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>> No.742157 [View]

Run and hide. You're a good Reimu user, you know the blockstrings and combos, you know how to beat them. Use it to your advantage to stop them and punish them as hard as you can.

>> No.742067 [View]

It's not cheap.

If they're using Akuma and you're not, SWITCH TO AKUMA.

You either play to win or you're a fucking scrub. Why won't you use Akuma? Too cheap? What a piece of shit scrub. I mained Marth and Fox in melee, and I didn't give a shit if I were playing with my friends or not. They deserved every second of ass rape they got. You use the cheapest and strongest character you can if you're playing to win. You can't have it both ways, scrub.

>> No.742060 [View]
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>It's just as annoying as someone who gives up if they fall behind.

Also, I never said I wanted people to play how I do. Never once. I want people to play how they want to play, because that's how I play. It would be rude and stupid as fuck to want people to play how I play, since it's a stupid way to play. I love how people are forcing entire concepts and ideals into my mouth when I've said none of them.

>> No.741977 [View]

And yet you're still talking.

You have to have the last word because you're a bad troll. This isn't a SUPER SRS VIDYA GAME, it's a shitty Touhou fighter that lacks balance and good gameplay, and almost everyone is going to forget all about it within a month in favor of the real Touhou games.

>> No.741939 [View]

If you're not a tourneyfag, why are you getting so upset at someone who plays for fun? I play how I want for fun. If that means someone else can beat me, so fucking what?

I never said I was a good player. I'm one of the worst players, I've always said such, I've always believed such, and it's true. I'm a shitty player playing an almost bottom tier character in a way that is 'wrong'. I do not expect to win, and go into every match expecting to lose.

Trying to tell me to 'get better' by doing something I've said since a week ago I wouldn't do is ridiculous, and only makes you look like stupid. Reading comprehension can't be that hard, can it?

>> No.741880 [View]

Actually, you're the scrub.

A scrub elitist, no less. If someone doesn't play the way YOU want, you get pissed off. I'm not even having to try to make you RAAAAAGE like some stupid faggot.

Oh, wait, it's summer. Probably /v/ migrants.

>> No.741832 [View]

Yes, because tourneyfags and their faggotry is new to me.


Play to win, blah blah blah. I try to play how I want and how is fun, if you have a problem with that, go to Smashboards. Maybe you can find a section you can talk about SWR in.

>> No.741771 [View]


Never. Only faggots run away in a FIGHTING game. It's a 'RUN AWAY AND CAMP' game. It's a FIGHTING game, so I'll play it by FIGHTING. Her teleport is worthless.

>> No.741724 [View]

There is no 'better' string.

Komachi's a shit character, and I'm too shit a player to take 'advantage' of her abilities because I won't run away.

>> No.741674 [View]

Homing ghosts will follow you from the very bottom of the screen to the very top, and hit a full bodylength behind her.

>> No.741620 [View]



Shit, wait, I already did. I do not run away. I will not ever play like that, it's disgusting and cowardly. Spirits will only get you hit in the face for a 2000+ damage combo. I'd rather not lose 1/5 of my health every time I so much as want to try using a single spirit or the ridiculously bad coins.

I've tried a dozen times over to incorperate spirits and coins into how I play, and every single time it just gets me beat the fuck up and I lose the match because of it. There's a point where you give up trying to use something. You surely wouldn't touch something that has shocked you a dozen times over just to see if it wouldn't shock you this time, would you?

>> No.741526 [View]

It's funny because your SAME PERSON bitching is far more annoying than any 'whining' I do. Which I don't see any of.

>> No.741489 [View]

..I don't whine?

..You lost me.

>> No.741481 [View]

..I don't?

Randomly butthurt anon is butthurt.

>> No.741466 [View]

I like playing as Komachi, so I think I'll stick with her than switch to a cheaper character. I also like SWR, and being beaten and having my tactics beaten just means I have to learn new ones, which is good in general and gives me more variety to use.

>> No.741439 [View]

Not like Komachi has any other way to get close without being beat in the fucking face. You're way too good with that damned SUPER GRAZE melee attack. A blocked j.2a is the best way to get into a good melee combo against them if they block it, which you can usually turn into a hit, or at the least put pressure on them.

If you think you know a better way to get close with Komachi that isn't 'wait for them to come to you', tell me.

>> No.741412 [View]



Jesus, are people blind?

Either you've gotten better, I've gotten worse, or I shouldn't play while eating.

>> No.741251 [View]


>> No.741236 [View]

No, see, everyone here HATES Japan.

Japan is a shitty place nobody likes.

>> No.741149 [View]

I can't play for shit with a 2 year old jumping on me every 5 seconds.

>> No.741109 [View]

It is a mystery.

>> No.741100 [View]

I hope you'll still play actual weather sometime, it would be fun to play you again after I've found myself a couple new combos(That aren't on the wiki, that is).

>> No.741069 [View]

One of Komachi's alternate 236 skills is a good counter. Actually, both might be, I'd have to check.

One spawns a ghost from the right side of the screen. Hard to react to if you're against the wall, as it spawns in you. The other is a very long range scythe swing that should theoretically knock her out of it, but I haven't had a chance to try it, since it's useless in almost all matchups.

>> No.741031 [View]

You were.

That last one was great, I accidentally hit spellcard at the beginning and couldn't tell which skill it was. It turned out it was the skill card I had been waiting for each Yuyuko match. PERFECT COUNTER to that damn corner flip butterfly homing ghost combo shit.

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