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Search: Hololive idolfags

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>> No.34689185 [View]

Hololive is a lecherous organization feeding off the modern despair of men. They disguise themselves as cute and happy girls doing whatever they want to do but instead are carefully marketed toward depressed loners. You’ll see redditors talking about how hard it must be for the girls to have pressure on them because of idolfags even though the girls themselves chose to appeal to these mentally ill retards. They are so disillusioned that they feel that the girls have done nothing wrong and it’s all the bad bad obsessed idol schizos fault when it was the girls fault of attracting them in the first place. It’s actually quite easy to get rid of unicorns and it’s just saying one sentence on your debut, “I don’t have a problem collabing with men”. Of course all the girls in Hololive are morally evil and don’t see anything wrong in lying to mentally ill men about being their ‘girlfriends’. This game of theirs is all about selling a lie to people, pretending to care about them so they get all their money. It’s actually quite funny how this community makes fun of twitch thots when the people watching them are less delusional and only watching for the tits. A lie will never be the same as truth and even if the girls themselves know that, they only care about money, and are completely devoid of morals.

>> No.34686450 [View]

Cover is a lecherous organization feeding off the modern despair of men. They disguise themselves as cute and happy girls doing whatever they want to do but instead are carefully marketed toward depressed loners. You’ll see redditors talking about how hard it must be for the girls to have pressure on them because of idolfags even though the girls themselves chose to appeal to these mentally ill retards. They are so disillusioned that they feel that the girls have done nothing wrong and it’s all the bad bad obsessed idol schizos fault when it was the girls fault of attracting them in the first place. It’s actually quite easy to get rid of unicorns and it’s just saying one sentence on your debut, “I don’t have a problem collabing with men”. Of course all the girls in Hololive are morally evil and don’t see anything wrong in lying to mentally ill men about being their ‘girlfriends’. This game of theirs is all about selling a lie to people, pretending to care about them so they get all their money. It’s actually quite funny how this community makes fun of twitch thots when the people watching them are less delusional and only watching for the tits. A lie will never be the same as truth and even if the girls themselves know that, they only care about money, and are completely devoid of morals. Cover recruits their bulk to be mentally broken girls, or girls with rough lives so they don't want to or can't leave the company easy and have them seed their Sob story in regularly so fans are more inclined to give money, and less inclined to leave. Also doubles of rebounding back to "muh mask culture" if others accuse you of selling the girls' trauma for profit

>> No.34415398 [View]

Connor's way more successful in real life than you incels can ever hope to be. Ollie's smart to befriend him, he offers connections and opportunities that'll let her escape the toxic idolfags that are hololive's main fanbase. If the other girls had any brains at all they'd do what she does too.

>> No.34403103 [View]

It was literally idolfags getting mad at her having an active sexual life
Now when Ollie graduates you probably will still claim it wasn't idolfags
How many more hololive members must graduate for you to realize that pandering to idolfags is a mistake?

>> No.34391068 [DELETED]  [View]

Idolfags blown away. Hololive is no different.

>> No.34387544 [View]

Hololive is inflated by average otakus and idolfags (males), and Nijisanji is inflated by fujos (females), hence Holostars perform poorly and Niji girls usually struggle to place on a top 10/25.

>> No.34384612 [View]

I can't believe you faggots are still on the same bullshit of how idolfags = unicorns.
Is Hololive LITERALLY the only idol stuff you follow? It's like you're basing your opinion of the idol scene on second hand shit you've heard about AKB48, the Sakamichi series, and idol anime and completely forget about the thriving alt idol scene that fills literally every single niche and genre you can think of

>> No.34175909 [View]

Reminder that ANY of the girls could change somebody like Aruran, Temma, or Shien's lives forever with just one minimum effort collab, yet most of them refuse to even acknowledge the existence of HoloStars, and that makes them objectively shit people.

>Aqua - Astel, top tier APEX gameplay, shared autism, better ship than the forced AquaMarine
>Okayu - Oga, top comfy retro stream
>Mio - Tenmma true neutral alliance
>Korone - Oga top comfy retro stream very good ship
>Shion - boring as fuck, not worth it
>Ayame - Astel top tier APEX gameplay, good chance at actually getting shit done at tournaments
>Pekora - Shien, the two best comedians at hololive
>Marine - Roberu straight up the best posible paring in holopro, actual chemistry instead of forced yuribait
>Rushia - boring as fuck, not worth it
>Noel - I don't want that camwhore anywhere near them, not worth the yabees
>Flare - the dyke can go fuck herself, but a sibling collab would make Lack happy
>Coco - Oga, Roberu, straight up the best conversionatlist in holopro would make amazing marshmallow streams
>Watame - Rikka very compatible singing voices, could help Watame with the male vocals instead of having to resort to Kanata or Flare
>Kanata - Astel can actually reach high notes, could make her make cover worth something
>Luna - Auran, top shitposting duo
>Towa - Already friends beforehand top chemistry, better than tokinose
>Polka - Roberu, past life friends top tier collab
>Nene - Shien maximum autism
>Lamy - I don't want her creepy gachis near the bros
>Botan - Astel, top tier APEX gameplay
Here you have, most of these collabs are objectively better than anything hololive can currently deliver at the moment, and guess what it's because good shit can come from collabs when they're planned not taking into account the genitals the talent is born with but rather the compatibility of them, but apparently that's a concept to hard tog grasp for the idolfags and the retarded incels in these threads

