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>> No.36518358 [View]

>TD is often accepted as an easy game but I don't see it being recommended for newcomers often
Because the skillset a new player has is completely different from an experienced one. TD is an extremely easy 2hu game but it requires you to have some shmup basic skills (aka, stop hugging the bottom of the screen, know how to stream, learn when to pop bombs if you need to instead of wasting them all on stage 2, learn patterns, etc). I'd argue you don't even need to understand how to optimize the trance system to 1cc normal mode, considering how useless it is for 90% of the game and how risky it can be to collect spirits. Meanwhile, PCB's cherry border system automatically fills per hit (something the new player is probably never going to NOT press 100% of the time), gives you more resources if you get borders during the right times, grabbing additional cherry blossom points can be safely done at the bottom of the screen, and you can get a maximum of 4 bombs per life... in a series balanced around having 2 bombs per life. imo, PCB is an easier game to get a 1CC if you're inexperienced. Otherwise, TD is arguably easier if you have decent experience (esp since TD doesn't have a difficult stage 4 or stage 4 boss, unlike PCB).

>> No.36512839 [View]
File: 95 KB, 806x915, E9pBiNYVUAALE_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 rolls, now I have 950 cubes on me, so if Emo Youmu comes on tuesday and her banner goes for at least one week and a half I'll be able to spark. I actually kinda want her already so I can throw a party with them to celebrate next weekend, when I'll also MLB both vanilla Youmu and Yuyuko. Sadly I would need one more paper doll for Yukari so it's likely she'll be left out and not included for EraTohoReverse.
I'm sitting at the 15000 SP max bidding my time for the Dropx2. Already have almost +100 rare points to waste on coins, everything on ladder waiting to be claimed, Toyohime and Yuyu on lvl 100 and 90, so I'm burning the daily excess fat grinding exhibition 17 with Youmu. No more maids stage, no more Suwako and Sanae, no more exhibitions 16 and 13. Pretty comfortable to wait for more cards and checking the game only for cubes and dojo

>> No.35921833 [View]
File: 3.35 MB, 498x373, Realization.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost fell for the red herring of the fairies for the boss in 6-1 since Tewi also had changed weaknesses and resistances and one of the three still had the same
Man it was so obvious. How didn't I see it. Anyway gamepress was a mistake.
On main story it was something like 90 vs 120 points and from what I remember from charts the rate is about the same for everything else. Not a big difference but it's very cummulative when grinding. I still play hard difficulty when everyone on Lunatic is tired or for a better rate on coins at the events, grinding multistages with 5SP characters is easy if they are strong and you have top notch defensive story cards. Slow sex! With Youmu!

>> No.35402354 [View]

Yeah i know the vid is a bit sarcastic but a lot of the points do make sense
I do have watch anime at around 80-90% speed though and look up occasionally but I don't look up like a schizo who needs to know every word

>> No.35290332 [View]

So JP Bros, the next event.

Will it be a "farm till your hands are bleeding and your 2hus have a breakdown from being overworked" again like the Aya-Farmfest we had the last weeks?

Will it have a shop like this again?

Event-points to farm?

Also, I'm nearing the maximum limit of levels my character can grind without using paper dolls on them for the sake of leveling up (they're mostly capping on 80-90 with 4 100. Youmu Star Ran Medicine.)

>> No.34751354 [View]

I don't "think" I am an intellectual. I outright I believe I am one and not only that, I think I am way smarter than 90% of humanity. Like, 25 IQ points higher than the rest, man.

>> No.34256685 [View]

Why are you requiring melee to hit 4 times? Magic only hits twice, you also can't get the max combines enchant with just rasen. Also, what do you mean bash, body slam is a MA skill. You can use grenade fist if you prefer, it's even AOE. Squeeze works too.

Not surprising you wont show anything for burst ammo, it's crazy op. Besides, you can get aoe invokes for physical attacks too, these calculations are ignoring all the static artifacts like rail gun.

For buffs, my strongest character was tackling capped dungeons with only 300-500 buffs. Like I said before, physical attacks have lots of linear scaling, this is true of the buffs as well, so you don't actually ever need to reach any skill or spell caps. This was back in 1.90 before the great buff buff, or weapon skill pierce buff, so you don't even need that many now. You are free to level up even higher if things pose a challenge to you.

Even by your own low estimates, at 100k a hit will still shred through most caped mobs, and only slow down on the boss. I'm guessing this was without things like more than 1 attack, or attribution too. MA gets a lot of OP buffs as spacts, why don't you use them? Charge attack only gives you x10 damage and only for the first hit. Overflow is around 35 million on a single hit, not the total attack. Without charge you're still getting 3+ million per hit, ignoring the non elemental damage or interlocking/proximity damage. If it's possible to do overflow at all, you have to be able to do crazy damage normally too.

