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>> No.40107894 [View]
File: 106 KB, 242x242, 1647179641360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rate the stream
/vt/ards as expected
lurk first faggot

>> No.40107854 [View]
File: 172 KB, 331x279, 1629882172254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rate the stream
go back faggot

>> No.40107827 [View]
File: 266 KB, 790x875, 1640327263181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate the stream

>> No.40072448 [View]


>> No.40060830 [View]


>> No.40058656 [View]

Subaru should get to Azkeriuth by the next stream at this rate, it's going to be fun.

>> No.39990164 [View]

You can't see them on her channel because she made most of them member-only after the stream ended. She was indeed going at a 1 every 2 weeks rate
She debuted 6 months ago and has 12 singing streams


That's a lot for someone who said "she won't do singing stream"

>> No.39928423 [View]

And reminder: tomorrow she will continue the Clannad watchalong and next week she plans to do a public stream!

>> No.39830679 [View]


>> No.39789783 [View]


No shit, but why add to that by getting into a group with such a high fatality rate? Even Haneru has pondered leaving the group on stream.

>> No.39772385 [View]

>be japanese porn artist
>get obsessed with a 28 year old woman pretending to be an anime pirate on youtube
>spend several hundreds trying to get her attention
>one day Cover approaches you asking if you want to draw an official web manga of your her as part of a multimedia project
>sign up immediately
>the initial reception to the project teaser is overwhelmingly positive
>realize there is a lot of money to be made from this
>despite already singing a contract start demanding a higher pay rate and royalties for the entire project
>get told to fuck off
>throw a massive bitchfit on twitter
>immediately start backpedaling when people start calling you an unprofessional manchild
>your chinese translator suddenly makes a guerrilla stream on your bilibili channel saying how Cover wronged you
>all the chinese spammers rally behind you and you now become the public face of Cover hate
>meanwhile on the other side of the world people are digging through your old stuff and find out you are a Nanking Massacre denier and immediately post that shit everywhere
>end up having to make an apology stream on bili saying how it's all a misunderstanding
>you have now burned all the bridges, ended up in every company's blacklist and everyone hates you
Sasuga mizukek

>> No.39745833 [View]


>> No.39720671 [View]


>> No.39708053 [View]


>> No.39647463 [View]


>> No.39635658 [View]


>> No.39624580 [View]

This would look like shit anywhere. The effects are always way too busy for a stream. The bit rate can't keep up.

>> No.39597395 [View]
File: 882 KB, 2468x3485, 83608812_p0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39592557 [View]

Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.

Ever since you were a child, your mind had a tendency to wander. In the middle of a soccer game, you would randomly space out to think about a butterfly you’d seen earlier that day. When you were doing the Todai entrance exams, you nearly failed because you couldn’t help but think about frolicking and playing with calico cats. But it also always felt like something was wrong, amiss even; your heart felt heavy, burdened and paradoxically filled with an empty void. It’s a curse that’s been plaguing you for years. You wish you knew how to turn it off, but every time you ask your brain, it just shrugs figuratively. Now, it’s happening again.
All around you are strangers just wishing to go about their day. The dense Tokyo city is highly populated and so everyone surrounding you is more than happy to make it abundantly clear that your habit is not welcome. People all around you want to go either forwards or backwards, but certainly not straight into your back. In fact, you should be joining them. It’s your second job interview at one of the largest companies in the world; as a fresh Todai graduate, it would mean the world to you to be able to start with them. But despite all the pushing and shoving indicating that you ought to be moving with the flow, you can’t take your mind off of this catgirl. In fact, you’re seeing her right now. She’s right there in that back alley. As though guided by an invisible hand, you go against the stream of people, sideways into the dark place. Her eyes glow in the dark. The hairs on your arms stand up as you feel a sudden chill.
A part of you is screaming into the void. It’s fighting the invisible hand. This seems wrong, dangerous – and assuredly more real than any of your daydreams ever have. You should run. Your body is telling you to flee. Your sympathetic nervous system really wants to kick into overdrive. You feel a tingle in your fingertips. Your legs feel light. Your heart rate increases noticeably. But your brain does not let it happen. Your legs do not move as your body’s cries for help are ignored.

You continue staring at the back alley, still stuck in the overpopulated streets of Tokyo as passers-by angrily tell you to watch where you stand. You wish somebody would notice and help you, at least ask if you’re alright. But nobody comes. It’s just you and the captivating catgirl. All that separates you from her is a few meters. Surely, you could just walk these few steps? What are you worried about? You love cats. You always did. But catgirls don’t exist. They cannot exist. They’re fundamentally the greatest hubris science could possibly create. But she’s right there, in front of you. Despite the poor lighting conditions, you make out a very shapely silhouette.
After what feels like hours, your brain assumes direct control, tired of your body’s antics. You maneuver out of the busy street into the alley, much to the relief of the salarymen in your general vicinity. You do not feel the movement of your legs as though moving on autopilot. You continue approaching her. Her eyes’ colors mismatch. Though you feel proud momentarily for recalling that this is called “heterochromia”, your march through the alley quickly encourages your eyes to explore the figure in front of you some more. Upon closer inspection, her legs seem so fragile that they might break if you handled her roughly. Does she eat enough? Jirai kei was never your thing, but even you have to admit that her frills, ribbons and braids are all done in excellent taste. If only there was some more light to see it all in greater detail.