>> No.34161721 [View]

Being 100% unironic and with no intention of baiting (if you feel like that's the case you save yourselves the wrong thread or beggar) buy why don't more holos collab with the holostars?
It has been a while since the collab ban was lifted and the companies merged yet barely anything changes I really don't understand most of them have at some point done a collaboration with a male
>Suisei has males over for mspe
>Miko collabed with males
>Mel had the whole incident with her manager, I doubt she has any idolfags
>Aki has the guy with the guitar and is married
>Aqua, Shion and Ayame used to collab with males
>Subaru collabs with Maimoto
>Mio, Okayu and Korone used to collab with males
>Marine interviews men on her radio show
>Flare has a brother in the holostars and lack is desperate to see them together
>Coco used to interact with Kaoru but for some reason no longer cares about the stars
>Everyone knows about mukkun
>Luna's past life interacted with men all the time
>Polka is best friends with Roberu
>Botan has collabed with E-sporst profesionals as Botan
>Ina has mentioned and drawn the on stream
>Mori shows up on their chats
>Ame collabed with a male
>Gura makes content for kids
So why won't they collab with the stars? In all honestly I'm personally inclined to believe that it's managment's fault, as in they're personally preventing the collabs from happening, we know that Hololive allow gachikois to influence the management style and force the girls to behave like traditional irl idols that can't be around guys. I think YAGOO wants to go back to the old way but he needs to get all his talents on board to actively(but not openly) push back on fans that are assplasted over them talking with/collabing with males.
It's really hard to take shit seriousy like "Hololive is a family" when they completly ignore a very hardworking and strugging branch when they have nothing to lose in helping them and even if they were to lose one of two gachis, so what?? is that worht more than helping a fellow human being
I really admire and respect Sora, FBK, Choco and Matsuri for being so good to our boys but I really find it hard to be empathethic with the rest when the push such a dangerous and toxic agenda like idolfagging when in reality it's only going to end up harming them in the long run.
Really I think Towa is the straw that broke the camel's back, really collabing with a male but ignoring the homos??? she was forced to include a male on her team but instead of going to Astel the best APEX player in Holopro he went to some random dude, that's just fucking rude. I'm very disapointed in the choices made by most of the members of the main and English branches and have decided to not longer support them

>> No.34054300 [View]

You didn't think for even a second that Cover Corp would put "You can't fuck a male" in a contract, right?

Zero of the girls in Hololive are virgins (with only the barest possibility of the most extreme idolfags or hikkis in Hololive being such), and many likely have boyfriends, fiancés, or husbands.

>> No.34032892 [View]

ehh, similar personalities probably, but I am pretty sure majority of REAL fanatical idolfags despise Hololive

>> No.34032725 [View]
File: 671 KB, 672x730, 1606977368758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the hololive fanbase really so full of idolfags?

>> No.34032712 [View]

When FBK and her started doing collabs every other day with the homostars, her decline started. Some hardcore idolfags left
Chinks started seething all over bilibili because she kept doing song covers with Rikka and memed that they were going to marry. She had to apologize to them
Then she got addicted to Apex and all the streams were Apex streams. Some of her gachikois complained about that and instead she told them to not watch her. More viewers left
Then Coco said Taiwan, hololive dropped CN, so all chinks using VPN left
There's also her unhealthy obsession with other girls, not the funny yuri play, but being menhera as fuck

>> No.33985393 [View]

They get really really upset at hololive and idolfags for that matter

>> No.33820630 [View]

australia's going down the path of canada, they're making it so that parents can't stop kids from injecting themselves with hormones because they believe they're in the wrong body

it also means that hardcore stalkers would do shit like identify how long it took before she reached home from the time she took a video and get a rough idea of which stations she could be located at, and continue to gather other information before one day deciding to stalk a given train station to find her
you may think it's meh or whatever, but I assure you that stalkers who are determined can and do find their targets. The idolfags who stalk and stab idols are good examples of the kind of sick people there are out there.

hololive EN is out, and having more collabs between EN and JP means more growth for both groups

>> No.33755623 [View]

Fuck off, no one wants you here all idolfags are mentally ill and hololive is growing because westerns don't have radiation poisoned brains like the nips

>> No.33710863 [View]

>girls only teams
>all place in the bottom half
>mixed teams
>two teams in top 4 of a stacked tournament
This is why Hololive needs to stop listening to idolfags.