You're also cherry picking range. Most of the time enemies don't converge on you like that unless you either wait for them or are using pets and wait for them to gather. If you are using a snail to skip the wait time on gather, then you can just set up your pets to do everything and make yourself useless. Everyone knows pet builds are broken. And you can still use burst. Or set up gun squads, too.

How would I know how long it takes you to not use physical skills? Besides this whole chain started because you said magic was a faster start than sniper thief, you don't even need to level sniper thief at the start, it'll level as you one-shot your way halfway through the game. I've just been humoring you as you move goal posts. Your magic screenshot only shows attributes too, you use herbs for those, not spells.

I mean, I understand. MA was at the top for years and now you're giddy that everyone can chase the top at super speed. But if you were really min maxing, then based on your arguments you'd start with sniper thief, use magic to farm points in act 2, then go right back to using physical attacks with those points. Since you said you capped MA, that means you think its stronger right at the top, right? You are speed running after all. Or did you just have so many extra skill points from trying level magic that you capped melee first?

>> No.34240464 [View]

Women want to be objectified by men, it's just 90% of men aren't men to them, they're "people." People objectifying you is gross and dehumanizing.

If only it were like DMC and you could get points for doing SICK NASTY combos, right, bro?

>> No.33981886 [View]
File: 205 KB, 1200x1200, Exo6LUHU8AEC5mE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu sushi stuff

>Sushi Party
Okayu did almost no investigation into this game, so she doesn't know what to expect. It has already put her in the mood for sushi though. The title screen music hasn't helped her in figuring out what kind of game it is either. Regardless, she picks hard mode because she's a gamer; and, to her credit, she completes it too.

>Sushi Party lore
Okayu wonders what kind of story this game could have, and chat suggests it could be about ebi sushi trying to escape from a restaurant; she then takes it further. Perhaps the ebi still has things it needs to live for, so it can't just accept its fate of being eaten. The tuna that always shows up as a boss would its senior, Maguro-senpai; a jaded nigiri that wants Ebi-kun to accept his fate. The truth though is that he doesn't want to accept that fate the most of all. Ebi-kun is actually a lot smaller, so Okayu says that fits the senpai kouhai relationship well too. He'd tell Ebi-kun that he's seen others like him before, and that none of them actually want to be eaten. Even the tamago would be crying as they fired beams at Ebi-kun. All this kind of makes her not want to eat sushi, but not that badly.

>Bad guys
Okayu likes manga like that, where nobody's truly just a villain. She says it's actually pretty rare in manga for anyone to be 100% evil. It's usually just that their values, and what defines happiness for them, are conflicting with each other's. Nobody can really fight without feeling pain in their heart, nobody can just destroy without meaning.

>A "short" game
Since Okayu's been doing so many long streams lately, she thought she'd pick a game that wouldn't take more than an hour or two. When she saw a game about sushi, she figured it couldn't take that long to beat. She thinks she might have made a mistake to look down on sushi though. It ends up taking her almost 3 hours to beat the game. She promises that tomorrow, for sure this time, will be a shorter stream.

>Today's meal
Salisbury sushi! When Okayu was a little cat, she really loved eating this.

>Okayu's karaoke score?
She went singing with Kayoizuma-chan recently, but they got in such a singing high that the few seconds it took to display the score and advice was too much waiting for them, so they turned it off. She remembered in the past that she'd usually get around 90 points for her singing though; never anything in the 98-100 range though. She never really cared about the score, because it's not a good way to actually judge somebody's singing voice(apparently even the original singers can't scoree 100 most of the time). Not to mention that the two of them sing like crazy people when together. Chat wants to sing karaoke with Okayu, and she wants to also; she likes singing with close friends.

At first Okayu just thought he was a dangerous character, but she came to like him over time. She's not sure exactly why; maybe because he might be one of the characters with the strongest resolve in the series. Whether it's guy or girl, Okayu really likes strong-willed characters like that. She sees a lot of resemblance with Usami and Midousuji.


>> No.33631311 [View]
File: 9 KB, 204x248, 1612252658305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is my reproduction and speaking supposed to be towards the end of Genki 1?

At the moment I'm on chapter 10 and study one chapter per week. I can understand and recognize all the grammar points taught so far and know probably 90% of the vocabulary. But when it comes to actually creating the sentences I have to refresh myself sometimes. For example I had to look back and see how aida was supposed to be used for in between. But if I saw a sentence where it was used I would understand it completely and could tell you why each particle was used.

Some people make it sound like they are getting speaking partners right after Genki 1 and I don't feel that way at all. I thought the main idea was to understand everything zoom through genki one and two and then onto Tobira/native content. But if I'm shooting myself in the foot I should probably know now

>> No.33185406 [View]

Does anybody left in these threads even fucking watch Hololive at this point? 90% of the threads at these points is just tribalism, metaposting and calling everyone you don't like chink

>> No.32992451 [View]

It's at 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 million points.
As you can see, that's quite a lot of lives.
Is Sakuya stage 6 for you?
Since you start with 3 lives, and assuming you die once at stage 6, 7, 8 and twice at 9, you'll need at least 50 million points to have one honest shot at Eiki. Of course, if you don't die on any of stage 6, 7, or 8, you'll greatly improve your chances, since Eiki will be even easier if you die more. Likewise if you can get 70 or even 90 million points.
It also gives you the tools to handle the bullshit. Only 1st life Eiki is really bullshit, since she just won't die.

