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Search: "manga"+"isn't"+"reading "

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>> No.36686601 [View]

there's many good VN/manga adaptations. people just can't judge something on it's own merit. i liked higurashi anime, i liked every fate anime entry. i could even like shingetsutan if it didn't look like the most generic 00's anime despite the clusterfuck of its plot

for autists, if it isn't 1:1 carbon copy of a VN, it's a bad adaptation and director should kill himself. they should probably stick to reading VNs only because they never ever liked a single adaption

>> No.36581675 [View]

the manga may be good
my problem was mainly the slow pace of the anime
in manga form that isn't a problem since i can just keep reading with no dead air

also the art might be cuter than the anime, many such cases

>> No.36439285 [View]

Manga isn’t reading

>> No.36234010 [View]

Immersion and Anki are your keys here. The important thing is that you are getting regular exposure to Japanese in a context where you are forced to use it.

You kind of have to look up every other word at first. There's just no other way around it. The process isn't "you learn all of Japanese, then you use it to read your manga/VNs/LNs or watch anime". The process is "you learn Japanese WHILE reading your manga/VNs/LNs or watching anime".

It'll help to start with slice of life content or children's stuff, so the vocabulary is at least simple, but any way you slice it, you're going to be using these sources to learn Japanese. There's no giant vocab list that, if you memorize it, you'll be able to read manga.

>> No.36220543 [View]

What do you mean the order isn't important? It's clear that the canon written works and manga follow some king of chronology. Even if OP finished all the games (we don't know if he did), reading chronologically would be less confusing.

>> No.36205885 [View]

manga isn't reading

>> No.35759417 [View]

If really think about it, and I've noticed, Japanese grammar structure isn't all that bad and a lot of it is a matter of knowing vocab at a certain point. Once you learn a few types of conjugation and expressions reading shouldn't be that bad... maybe I should begin making anime/vn/manga cards soon (currently at 520 on 2k/6k) Output is another thing though, especially being able to sound natural

>> No.35680455 [View]

try fixing your died and getting sleep, do you reps daily and don't fuck with the interval settings.

i started reading a manga around the same time i started reading the vinnie. i tried anime and yotsuba before that but at that stage i was lower level than when i started the vinnie and it was all white noise. and to be fair, there was noise in the signal when i started the vinnie too since i hadn't immersed much. english subbed anime isn't studying japanese so that doesn't count.

>> No.35598836 [View]

copying bubbles of text from your favorite manga and typing them into 4chan isn't the same as internalizing a language after reading it for hours on end.

>> No.35597044 [View]

>if you read a volume of manga each day
How much of a time commitment is that, realistically? I did read a full raw volume once before, comfortably over the course of maybe three days or so a long time ago. That was a highlight of my progress back then, and was so much more enjoyable. Not sure what it'd be like now though, and finding raws of content I actually want to dive into is increasingly troublesome these days (notably for newer/ongoing things). What I'd really like to try is visual novels, though I imagine they possess a tougher barrier to surpass than most manga too.
>the cards should be easy for you to pass anyway because you are only making them for things that you already understood easily.
This whole post has been an interesting take for me. I've always witnessed the perspective of "SRS what you just learned", as the default way for most miners. Perhaps that is why I struggled with Anki content so much, and still do. I may understand a term fairly well within an instance of initially receiving it, even spending minutes on individual stuff to "ensure I get it this time". Though, that adds to the workload significantly when you learn a lot at once.

I believe that was too much to bear with regards to stress. I'd be sitting on single cards reviewing daily for far too long, practically turning it into a blunt rote "I'm garbage, I don't remember, I'm garbage" memorization scheme. Several hours every day on Anki for the simplest of shit, and it'd kill my motivation to even use the language for entertainment to the point of avoiding associated mediums even in my native language. I recognize, and am not necessarily debating the benefit of spaced repetition (I was referring to just reading and remembering as the magical 'gimmick'). I believe there is surely some nuance in making it all work well that I don't think is conveyed well to or by most people. Though, you've proposed some simple points that I think make sense. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't petrified of dealing with the wave of "being a fuck-up" stress again, though.

This isn't a "pity me" post, I just wanted to voice my concerns and considerations. Thank you for your advice.

