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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6448862 No.6448862 [Reply] [Original]

meido is out

>> No.6448870
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You need the real version.

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6448834 No.6448834 [Reply] [Original]


I was looking for notes/music sheets for touhou games music so I could learn them to play on piano but its so lame and I couldnt find them at all ;__;

>> No.6448851


>> No.6448852


Enter the searchwords from the song you want

>> No.6448855


>> No.6449021

ok thanks. This site is hard to understand but I found what I needed!

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6448817 No.6448817 [Reply] [Original]

What keeps you from pulling the trigger, /jp/?

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>> No.6448999

The fact that I need a license to carry a gun in my country.

>> No.6449003

Depression is just a feeling. Feelings are just chemicals in the brain. They flow and move and you change your mind. Did you know that in Sweden, train suicides were up so they put a railing in front of the tracks. The number of jumpers dropped. Can you imagine that? A few pieces of metal stopped someone from offing themselves. It shows you that those suicides are spur of the moment type shit. If they were truly suicidal nothing would have stopped them.

>> No.6449006

I'm not an American who can easily get his hand on a gun.

>> No.6449009

>Be creative

>steal gun
>walk into kindergarten
>hey kids! look what i can do
>they ll never forget

>> No.6449012

What's the point in dying?

It's not like I'm in agony 24/7 or anything. Even playing new videogames is better infinite nothingness.

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6448811 No.6448811 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, i'm new here. I know literally nothing about it, but im really interested in Touhou. So...could some of you guys tell me what exactly is Touhou and everything?

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>> No.6448815


>> No.6448816


>> No.6448820

See you in a few months.

>> No.6448824


>> No.6448831

...ok, thanks.

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6448799 No.6448799 [Reply] [Original]

If you could change only one thing in your life, what would that be?

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>> No.6448954

If you could pick any, I'd chose to be a cute girl. But that's probably cheating, since being a cute girl would change my entire life.

>> No.6448957

I'd make it so that I learned how to build advanced robots so I could have my own robot maid.

>> No.6448974

I feel you, bro

>> No.6448987

Looking like a girl.
Or even better, being one, and unaging if possible so I could be an eternal loli or something.

>> No.6448993


I want superpowers.

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6448787 No.6448787 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6448798


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6448760 No.6448760 [Reply] [Original]

so the maker of ever 17 did this?

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>> No.6449044

Adventure. It has puzzles.

>> No.6449430

So this should be in Japanese then.

>> No.6449439

>deep pretentious bullshit


>> No.6449559

But nobody actually talks like that... Well, even I knew it wasn't wrong or anything, but it still sounds awkward as fuck.

>> No.6449652

I just noticed it is the same artist as the Capcom Grooves illustrations for CvS2.

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6448740 No.6448740 [Reply] [Original]

So I hear you want to be Japanese, huh?

>> No.6448746


>> No.6448757

It's funny because it's true.

>> No.6450795

It has more to do with gaining legal rights while living there permanently than it does with getting accepted by people in either country. It's about living in the culture you want to be surrounded by. By that time the person has been successful in education and business, which they have to provide proof of in order to become a citizen.

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6448725 No.6448725 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6448872


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6448713 No.6448713 [Reply] [Original]

How do you pronounce Tewi?

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>> No.6449163


>> No.6449170

I prounounce it with the respect the most beautiful rabbit goddes deserves.

>> No.6449188
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>the most beautiful rabbit goddes
that's not Reisen

>> No.6449189
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lol 2E

>> No.6449235


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6448698 No.6448698 [Reply] [Original]

say aaaaan anon

>> No.6448710

An what?

>> No.6448717

Oh no, she's going to force that spoon into my anus!

>> No.6448738
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>> No.6448772

an anon

>> No.6448859


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6448688 No.6448688 [Reply] [Original]

>/jp/ meetup

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>> No.6448773

me in ZUN!bar's right hand

>> No.6448779

And it seems like she's trying to navigate with the plate! Ha ha! Super duper hilarious!

>> No.6448785

I know!

Crazy woman.

>> No.6448793

you disgust me guys

>> No.6448800

Looks like Sanae to me.