>> No.32978820 [View]

She just likes the game and plays it now and then off-stream
She was short of being platinum last season, about 200 points off. She made it to plat twice at least
Even if her aim is shit 90% of the time her movements and decision making are of one who's dabbled a fair time with the game

>> No.32896195 [View]

APEX is 90% positioning. Land in good spots, ALWAYS stick with your team, try to find a good spot in the ring after the 1st one closes because that's when teams start looking for choke points and waiting for teams trying to escape the next ring. My aim is shit and I'm Diamond thanks to that.

>> No.32543081 [View]

5 below means -5, I don't know where on earth that would mean +5. Again, you're making your entire argument about how the freezing point is more intuitive and completely missing the point. I live in New England. Throughout the year, the weather will range from 0 in the winter to 90 in the summer.
>F fucking sucks and has zero advantage
so you're just willfully ignoring my points, got it
sorry I didn't look up the exact fucking conversion, you get my point
>maybe if I use a cool math term I'll scare him off
My post has nothing to do with imperial units, if you want to address my argument on Fahrenheit though you're welcome to

>> No.32101615 [View]

Literally all the Gen 3 fanbases are the fucking worst
Annoying brats, they're not only the wort numberfags in the thread but just a really shit bunch that spends most time shitting on other instead of watching their supposed oshi. they're also closely associated with the second worse fanbase around the 35p
Thin skinned faggots who won't accept anything that's not 100% positive about Marine, they try to shove her into everything yet 90% of them can't understand a word of what she says
Unironic cucks and pretty much the laughing stock of the thread, at least they don't show their pathetic head much until they try to get pity points because their whore of an oshi is being an attention whore on twitter until they're mocked back into silence
>What ever Noelfags are called
Just a worse version of the fandead, no idiots, no one gives a shit about your actual whore of an oshi, she shouldn't even be allowed in these thread, that bitch is the reason people call vtubers ethots, because canan is exactly that. I don't give a shit if she get's caught with the boyfriend she obviously has, just fuck off elsewhere
Literally who? every once in a blue moon those idiots show up it's always to make some annoying /u/ post, good way to let everyone know you haven't done your roommate reps, absolute cretins

Gen 3 is the fucking cancer of hololive and these threads

>> No.31768928 [View]
File: 542 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misaki's after story in Nukitashi 2 is really weird. It's like 80%-90% the characters making a visual novel that's an excuse for meta-jokes about nukitashi itself (i.e. "we can't find an ejaculation sound effect that sounds good" "just play a machine gun sound when MC cums instead!"). It felt like they didn't really know what to do for her after story and she didn't have clear points still needing to be wrapped up like the other heroines so they just gave her a bunch of meta jokes they thought were funny and didn't have anywhere else to put.

>> No.30171384 [View]

She is out of tune at points but honestly I think 90% of her issues with the song could be improved with a decent mic.

>> No.29584550 [View]

She took the Mensa online test which adds like 30 points to your score so that you get baited into taking the actual test.
I guess 90 sounds about right.

>> No.29391021 [View]
File: 350 KB, 1920x1080, 【げつよる歌枠】HAPPY MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!【天音かなた_ホロライブ4期生】 (1080p_60fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4_snapshot_00.19.00.785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seeing it anon. She has a smile on her face 90% of the time and her eye closing animation is really well done so she does those anime cute smiles a lot of the time. She also never looks uncanny when looking down due to hidden neck and proper hair rigging (no forehead stretching and good upper head stretching points). That's impressive considering most current rigs (EN) straight up disallow downward movements in a lot of cases instead moving the whole body up and down resulting in very stiff unnatural bounces even if their horizontal movement is great.

>> No.29281618 [View]

the thing is, reddit and other similar places are about being popular, not being nice. if a negative opinion is prevalent, no amount of modding will actually cover for it
the only difference 4chan holds is that fringe negative opinions can stick around, which ultimately amounts to 90% schizo bullshit and 10% good points + the ability to call you niggers niggers

>> No.28996302 [View]
File: 76 KB, 901x225, 1586888352683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I used for 90% of the floors. Counter+drain teams should do well.
Only one set of rewards. Looks like hard is only for the achievement plus ranking points. Kind of funny that ranking is no longer global but limited to your friends.

>> No.28433913 [View]

That was actually very good. 90% of people in public lobbies have no idea where all the upload/download points are.

>> No.28392668 [View]


I mean, did you see the numbers that her Among Us viewpoint in the collab drew? It was almost as high as 90,000 people at points, and while I'm sure many just want a chance to play with her, there's bound to be idiots.

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