>> No.35596688 [View]

Is there anything in particular you try to focus on when referring to content in a dictionary? Or, do you take it rather casually, trying to comfortably see each unknown term as a blurry whole? The most I have done in the past was just reading a full volume of seinen manga and casually referencing a dictionary as I did. I really should have just continued.
The issue is that, eventually, that will lead to a lot of reviews and time spent on just making cards. It's an extra workload that not only subtracts from the pleasure of the experience, but adds to the overall overhead stress. "If I don't review, they'll pile up, and I"ll be more stressed". "If I can't get at least xx% right, I'm fucking up". There's just this big exam scene to it all that leads to me being dejected every time. I need to fight that impulse through simplification, but not so much that it impacts my results negatively.
>The SRS isn't supposed to be used to learn new things it's used to review and reinforce things that you already completely understood out in the wild.
This is an interesting perspective. I do try my best to understand wild content fully, and would always do so before making cards in the past, but I don't think it paid off with regards to time spent. I can remember and detect content I've read in the past, when I just casually went through only knowing radicals and some 500 kanji and used a dictionary. I just have this underlying concern that it won't last, that maybe it's all a gimmick.

>> No.35522368 [View]
File: 1.93 MB, 1200x1425, __gumi_vocaloid_drawn_by_sakakidani__6fe0b6cd4e9b84ec097f77dfd04d230e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On top of what others have said. I'd recommend you start out with Tae Kim's Japanese and RTK after memorising hiragana and katakana. I assume you're all finished with school.

I know like many others motivated by anime/manga you probably want to min-max towards reading and listening but I'd recommend you do some writing and speaking because honestly; when you improve your Japanese in one area it flows on to the other areas. Since I assume you're done with school, attending language clubs designed to give international students from Japan and local students studying Japanese the opportunity to speak to each other isn't an option (and still wouldn't be an option due to Corona stuff). At least try to find a Discord Server or whatever where everyone practices speaking with each other.

New Game and Yotsuba to! are the most circlejerked mangas back when /djt/ was still on /a/ for very good reason. I'd really rather you start out with textbooks and Japanese picture books, but I know you wont. Other Kirara 4koma series are all also very good because they take place in the real world (ie. not scifi or fantasy), have furigana, and use simple vocabulary (those moeblobs may not be very smart, but neither are you when you're just starting out).

When all this Corona stuff is over, if you have a university degree (quite a sizable chunk of HikkiNEETs do suprisingly) look into whether or not you still qualify for the JET Program. The JET program was designed to give Japanese kids the opportunity to interact with real foreigners. If you get into the program then choose the one year option and then at the end of you one year, you can choose to extend for another year (you totally will, what even do you have left in the old country?). Literally the only qualifications the JET program looks for is being relatively young, have a degree in anything (yes, anything), and be from a Native English country. Be a human tape recorder that says stuff out loud while the real teacher teaches the actual theory. Be paid as much as an actual teacher.

You could also work as an Eikaiwa teacher for minimum wage.

I never went on the JET program because I felt it beneath me.

>> No.35077640 [View]

how many animes do i need to watch with jp subs and how many sentences mined before reading manga isn't awfully hard and annoying?

>> No.34405427 [View]

does getting better at reading correlate to better listening at all? say if u are at the level where u are reading manga easily and watching raw anime that isn't hard as fuck like fate zero or something

>> No.34241847 [View]

>furigana'd manga is paced by the reader
this is not a good thing
>that you can abuse however you want.
implying some retarded burger reading manga for the first time isn't going to completely butcher it lmao

>> No.34224394 [View]


>Oshi Moyu
Yes it's the same oshi that we always use. Okayu reads the Amazon description and talks a little about it too. The main character is a high school girl who's obsessed with a male idol, and then one day that idol punches a fan. She says the real focal point isn't the idol's career going up in flames; supporting her oshi no matter what is a given for that girl. She says you can read up to page 40 for free, and that it gives you a good idea of the feel of the book. The girl is a diehard fan who hangs on every word or writing of her idol, and knows everything about him, but on the other hand she can't do anything right in her normal life, such as cleaning her room or studying. She takes up a part time job so she can support her oshi, but she's not good at it either; even her family thinks she's no good. But her focus is incredible where he's concerned; even if she can't remember a single word while studying, every single character her oshi types is engraved in her heart. Okayu thinks it's amazing. Reading it really moves her heart. Seeing all that devotion, but still ultimately having to exist in the real world, it gave her heart an empty feeling. It hurt reading about her expend her life like that. Sad stuff has always had an effect on Okayu, but it's really drained/exhausted her since she became an adult. She wonders what this phenomenon could be. Even if she doesn't cry, she gets this pain at the bottom of her throat when she feels the need to. Still, it's a beautiful and painful work. She really likes it; and it's made her very emotional

>Destructive Subaru
Okayu tells the story of Subaru breaking her sofa, though she mentions that Subaru already talked about it on Ohasuba and that the title was a bit of an exaggeration; as expected of an entertainer. She thinks it's because Subaru might be the type who likes to hold on to a cushion while she sits, but she kept trying to take the soft back part of the sofa off, even though Okayu told her it wasn't a cushion. It's probably because she was laughing when she told her at first, but by the third time it happened, Okayu figured she probably had to seriously tell her not to try and pull it off, and Subaru thought she made her mad. So Okayu went and bought more cushions the next day. She figured it was just habit, kind of like an animal; if Okayu didn't buy her one to hold on to, she would just keep messing with the back of the sofa, so she hurried and got one. She thought it'd be nice to have some more cushions anyway though, so it's not like it was a big deal. The Nekomata Inn has been upgraded yet again.

