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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.27744227 [View]

of course because our guide is still under development.

>> No.27744201 [View]

shitty cunt cocksucker i'm gonna fucking smash your head into the concrete

>> No.27744126 [View]

itazura is useless and dead. and it's also dead.

>> No.27744093 [View]

gave up after 97 books.

>> No.27744045 [View]

you little bastard, i'll get your ass, you jerk. fuck you.

>> No.27743998 [View]

mpvacious was updated recently.
another update probably in a few days.

>> No.27743552 [View]

next time create the thread yourself and stop whining
also it's the best OP ever produced. as i said, more links > less links.

>> No.27743376 [View]

not true. the spammer guy shills his script way more. i do it once per thread max.
our ajatt guide is coming. though i can't say when yet.

>> No.27743114 [View]

there's no guide yet lol. and why would it be untested?
i think you don't really need to learn yomichan, it's straightforward.
as for layout of the card, download ankidrone starter pack from the OP and copy html and css from there, there's nothing special tho.
don't recommend that. it contains harmful propaganda.
and yet it takes them less years to fluency compared to vocab idiots.

>> No.27742935 [View]

>thats bullshit vocab cards only take 3-4 seconds on average and thats from the stats menu of most sane people lol
imagine those poor dekinais.
>why the hell would you press the buttons anymore than sentence cards
dunno just thought if you spend 6 seconds per card then you press more buttons per minute and switch more contexts per minute than a person who spends 12 seconds per card.

>> No.27742718 [View]

>what do you mean
exactly that. it takes time to process each card. it takes additional time to:
- decide what button to press,
- wait until the next card renders on your screen,
- process what's being asked,
- press again to see the answer.
so even if vocab cards are supposed to take 3 seconds per card, in reality they take 6. i've seen people who spend 9 seconds per card. and sentence cards take 10-12 while giving you more practice.

>> No.27742509 [View]
File: 507 KB, 1920x1080, 1493064919521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the buttons are exactly the same but you press them 2 times more often.
>reading more input
i'm not against reading your input.
vocabulary cards give us an advantage over regular sentence cards when learning nouns.
if you combine the two approaches, you might spend a little more time, let's say 1.5 times the time vocab dekinais spend, but you gain so much more. watch yoga's beer video for details.
>you are not explaining new things by the way i know what sentence cards are
have you read the ajatt site? it explains them pretty well.

>> No.27742375 [View]

the only user of the spammer guy's script spotted

>> No.27742288 [View]

a few days ago i received a bug report from a windows user who was trying to run the linux version of the mpv script on windows.
after that i thought of merging the two scripts together, into one file.
what do you think?
at the same time i'm hesitant because windows-specific code is ugly (you can't escape that on windows) and polluting the beautifully written linux version is kinda meh.

>> No.27742077 [View]


>> No.27742036 [View]
File: 16 KB, 284x231, 1499657856349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically 6 seconds. vocab cards are slow and clunky because each card breaks your flow by forcing you to press buttons.
>i dont think its worth 4x the time spent
you accumulate the benefits. with the method you need less time to fluency after all.
i don't know how reading sentences can be boring coz it's more real than reading isolated words, especially when those sentences are taken from anime. you can easily rep sentences at the speed of 11 sec/card which is very good in my opinion.

PS: it's very strange that i have to explain things that were obvious just a few years ago. i blame the spammer guy's friend who made that goofy website disparaging sentence cards. remember that the spammer guy's friend doesn't even know japanese and apparently forgot his first (or second) language, so don't believe what he writes.

>> No.27741363 [View]

>sentence cards take much longer because youre reading the whole sentence
yes. it's an opportunity for you to practice the flow of reading. use the auto reveal add-on to speed up your reps. i've achieved 10-12 seconds per card after using the addon for a few months while your typical sentence card users take 20 sec/card. i had the same anki stats too.
>you can cut the time by more than half with vocab cards and put that saved time into reading actual input
sentence cards build a great base of grammatically correct language in one's head, and if you use vocab cards it would happen much more slowly. though if time cuts are important for you you can take that approach. i just don't believe that in a long run it will take you less time to achieve fluency. again, ajatt guarantees you two years to a great level of language ability.
>with vocab cards you always have the option of reading the sentence at the back if you the meaning is too abstract
no one does that. vocab users just press good after they see the backside of a card.
>realistically it will take many different sentences for you to really understand the word
real work is done in you JIM. think of sentence cards as something that augments your JIM.

>> No.27740924 [View]
File: 175 KB, 858x649, 1466403150325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if youre reading and doing anki then vocab cards should be fine
sounds good on paper but i don't hear any success stories with vocabulary cards.
>you should be reading sentences
in anki as in real life.
>you are drilling one particular context
it makes far more easy to understand and remember the nuance of the word's meaning.
if it has many meanings then just make two sentence cards and you'll easily differentiate them.
>you arent learning the word as much as you are memorizing that one particular context
i don't think it is a problem in practice. at least we haven't seen any, and the ajatt method has been around for years.
it's okay if you use vocab cards for nouns, i do use them too when i learn food and animals, for example.

>> No.27740577 [View]

true. we actually have plans on making a guide but since other projects stood in our way it got postponed.

>> No.27740490 [View]

the question was
>How to practice reading when you have very little vocabulary?
so if you want to read then at least read sentences. matt always says that in anki you should practice how you play, and in real life you read sentences, not words.
>vocab cards are lighter and the better option
they lead to worse retention rate. and you don't practice your reading and understanding of grammar when you rep them.
vocabulary cards should only be used for very specific type of words. those are nouns.
vocabulary cards should never be used exclusively, and the majority of one’s srsing should be devoted to sentences.

>> No.27740330 [View]

> as it's your tool
it's not inferior to the spammer guy's tool, quite the opposite.
>those dictionaries
those are dictionaries for yomichan. and a few standalone ones as well.

>> No.27740158 [View]

you can do core, yes. but make sure that sentence is on the front.
download ankidrone starter pack if you want a pre-formatted deck, it's linked in the op.
10k is 6k + 4k more shitty cards.
if you have a choice do tango instead. it's included in the ankidrone starter pack.

>> No.27739513 [View]

he speaks Spanish.

>> No.27739071 [View]

i dropped kny after the first episode after seeing LOTS of bad cg

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