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Search: honorary

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>> No.46661245 [View]

suichan is honorary gen 4
friend is honorary gen 5

>> No.46642203 [View]

yeah and the dog twins are pure idol virgins and honorary JPs look how they ignored the homos on stream
baubau am I right fellow inutomos

>> No.46620585 [DELETED]  [View]

in the end Ayame or Aki will always be accepted here while ENcels will continue to cry and beg that their "pure" ENdogs are "honorary JPs" for ignoring some irrelevant homofucks

>> No.46615391 [View]

I spent 20 years watching JAV so I'm an honorary Japanese, you fucking asshole. Never respond to me ever again.

>> No.46588761 [View]
File: 127 KB, 1709x1141, FrWahGAakAA5i5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's honorary Kansaijin in my book, then.

>> No.46572717 [View]
File: 20 KB, 375x352, yumiki x tamura-ana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamura-ana is an honorary Sakamichi member

>> No.46554110 [View]

Imagine dragon mom spoiling you with affection and wing hugs.
Imagine her calling you an honorary dragon, and getting you a little dragon onesie so you don’t feel left out

>> No.46549856 [View]

Flare and Peko are honorary scots now, gaelic aryans

>> No.46539262 [View]
File: 461 KB, 1938x1931, FhWwzNqaYAEtzin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please call her... the honorary Sankisei...

>> No.46530401 [View]
File: 1.72 MB, 2481x1754, 1692786080596548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fair, I totally forgot gen 1 is in a similar situation as gen 2. though I personally see friend as more Gamers than gen 1 at this point.
I wonder if having the youngest average age caused this
Subaru should be an honorary gen 5 since who isn't one at this point.

>> No.46521559 [View]

magnum is honorary japanese
june is filthy gaijin

>> No.46499281 [View]

Biboo is honorary JP

>> No.46497515 [View]

She is honorary. I'm not going to say who so I can bypass any filters on certain holo names but just know that she is.

>> No.46484875 [View]

why does only gokisei have honorary members but other gens don't?

>> No.46484869 [View]

Honorary gokisei:
>A chan

>> No.46478640 [View]

Silver, grey and light blue are honorary white(best heroines)

>> No.46478400 [View]

Watame is honorary Finn, no, in fact she can be genuine Finn if she wishes to be.

>> No.46474397 [View]

Here is something else, Hecate is the feminine name of Hecatos with is one of the names of Mister Apollo and Miss Hecate is said to be so beautiful than she can rivalise with the latter and without being a harlot like Lady Aphrodite.
Yeah... Desperate youkai hags or even moonies can be only more mad at her since she may be even older than them and she will stay beautiful, pure and eternal while all of them will wither and reek of decaying.
Also, Hermes will still get blue-balled by Brimo like his father who named her a "honorary member of his court", In a pathetic attempt to cope.

>> No.46468378 [View]

Anon don't be a honorary stinky poo-poo head please

>> No.46468369 [View]

No, they're honorary kot so catbird

>> No.46468312 [View]

Kiki are honorary kots.

>> No.46456130 [View]

is Flare honorary Finn?

>> No.46448127 [DELETED]  [View]

I'm confident in my ability to put オタクの魂 into the work, so I at least have that going for me
>at best you would evolve from westoid to honorary japanese

>> No.46448081 [DELETED]  [View]

No game no life, a light novel is written by a brazilian and is way more japanese than many of the garbage coming out today, so at best you would evolve from westoid to honorary japanese

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