>> No.39571496 [View]
File: 464 KB, 1576x2500, FQ3Ro0iVsAAwhY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu catsudan 1/2

Okayu started drinking a little bit before the stream started, so she’s already a little tipsy, but she pours another, because she wants to cheers with everybody. Like it says in the top corner of the screen, she’s really enjoying a blend of Micho, whiskey, and carbonated water lately. The new background is something she requested too. As for snacks, just regular crackers this time.

>Why a drinking stream?
You’re probably wondering why she’s doing a comparatively high amount of drinking streams lately, compared to the usual. Well, in addition to enjoying this latest mixed drink, Okayu always likes being spoiled by everybody when she’s exhausted, and she’s been really busy lately, so a lot of fatigue has been building up. She also thought it might be nice to just have an opportunity to have a relaxed chat too. Actually, she

>Tipsy cat
Uh-oh, she’s feeling drunk already, and it’s only 7 minutes in. She wanted to recommend this to everybody for how easy it is too drink, and just couldn’t help but drink it before the stream start. She underestimated the potency of the whiskey. Well, she feels like she’ll be a bit sobered up by superchat reading at least. Chat wonders if Okayu can even read their comments, but Okayu says it’s mostly just her articulation that’s affected.

>Busy cat
Okayu remembers a lot of people saying they’d be happy if she could release an album this year, so that’s what she’s been working on. That’s the main reason why she’s so busy right now. She describes her mindset as rather “Waaaa! I’m so busy!” at the moment. There’s tons of appointments and meetings she needs to do each day, but she also gets lonely when she can’t stream. Chat tells her not to force herself, but if she doesn’t at least a little bit, she won’t be able to meet everybody. There’s a lot she wants to do right now, with the album, streaming for the Onigiryaa, and even just practicing at Apex, but there’s not enough time in the day for all of it. If only she could make copies of herself.

>Next month?
“It seems like, at this rate, you’ll be busy next month too.” you say? Well, Okayu wonders about that. Okayu feels like there might be an announcement about just why she’s been so busy coming out sooner than later. Until then, please believe in her for just a little bit longer. You’ll go, “Oh so that’s why she was busy! I get it, I get it!” She can’t say exactly why things are like this yet, but that should change soon enough. Okayu currently takes 1-2 days off per week, but it might be like 2-3 until she’s done with this, for her own sanity. Just know she’s working hard if she takes an extra day off, and believe in her.

>Sleepy cat
Okayu took a nap earlier to avoid falling asleep during this stream. She went to bed around 9:30 yesterday, and woke up at 6 to go get a haircut. She’s definitely the type to get tired while drinking, so she took that nap to as a preventative measure.
>Being a kid
Someone in chat wants to hurry up and become and adult so they can drink with Okayu, but another ojisan in chat says they’d rather go back to being a kid. Okayu hears that sentiment a lot, but honestly doesn’t feel the same way. Being a kid is annoying, having to go to school and do things you don’t want all the time; there’s a real lack of freedom. Plus, Okayu feels like your brain would regress to being a kid’s too, so it’s not like anything would change. Kids have their own set of problems, mainly involving their peers. As a kid, Okayu thought adults had it harder, but now she feels that it might actually be tougher for kids. Kids only have the community that is chosen for them, but an adult can make the decision to transfer jobs/locations if they don’t enjoy theirs.

>Suitable suitor
Obviously Okayu would like to marry somebody who tells her they love her everyday, but she also wants it to be somebody who loves her friends too. Okayu loves her friends, and talks about them a lot, so she’d want this person to happily listen to her. At the same time she doesn’t want the kind of person who goes “You’re not going to hang out with OO-chan today? You’re always hanging out with me, but don’t you think you’re ignoring OO-chan too much? I know it’s more fun being with me, but OO-chan’s probably feeling really lonely too.” That kind of person would get really annoying.

>> No.39550708 [View]


>> No.39504729 [View]

She's literally talked about it on stream
Neither she nor Kanata nor suisei could get a place for rent at a reasonable rate because they were youtubers.
Now that she has another job that is more respectable she managed to easily get a new place for the two of them.

>> No.39496183 [View]

Rate the stream
HARD MODE: Ignore Mori existence

>> No.39412917 [View]

Startend will place last at the tourney at this rate.
Can't wait for the mental breakdown on stream and the subsequent 3 months hiatus

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