>> No.33684397 [View]


Vtubers (at least the ones we care about) are still women and female streamers can't help themselves and will always become attention whore thots. It's the strict idolshit that Cover pushes that keeps the hololive girls in line and keeps them entertaining without going full thottery. Very smart direction by Cover and I thank them everyday for that. Idolfags always win.

>> No.33650603 [View]

>We do not deserve to suffer just because we exist, which is what you really want.
You do deserve to suffer, because you're begging for something that doesn't exist you're fucking a stupid ideal upon people that don't want to live that way.
No one wants to pander to idiotic idolfags, NO ONE WANTS HOLOLIVE TO BE AN IDOL GROUO
You retarded medium for mentally ill Otaku is dead, move on or kill yourself

>> No.33650253 [View]

Maybe. Maybe they weren't begging for homo+holo collabs as much as they do today. We also had way less shipping fags.
In general, this board had way, way more unicorn idolfags a year ago, in a demonstrably noticeable way. It was like a proper idol thread where engaging in the delusion of the idol being your girlfriend was the culture of the thread and people who rejected that were looked down upon and pushed away. It has only ever decreased since then in that respect, though. This wasn't always filled with people who watch Hololive like they're watching any other streamer for transient entertainment.

>> No.33623769 [View]

BASED MODS reminder that ANY of the girls could change somebody like Roberu, Astel, or Shien's lives forever with just one minimum effort collab, yet most of them refuse to even acknowledge the existence of HoloStars, and that makes them objectively shit people.

>Aqua - Astel, top tier APEX gameplay, shared autism, better ship than the forced AquaMarine
>Okayu - Oga, top comfy retro stream
>Mio - Tenmma true neutral alliance
>Korone - Oga top comfy retro stream very good ship
>Shion - boring as fuck, not worth it
>Ayame - Astel top tier APEX gameplay, good chance at actually getting shit done at tournaments
>Pekora - Shien, the two best comedians at hololive
>Marine - Roberu straight up the best posible paring in holopro, actual chemistry instead of forced yuribait
>Rushia - boring as fuck, not worth it
>Noel - I don't want that camwhore anywhere near them, not worth the yabees
>Flare - the dyke can go fuck herself, but a sibling collab would make Lack happy
>Coco - Oga, Roberu, Kira, straight up the best conversionatlist in holopro would make amazing marshmallow streams
>Watame - Rikka very compatible singing voices, could help Watame with the male vocals instead of having to resort to Kanata or Flare
>Kanata - Astel can actually reach high notes, could make her make cover worth something
>Luna - Auran, top shitposting duo
>Towa - Already friends beforehand top chemistry, better than tokinose
>Polka - Roberu, past life friends top tier collab
>Nene - Shien maximum autism
>Lamy - I don't want her creepy gachis near the bros
>Botan - Astel, top tier APEX gameplay
Here you have, most of these collabs are objectively better than anything hololive can currently deliver at the moment, and guess what it's because good shit can come from collabs when they're planned not taking into account the genitals the talent is born with but rather the compatibility of them, but apparently that's a concept to hard tog grasp for the idolfags and the retarded incels in these threads

>> No.33610087 [View]

>hololive gets banned
>but niji and both /vyt/ threads stay because its an exception no muh idolfags despite having more legitimate schizos than this shithole

>> No.33585414 [View]

Oh shit I can't believe the stupid pasta I made months ago is kinda relevant to the "drama":

In order for Hololive to survive their decline they need to switch their content to be family friendly and targeted at children:
>No more violent games, even Minecraft should be in peaceful mode
>No more adult topics, drinking streams or other streams that could be viewed as suggestive
>Zatsudans should be focused on discussing kid's friendly anime, school advice, etc.
>Utuwaku should be based around music from Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and such
>Holo no Grafiti is too adult, they should do Nursery Rhymes animations instead
>Since kids don't know how to superchat, Holos should explain every stream how to use their moms credit card to donate some money to Hololive
>Merch should be focused on toys and action figures
>Since children mostly type nonsense in the chat, Holos wouldn't even have to interact with chat, thus making any spammers/zhangs irrelevant
>With family friendly content antis will get bored and idolfags will be satisfied with actual seiso content
>Miko will become the most popular as her motherhood allows her to connect with children better
>Pekora will finally become a true hero of the children
With these steps, Hololive will be able to acquire the massive YouTube kids audience and see their growth and views skyrocket. They will earn less from superchats and more from Google Ads. It is truly the only way forward

>> No.33523479 [View]

>joining hololive
Why would she subject herself to the attention of cancerous idolfags?

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