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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.2434709 [View]


That's why I kicked so much ass that time I was full of caffeine.


>> No.2434696 [View]


I have a nice little sister, too.

I feel sorry for her, being related to me. Thank fuck I hide my true self from my family.

But I know I'll be more involved than I should be in her life. I'll ensure that she'll not go around fucking random guys, and I'll ensure that the guy she chooses to be with is the right one. Even if I have to use excessive force on some bastards.


Now? I would massively rage and probably hate the both of them for a good while.

In 9 years time? I'd massively rage but later forgive my friend and tell him it's fine as long as he treats her alright. The moment he treats her badly or leaves her or something, I'd tear him to shreds.

If I heard my sister fuck her boyfriend in the next room, I'd put my earphones on and play some Touhou. Full volume. If I was in one of my awesome moods, I'd get up, burst in, grab the bastard and destroy him. I'd be fine with it if I knew the guy and he was alright, but otherwise I would completely destroy him.

I'm insanely protective of my sister. I'm just that kind of person. For example, on /a/ the other day, someone posted something on a thread about how MY WAIFU was his, and I got really angry and had to bite myself to calm down.

>> No.2433725 [View]




You can all go to jail for possession of loli for all I care!

See you there, guys.

>> No.2433711 [View]


Jumping the gun there, bro.


I know. Let's give it a shot anyway, eh?

>> No.2433652 [View]


I know all of that.

That's why we need to stand up together!

We might be weak against the govt seperately, but together, people can make change.

>> No.2433640 [View]

This image flood has destroyed this thread, because everyone is now too busy fapping.


>> No.2433630 [View]


I can understand, but if they're wrong, I don't want to let them win.

If this passes, more will surely follow.

As in, PORN BAN, UNMARRIED SEX BAN, alcohol ban, freedom ban, and by that time the human race will be destroyed by itself.

>> No.2433562 [View]


Now, if only we could get the courts and the big men at the top of the government to realise this is the truth in most cases.

>> No.2433549 [View]


Not illegal, but wrong in the eyes of your God!

So yeah, brainwashing and that kinda stuff.

>> No.2433527 [View]


That's it.

If I become unable to go onto Sankaku Complex, there will be terrible fucking rows of proportions that would make the Bible's rows look like a fucking playground quarrel.

>> No.2433472 [View]


You hit it right on the head, son.

>> No.2433459 [View]


It's just different preferences.

Same way some people like to eat different things to others.

Although, sometimes it has to do with childhood trauma and whatever else.

>> No.2433444 [DELETED]  [View]


It's just different preferences.

Same way some people like to eat different things to others.

>> No.2433433 [View]


That's why I'm planning this out now.

I hope to God that the majority of our would-be overlords are smarter than to pass the bill.

Major problem - They hid the loli shit underneath piles of good stuff.

Wait. This means the government is AFRAID of a shitstorm.

We've possibly located a weakness.

>> No.2433425 [View]


>They do realize that the guys that draw loli manga aren't wizards that capture children and transform them into drawings, right?

Sorry, I think you hit the nail on the head.

>> No.2433415 [View]


Which is why you bring up fundies and how they want to ban all pornography.

Just say "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile!"

>> No.2433408 [View]




I'm not a sex offender, I'm not a troll, I'm not a neocon and I'm not a European who can remember when life was legal. The last thing I would do is something that would harm a child. Sure, I fap to loli frequently, but does that REALLY make me a sex offender?

>> No.2433391 [View]


What is this I don't even

>> No.2433376 [View]


I know.

Fucking tabloids.

>> No.2433343 [View]


I don't necessarily have to get out free. My main plan would be to raise awareness of the case to start a massive shitstorm.

>> No.2433329 [View]


It's not like I'm gonna get caught on purpose...

But if I am caught out of carelessness, then I'll just try my hardest to fight. Hopefully, I could inspire people like myself to stand up and fight this oppression. If all goes REALLY well, I'd have everyone on my side, because I'd start to go into matters about the whole 'thought crime' business that's appearing, and how Britain is becoming a police state.

This is completely theoretical, I'm pretty damn sure it would fall on it's ass if I actually tried it.

>> No.2433310 [View]


Loopholes count for shit when it comes to things like this.

>> No.2433282 [View]


Me? Piss my pants in court?


Once I'm caught, I'd know I'd have two options:

Stand up for myself and all of you useless bastards, because no-one else will, especially no-one here.

OR go down without a fight.

I would have realised how there was no way I'd get out without being jailed and put on the sex offenders list, so I might as well fight for all it's worth, hopefully doing something good.

Either way my life is ruined.

>> No.2433231 [View]


If that happens in the UK, I'll be involved in some way or another.

If I ended up in court over possession, well, I'd ask "How is this harmful to anyone?".

They say "Promotes child abuse." I reply "Oh really? Who told you this? Who has justifiable proof?"

Then, after HOURS of me calmly stating pro-loli points, and them making up bullshit about how I'm wrong, I'd just walk towards the door and say "Try harder."

I'd get a friend to record the trial and fire it all around the place as to help start a revolution.

We'll win.

We have to.

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