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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.3775868 [View]

Fuck yeah zen

Getcha K-ON and ya zazen on

>> No.3762496 [View]

I'm going to hurt whoever made my Yayoi cry

I'm going to hurt them verrrrrry bad

>> No.3758771 [View]


I've been on unemployment since June.
I get $200 or so every two weeks.
I haven't had to report to anyone, all of my correspondance is done online

>> No.3752992 [View]


If you believe Kanji is hard, it will be hard.

If you believe Kanji is easy, it will be easy.

There is absolutely no objective basis for your claims of difficulty or easiness in learning kanji.

Asians have been learning kanji for thousands upon thousands of years.

What makes it normal for them, but "hard" for you? It's mindset. You're too busy whining about the differences between English alphabet and Japanese kanji that you're wasting time that would be better spent grinding the kanji.

How many hours of listening to Japanese audio have you put in this year? I recently broke past the 1400 hours mark, but that doesn't include a lot of stuff I listened to...it just includes what I remembered to write down.

How many Japanese things have you been doing? Do you try to read the text before Touhou boss fights? Do you read manga in native Japanese? Do you read Japanese newspapers? Do you play Japanese video games? Do you browse Japanese websites?

How much do you understand? How much can you figure out on your own without having to use any external resources? Do you go use a Japanese dictionary when you need to look up words you don't know?

Ask yourself these questions, then ask how good your Japanese is.

>> No.3752948 [View]



>> No.3723258 [View]


Not "same universe", but "outer universe"

Touhou would then be contained inside of Nasuverse

That is right I said it. Those wishing to go to Gensokyou better get inside Nasuverse first

>> No.3723009 [View]


Theres a heirarchy

>Konata watches Haruhi, reads Keroro Gunso
>Lucky star is Haruhi and Keroro's outer universe

>Zetsubou Sensei rips on Lucky Star and idolm@ster
>Zetsubou is an outer universe of Lucky Star and idolm@ster

So, yeah, you're right, but I don't think you understand why

>> No.3710381 [View]


A lot of kanji appear in compound words with different readings than normal, so you don't have to know EVERY kanji 100% fluently to read a lot of stuff.

Just keep grinding AJATT and you'll catch up. Read and listen and watch and practice as much as possible.

Don't bitch about difficulty, otherwise you are GOING TO FAIL.

>> No.3709658 [View]



>> No.3699280 [View]


got a jap version?
haruki's greatness is best felt in his native tongue

>> No.3697786 [View]

in about an hour

>> No.3692005 [View]


Japanese do this because they don't expect people to catch everything a gaijin says. When Japanese see gaijin, it must be confusing if they are expecting them to not know Japanese...BUT THEN THEY KNOW JAPANESE!!! MIND FUCK

So, they add subtitles, so that the real Japanese can feel better about not understanding a foreigner's Japanese

>> No.3676446 [View]
File: 855 KB, 1600x1200, img_6869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the place im at all the time

>> No.3675704 [View]


people who want to learn japanese should definitely listen to japanese music

oh wait

>/jp/ - not japan / general

>> No.3675662 [View]


I've been following an immersion system since January of 2009. Before that, I took 3 years of Japanese in college, and had been studying off and on for about 10 years.

All of my work up until the immersion system was really just prep-work. I didn't begin making gains until college, and I didn't begin making RIDICULOUS gains until the immersion system.

If you don't even know the basics, my advice isn't going to be very useful. But, at any rate, I suggest you do the following

1. Read this website

If you're serious about Japanese (like I am), you should be able to get between 10 to 18 hours of "japanese" a day, whether it is actually studying, just listening to music, watching anime, reading manga, talking to friends, or playing video games.

Do this for about 2-3 years. やる気か?

>> No.3514910 [View]

>Implying /jp/ cares for the small-minded affairs of normalfags

>> No.3514887 [View]


Me too


This man is enlightened beyond reason. He is ready for the singularity.

>> No.3501222 [View]


pooping is only human
humans are imperfect and thus beautiful
all forms of beauty man
everything is beautiful

>> No.3455059 [View]


Not true
This is a lie perpetuated by academics and japanese who wish all foreigners learn strictly "proper" japanese
Mix it up, but don't cut yourself off. Japanese people also watch anime, too, and their japanese is fine. In fact, it's better than yours and mine.

>> No.3454648 [View]


For the noobs

In reality, the kanji way is a lot more interesting/fun than just the kana

But all japanese students start from the beginning

So, it's ok to do kana

I mean goddamn, don't pay attention to /jp/ trolls

>> No.3454646 [View]



Also, it's how they do it in the Japanese pokemon games. I kinda stole the idea from it.


>> No.3454385 [View]


I finished Genki II in 2006

I didn't make any gains until this year, 2009.

がんばって よ!
わたしは きみに しんじるよ!

>> No.3454323 [View]

すごい ね
上手 日本語 お前
なかなか いい

>> No.3454219 [View]

>And to everyone who ever says: "It was kinda hard, but I finally managed to learn katakana and hiragana!" Congratulations, you don't know shit. You just covered day one.

For real dude, they'll get a lot farther if they celebrate some minor accomplishments. Let them be happy, this shit is definitely not easy.

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