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6448675 No.6448675 [Reply] [Original]

The old eurobeat thread 404d and I can't find a new one.
It was alive for 2 weeks and reached 300 posts, so don't stop now!

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>> No.6456632
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Fuck year.

Futureland and Red Code were my life soundtrack for at least a couple weeks after I got the album. Rock Me wasn't too far behind that... I'd have liked Bad Bad Bad more if it weren't a blatant ripoff of Boom Boom Fire.

>> No.6456636

it may take longer, but I suggest you build your own mixes of your favorite eurobeat songs. It'll make your drives a lot more fun. I remember when I just burned the nonstop megamixes and instead I'd find myself instead flipping through half of the songs to my favorites most of the time.

>> No.6456657

people giving you shit for your tastes in music? Especially Eurobeat? I don't know where you're from but that doesn't happen at all to me out here in SoCal. Feels like with so many musical styles popular out here, no one really cares. It's not all ghetto rap and shit. A lot of metalheads and ska/punk types here too.

although I feel like they're laughing at me about eurobeat behind my backs. ;_;

>> No.6457166

IIRC There was another Touhou Eurobeat release last Comiket besides Touhou Euro Flash with a title very akin to SEB.
Has anyone got a link?

>> No.6457277

The only other one I know is Toho Eurobeat.

Torrent: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=165642

Is that the one you mean, or are there more and I just don't know them yet?

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6448659 No.6448659 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6448666


>> No.6448674
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what sa rectam

>> No.6448681
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>> No.6448682
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>> No.6448693
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Rectam General?
I'm okay with this.

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6448656 No.6448656 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.6448744

Oh...didn't read the picture. Also, cool dubs bro.

>> No.6448756
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Thanks man.

>> No.6448766
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>> No.6448995
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>> No.6449005
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6448643 No.6448643 [Reply] [Original]

Somebody just posted this on /sp/. I was hoping one of you could take it back. Thanks.

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>> No.6448661

That looks fucking hot. Would be hotter if that were a trap.

>> No.6448665

/jp/ meetup

Me in the middle

>> No.6448692

I don't like this.

You're supposed to be the one jamming it into the lolis.

>> No.6448695

Pfft, don't be a fag.

>> No.6448735

If you're into this kind of thing go look up Mugen Kairou 2, hot eminently fappable stuff. Maybe the first game too, but I didn't play that one.

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6448616 No.6448616 [Reply] [Original]

We warned you about those fans /jp
But you didn’t listen nida!

>> No.6448624

It keeps happening.

>> No.6448649
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6448609 No.6448609 [Reply] [Original]

What are you looking to get this Black Friday (American holiday)?

Target has 2TB Western Digital desktop hard drives for $70. I think I'll snag a couple of those.

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>> No.6448942



>> No.6448945


notto disu shitto agen

>> No.6448967

stand for my keyboard and a hot water pot

boring, i know but i have everything i need

keep an eye out for the bing cashback stuff (yes it does work)
last year they did like 20% of everything on ebay

>> No.6449293

Woah, I was goign to grab those 2TB hard drives.
Can anyone confirm that they don't last long? I thought WD were supposed to be good.

>> No.6449319

>I thought WD were supposed to be good.
That's what I've heard too. Maybe it's this specific line. Ask /g/ I guess.

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6448590 No.6448590 [Reply] [Original]


File: 185 KB, 772x512, shrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448588 No.6448588 [Reply] [Original]

You're sitting out on the balcony of a beautiful Japanese shrine with your favorite Touhou. Gensokyo's brightly lit houses are visible far below, and she smiles as she watches the summer festival that has begun a mere few hours ago, knowing some fairies are bound to mess up and cause commotion yet again. She then fixes her gaze upon you. Her face is sparkling, beautifully illuminated by the rays of the full moon, and you can barely breathe, being awestruck by her immense glamor.

You know it's the time to say something romantic and thoughtful, but the right words just aren't coming to you. In your embarrassment and desire not to miss the moment, you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, which happens to be what's written in the captcha. What did you say, and what will you do next in order to resolve the awkward situation that ensues?

>> No.6448595

This could have been a great few sets of paragraphs, OP.

>> No.6448596


>> No.6448598

rapidly mionen

I would stand by what I said.