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>> No.12846688 [View]

The "Passion - Water based lubricant" writing is obviously shopped. All considered, call me stupid but I'm quite sure that's just trolling.
Mock reviews are wonderful though.

>> No.12846465 [View]

>Then they went full retard starting separate thread, either for uploads and "discussion" and made autistic rageposts when someone gave thanks in an upload thread
They still do that on DS, why they can't just put a 'thanks' option on individual posts is beyond me. It won't turn into reddit until you start ordering posts numbers based on likes.

>> No.12846364 [View]

>Sure it is. That's why he was using it.
No, it isn't. The fact someone uses something doesn't mean it's common.
>Yes he can. We've already established that feelings can't be wrong, and if he feels that is what moe is, he can judge people based on that. That's not, and can not be wrong unless moe has an objective definition.
Feelings can't be wrong, but judgment can be wrong.

To judge someone, something with emotions and feelings instead of facts, that means inaccurate judgement.

>> No.12846358 [View]

>Uh, but that's not the common definition of moe?
Sure it is. That's why he was using it.

>My point is that he cannot use that definition, then use it to judge people with it, especially with "moe doesn't exist".

Yes he can. We've already established that feelings can't be wrong, and if he feels that is what moe is, he can judge people based on that. That's not, and can not be wrong unless moe has an objective definition.

>> No.12846248 [View]

Started 機械仕掛けのイヴ today.

Can someone clear up how the route system works?

I'm currently building up the company and at certain points select choices that give + points to a certain character. Do I enter roots based on that?
Will I have to restart the game from the beginning after I finish one route?

And yes, I've seen and am using the guide from the official site.

>> No.12846126 [View]

Is this a good investment for onahole enthusiasts?


>> No.12845716 [View]

>those posters are really cool, does anyone on what they're based on?

I think one of them is a reference to the mark of Kikkoman soy sauce.

Still, Kourindo is become more Showa-ish in feel. I loved the atmosphere of 60s-80s Japanese sub-urban.

>> No.12845546 [View]

Nobody is really complaining, those televisions are fuck-old, Genskyo doesn't have 800's technology like people think, but it's more of a mix, also the fact they're there doesn't mean people use them. Also that's Kourindo, that place is so full of vintage stuff (sometimes brought by Yukari as a present) that would be a goldmine for people who work in that sector. You can only complain about the fact Rinnosuke is really messy like Marisa.

More importantly, those posters are really cool, does anyone on what they're based on?

>> No.12845536 [View]

>Do you know where you are?

Do you know what ad hominem is? You're committing one, actually. You can't disprove an argument based on its source

>> No.12845387 [View]

Thanks guys. I was really fancying funk guitars and a slap bass ironically, but I told myself not to, I was trying to stick with lo-fi synths and but I'm thinking of trying it again with slap and funk guitars. Any recommended synths?

It was in English but using Maika. So it was heavily accented, probably too much. The song lyrically is a metaphor using getting lost in a beautiful beach city for getting lost in your thoughts. Everybody else is saying the same thing and I'm kind of torn, I was aiming for a more Gary Low 'I Want You' kind of feel which is more chilled out Eurodisco track but I'm interested in doing something more funk based.

>> No.12845259 [View]

Question: If I buy through NLS, would they charge the currency I selected or would they charge the currency based on your location?

>> No.12845150 [View]

I'd like to play an actual touhou pokemon game, and not just yet another touhoumon game based off fire red and located in kanto. I like the look of the game from the few screenshots, I don't mind the side view for battles, just reminds me of an actual RPG game battle setup. Hope it gets translated soon though, bumbling my way through untranslated games is fun to an extent, but I can only do it so many times.

>> No.12844918 [View]

I do play some Pokemon games on the GBA.

