I'm finished.

>> No.6449726
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Godspeed Anon.

Hot off the Shop.

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6448426 No.6448426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a music anime, or just Japanese musical in general. I assume here might be better than /a/ to ask.

I watched Taisho Yakyu Musume, following the Tokyo no Juice video on youtube. I liked the anime, but I was disapoint at the lack of actual musical moments.

Are there any full blown musical animu, or animu which feature that style of music?

And pic unrelated.

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>> No.6448470
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>> No.6448473

If you want music anime go check out Beck.

And this really should be on /a/.

>> No.6448479


Why would you go to /a/ to talk about anime? That's like going to /v/ to talk abotu video games.

>> No.6448502

Not our problem. Anime shouldn't be here.

>> No.6448519

Nerima Daikon Brothers.

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6448422 No.6448422 [Reply] [Original]

When you use p2p services, how much do you seed? Even when I was limited to 60GB a month, I tried to keep 1:1 ratio in torrent and share.

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>> No.6449432

They will try to connect to you. Just make sure you don't have any exploitable services running.

>> No.6449434

2.0 unless I really enjoyed it then I'll keep it around until I need to make some room

>> No.6449819

>Massive source torrents I don't care about ratio, but for those with just 2 seeds or so, I try and keep them available for other poor people to get their torrents finished.

This. If the torrent has hundreds or thousands of seeds I don't really give a shit but if there are only a few I seed for a while.

>> No.6449836
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I have a really low upstream speed, so I only seed torrents with very few seeds.

>> No.6449844

Why the fuck would you care?

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6448421 No.6448421 [Reply] [Original]

What has /jp/ accomplished today?

I just finished making my waifu in Sexy Beacy 3 and fapped.

Pic related, my waifu.

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>> No.6448823
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>doesn't drink during the day

You're only punishing yourself.

>> No.6448828
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>> No.6448829

/jp/ meet up

>> No.6448909

Me with the fork.
So hungry ;-;

>> No.6448944

Finally took the step. I contacted an older man who'll let me suck his cock while i'm dressed up like a little girl.We're gonna meet up in a couple of days. I can't wait!

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6448419 No.6448419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shock and amazement

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6448401 No.6448401 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Damn I love my Wespe. The match on Cliff starts with a couple heavies on both sides, a good mix of mediums and TDs and 4 SPGs on both sides. We're on the bottom. Both sides go for the middle route, heavy fighting in there. Eight minutes in, we've got a T-46, 3 SU-18s, and my Wespe left, they've got 2 T-57s, and SU-18, an SU-85B, and a Jagdpanzer left. I'm sitting at 3 kills.

Our T-46 moves up the middle with two of the SU-18s. The T-46 dies, but they take out the biggest threat: their SU-85B. Meanwhile the remaining SU-18 moves through the low area on the West with me pacing along behind him. We take out the Jagdpanzer. The SU-18 with me dies to one of their T-57s. I take him out a few seconds later. I'm at 5 kills, but have taken a lot of damage. The two SU-18s on our side in the middle find and take out their other T-57, I find their last SU-18. He fires, misses, and I get my sixth kill for the match.

This game has some awesome moments.

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>> No.6454896

10 people currently on clan. Yes.

Since I joined second, can I be the general?

>> No.6454916

You can be the person who brings me tea and pictures of my waifu

>> No.6455135
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You'll never get such stats with a V tier tank ;_;

>> No.6455159
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Happy 500th kill my Ferdi.

>> No.6455797


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6448373 No.6448373 [Reply] [Original]

You'll never be punished with the power of love by a beautiful girl. ;_;

>> No.6448392

Feels bad, man

>> No.6448394

meido gone, finally?

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6448355 No.6448355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Hanachirasu bad, have I just happened to miss the topics, or is /jp/ really shit lately?

How long has this been translated? I haven't seen a single topic for Hanachirasu

>> No.6448364

Look past the front page

>> No.6448366

Are you always the same guy making threads for things that are still on the first two pages?

>> No.6448369

OP is a failure.

>> No.6448370

Actually, looking at the top of the front page should be enough, now.

[SPOILER] No.6448341[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Nerf Reimu

>> No.6448346


>> No.6448371


>> No.6448389

Easy modo

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6448326 No.6448326[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you like my titties?

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6448322 No.6448322 [Reply] [Original]


Okay, I need a clue what to do. I'm conquering Nightmare Eyes, Ulruka got raped and became a vampire herself. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I am being attacked from every direction, barely making it and slowly going down because of no time to deploy units and heal. If not the fucking bats, then NE attacks me, and then fucking rats out of nowhere raid me. This is ridiculous. I was trying to get rid of rats first then move slowly to NE, but then I lack stamina and shit happens. What should I do? Is there any other form of replenishing HP and/or stamina whom I don't know of?

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>> No.6448553
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>> No.6448561


>> No.6448587

yuri slut

>> No.6448593

I'm with Sion for life.

>> No.6448611
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6448315 No.6448315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

meido shiting the board again

>> No.6448323
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