>Sleeptalk Temanyan
Okayu tweeted earlier about it, but Temari talked in her sleep earlier in the day. They were sleeping together, and Okayu woke up when she heard her meowing, and wondered if she was being talked to. Temari rarely meows whether asleep or awake, so it really surprised her. She's been sleeping with her a lot lately instead of in her tower, probably because the Churu has made her real affectionate.

>Korosan and Temanyan, finally friends
Churu really is amazing. Okayu went with her plan of having Korone feed her Churu everytime she came over, and Temari no longer tries to bite her at all. Korone was so happy that she turned to her and yelled for her to talk about it in the next zatsudan with some kind of crazy desperation. Okayu almost forgot to bring it up till just now.

>Funny Korosan
Even though Okayu knows Korone so well that she can pick up exactly when she's about to pull a gag or punchline, it still ends up getting her everytime. No matter how on guard she tries to be, she always ends up laughing. It's almost frustrating to her how funny Korosan is, but she also really respects that about her. They do seem to have the same sense of humor too, which helps. Subaru often comments about "Okakoro Space" which can be seen in a lot of the SMOK collabs where the two of them are laughing uncontrollably while Mio and Subaru watch on. Even the Cuphead run was like this despite how much they were focusing, like with the Uma Eats joke, or Korosan utterly snapping on the Beppi fight.

>Korosan laughing
Korone often says when she reads manga or watches anime, she can see where the joke is about to come in and then just kind of acknowledges it and moves on. Okayu and her have been watching Golden Kamuy together though, and this is a complete lie. She ends up laughing like a maniac at the jokes in the show. The tempo between serious and comical really gets them both laughing until their stomachs hurt.

>> No.34143828 [View]

manga isn't reading, so n6に過ぎない

>> No.34052826 [View]


>"Latest food boom for you?"
Mille-Feuille Nabe! She's the kind who can eat the same meal over and over, so she might have been having this as much as 5 times a week! She really gets into something when she likes it, just like with tomato juice. She also quickly changes to new things at times; whether with food, anime, or manga. Korosan often says she looks forward to seeing what her new craze is next time they meet.

Chat mentions that she doesn't talk about Rengoku much anymore either, wondering if he's also a person of the past, and Okayu quickly says that she has Rengoku items all over her room still and that she buys new goods whenever they come out. She just has less opportunities to talk about him lately is all. She wonders if she's getting a bad reputation for that sort of thing. Rengoku's name is engraved in her heart's "Memory(said in English)", though chat says that word means something that's already passed. Okayu worries that she'll get asked this every time she talks about a new anime in the future. She loves all those characters, and the onigiryaa too, of course.

>Helped by other holo members lately?
She's always being helped. Mio helps her a lot whenever she gets lost in the city. Okayu's real bad at finding a location if there's not a picture of the entrance or a big sign in front of it. She gets too nervous and ends up walking more, often walking away from the right location that she was at in the first place.

>White clothing
Again, she picked professor for her joke because of her love for white clothing, she thinks it's really cool. Last Kamioka Radio caused a revolution in her way of thinking though. There was a part where they talked about possible outfits Chiroru-mama could make for them, and when Okayu said a school swimsuit with shoes and a scarf really made her feel something, and her mama agreed on the scarf, Shiina accused her of just using the outfit(in a fetish sense) rather than using it for its actual purpose(for swimming, I'm assuming). It's made her think differently about proper attire. So is she in the no accessories faction now? She still thinks it's good to have some options.

>Tooth brushing ASMR
Okayu was too busy, and forgot to release it last month, but she still wants to make a short tooth brushing ASMR video for members. It'll just be a short video(3-4 minutes) instead of a stream; she doesn't think she'd be able to brush her teeth for a full hour. She'll do her best to brush her teeth. She's been good at brushing her teeth since she was a little cat. She got a medal in kindergarten fro having no cavities. She's a no-cavity neko.

Okayu loves how fun zatsudan are. Games are fun too, of course, but they give more of a sense of her pointing things out and chatting while everybody sits behind her. She likes the communication between her and the onigiryaa that a zatsudan brings too. She's looking forward to streaming more games after V-Carnival, when things begin to calm down.