And no, I don't see your argument, at all.
>It looks like you're having issues understanding what you're doing as a player and what your avatar is doing in the game.
Your avatar is doing jackshit is all I'm saying, this ain't Shin Megami Tensei where the character actually goes in and fight, the trainer stays in the sideline and points fingers.
>The camera pans, zooms, and rotates, and there are plenty of effects from both the pokemon and the environment. You're just not going to get all that from a flat, fixed, 2d side view without it being jarring.
These effects can be put on the 2D side view, plenty of fighters use this view and it's more elaborated than over the shoulder view.
>Even if we somehow ignore the immersion argument, it's a fact that a level, side view has none of the tension or action of an over-the-shoulder view. It's more accurate to say it's a first-person view, since it is you who is looking over your pokemon's shoulder and facing the opposing trainer.
Tension, really? I think it's more exciting to see two pets fighting in full view rather than watching someone's else back watching the fight.

It's not a first person view either since as said, you aren't doing the battling, you are watching the trainer, who gives the order to the pets, who do the battling, might as well skip the middleman.

And no, it's not a step backwards at all, your argument based on nonsensical stuff like "tension" not helping.

>> No.12844890 [View]

Have you even played a pokemon game before? Where are you getting these "pointing fingers and screams" from? It looks like you're having issues understanding what you're doing as a player and what your avatar is doing in the game.
If you've played any pokemon game in the last several years, you'd know you get to see plenty of views of the fights. The camera pans, zooms, and rotates, and there are plenty of effects from both the pokemon and the environment. You're just not going to get all that from a flat, fixed, 2d side view without it being jarring. Even if we somehow ignore the immersion argument, it's a fact that a level, side view has none of the tension or action of an over-the-shoulder view. It's more accurate to say it's a first-person view, since it is you who is looking over your pokemon's shoulder and facing the opposing trainer.

Even in the old behind the back only games, I chose all of my pokemon based solely on appearance. I'm not saying go BACK to the old view, but it IS a step backwards, thematically, from that time. The poor graphics aren't helping it.

That all depends on the dungeons and battles. And how it handles the daycare. You can't exactly breed two female touhous, but hell if the doujins aren't trying.

>> No.12842037,71 [INTERNAL]  [View]

That's what all the logging and stuff is for. They're going to create a giant neural network that simulates you, and then convict you based on its actions.

>> No.12843970 [View]

Just found it in the catalogue, might go visit tomorrow depending on my priorities as Huke has a booth as well.

Are there any other big artists who have a booth? I seem to only find them based on people mentioning them in these threads.

>> No.12843816 [View]
File: 727 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141228-23292248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd sub is here

thank you based sub gods

>> No.12843443 [View]

Say you are an attractive girl that needs money during summer, you will look for the place that pays the best within your boundaries. What's the first place most people will think of? Strip club. Maid cafe isn't a thing outside of San Fran and the other maybe 2 cities with heavy Asian population.

Yes there are older Otakus out there, but even all my Asian friends grow out of it above the age of 25. Going out and spending money is almost mutually exclusive with the otaku culture, least based on every single people I have known.

>> No.12843393 [View]

Based Kyappu doubling the others

>> No.12842273 [View]

Thankfully based Mieko saved the day

>> No.12842234 [DELETED]  [View]

based gaybro

>> No.12842108 [View]

I loved the first season. Second season was skind of bad though. I'd love to read a VN based on the series.

>> No.12841908 [View]

Oil damages rubber and latex. Same reason why it says never to use oil based lubricants on condoms.

>> No.12841025 [View]

>That feel when Lala's bio still isn't scanned
>TF still hasn't posted the raws for 30
>tfw Okayado is too busy to answer your tweets

It makes me absolutely buttmad the way all these fags have completely swallowed the Lala cool-aid lately.We don't have the bio,or the original Japanese raws,yet everyone is taking the words of a Chinaman at face value.Any mistranslations could have entirely different meanings for the story.

Not to mention that nothing about chapter 30 proves Lala is an actual death god.Her and darling are both Chuuni.

When Hindus have an NDE,they see Brahma,and Christians see angels.Darling isnt religious based on the evidence presented so far,so the only thing he associates with death is Lala,making it natural to see her when having a Near Death experience.

tl;dr:fags jumping the gun and jumping shit based on conjecture and a second hand translation.Yes,I mad.

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