>Today's meal
Mille-Feuille Nabe

>Fast reading
Okayu forgot to mention at the start, but she'll be doing the superchat reading a little faster today. She's got an appointment with Mane-chan at 01:00, so she needs to be a little faster today. She keeps accidentally saying arigatou due to habit anyway though.

>I love you
Somebody compliments Okayu's fast articulation in Cirno's Perfect Math Class and asks her to say I love you three times fast. Okayu's response is to just make a noise(like somebody trying to say the whole alphabet in one second).

The subatomo who became an onigiryaa from the other day mentions their despair when they realized there were no Okayu goods they could buy currently. Okayu says maybe something good will happen for them on the 6th, maybe...

Though a lot is happening for Okayu this month, most of the prep for it happened the month before. Compared to March, April's calendar isn't nearly as black with writing for appointments and practices.


>> No.34007697 [View]

and niggas said manga isn’t reading. then what the fuck do you call making sense of this

>> No.33945119 [View]
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For once this shit made it into a single post. This is not from today or even yesterday, just some points I wrote down for later.

Summarized from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TguIFRs1aBo - 2021/03/24

>Objects with painful memories attached
The object she is judging is an engagement ring that the owner was going to give to his girlfriend but before he could do so she broke up with him, and ever since then he hasn't been able to get rid of it.
Her immediate verdict is to throw it away, even though it might be a painful thing to do since as long as he holds onto this ring he is going to have painful memories resurface. She continues to say that in her opinion she thinks that one should do away with objects that make you remember painful memories while retaining those that make you remember pleasant ones. And even if he holds onto the ring because it makes him remember how happy he was when he was with her, she thinks he must focus on his current happiness rather than dwell on a past one.

Summarized from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyMZFPXhWKc - 2021/03/23

>The reason for the tendency to rush things
A long segment in Makaimura brings her into the topic of questioning why she so impatient, and why she so hurriedly executes things. She has a reason for it that she is certain of, that has to do with both her family situation and birthday. She explains it in such a way that being youngest at home, and being born in January making her among the youngest in class(*), this combination made her feel like she was lacking in ability, since she feels that several months of age difference means an actual difference in performance.
Someone asks her if she is impatient when it comes to living in general and she says it isn't like that but that she is prone to rushing the things she do and she can easily remember from her elementary school years where if they were cleaning up after themselves or pretty much doing anything she herself felt like it would be unacceptable for her to be the slowest, to be the one to delay everyone else, despite such a thing not being a big deal in reality. It basically became her way of trying to make up for her perceived lack of ability.
From that time she got stuck in the train of thought that she has to hurry in whatever it is that she does. She thinks that these circumstances which caused this excessive self-consciousness is probably what caused her to become so incredibly impatient.

*School year starts April 1st in Japan, so if you are born before it, you get placed in the grade of that year.

Summarized from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdPacip-XS8 - 2021/03/21

>Morning reading class
During junior-high she had morning class that was dedicated to reading that she really hated since she didn't like reading novels. It was bad enough for her to find the class agonizing every time she had to be in it. The teacher eventually noticed that she wasn't reading and asked her why, she admitted that what she was reading wasn't interesting and that she isn't very good with this type of reading material, so the teacher lent her a book that he recommended, from the author 乙一(Otsuichi, mostly writes horror short stories). This novel was interesting to her so she kept on reading it happily and rounds off that she is grateful for that teacher remarking that he was a good one.
She thinks back on what she used to read before that recommendation and there were times she forgot the book she was going to read so all she did was read a coursebook instead. The teacher noticed this and asked if she forgot her book, and she responded that she'll make do with a coursebook instead. She finishes saying that if it is a coursebook then anything is fine.

Side note: A lot of people in the chat gave varying responses to this, some being confused as to why she didn't read manga or something else that interested her since their school allowed it and so on. Seems like her school was stricter in that regard and only allowed a certain type of book that she was generally uninterested in.

>> No.33925052 [View]

Anya... you're just reading this boring manga in the same monotone voice... this isn't entertaining... anya... you're kinda bad at streaming... but you are cute

>> No.33918107 [View]

Well, it'd improve my contextual understanding. Since the core decks have audio, it's easier to know the word when you have context/can recognize the kana or sentence. I mean, isn't Anki for learning on the side? Most of my learning comes from reading manga with furigana, Anki is just a routine for me.
It's easier to match a card I'm having a hard time with if I can recall the sentence. I don't see how doing that with cards I'm having a hard time with is "cheating" - learning Japanese is a solitary activity for me other than once a week when I post here.

>> No.33868624 [View]

mangadex isn't the only manga reading website you retarded mongoloid just fucking google it

>> No.33663296 [View]

manga and anime isn't reading

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