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Search: "manga"+"isn't"+"reading "

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>> No.38938939 [View]

Read manga and watch tv without subs. If you just do VN's your listening comprehension isn't going to develop at all. And that in turn will stunt your reading comprehension pretty soon.

>> No.38861945 [View]

Alright thanks, Ive been using the standard 2k core so far but somebody pointed out on /a/ that the TL isn't that good so i don't know whether that will come back to bite my ass later on. Also another question, I primarily like reading manga and there's one streamer I'd like to listen to, are those two things a good alternative to reading LN? Immersion-wise i mean

>> No.38855961 [View]

'manga isn't reading' is timeless

>> No.38852066 [View]

>manga isn't reading
so are you just going to look at the pictures? lol thats retarded

>> No.38852019 [View]

i just checked the archives and wow... not since march. time flies when you get old.

manga isn't reading

this vexes me

>> No.38740093 [View]
File: 114 KB, 281x438, 1622707125200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a good call. Trianthology is supposed to be experienced one portion of the story at a time. Since the manga skips out on everything that isn't the first fragment, I wouldn't say it's worth reading.

>> No.38580749 [View]

>I couldn't get into the habit of playing every day
but that's really the point isn't it
i've been playing guitar for 15 years and i still play almost every day because i just enjoy playing guitar
i don't see it as "studying" it's just something i do because it's fun
and the same goes for japanese, i enjoy reading japanese lns, manga, watching anime in japanese and do it every day, because it's fun
there's no forcing or "studying" involved here and if you can't get into that mindset you simply cannot keep up a skill over a long period of time

>> No.38401054 [View]

I managed to finish the month with a total of 292 hours of immersion (average of 9.7 hours a day) - consisting of 2 million+ characters read from VNs and LNs, 20,000+ manga pages (yes, I got hooked on manga again this month lol) and 33 hours of listening. The majority of the characters I read this month came from LNs (completed a total of 14 books) - before this point I had mostly read VNs so at first I found it difficult to read the same amount in a day with LNs as with VNs, but over the course of the month I got used to it and was comfortably managing to read 100,000 characters a day with LNs too. I won my second month with TheMoeWay monthly immersion leaderboard and also won the Tadoku reading competition for that month. In addition, at the end of the month I managed to pass the Kotoba N1 Grammar quiz (the highest role on the server) and was feeling a lot more confident about being able to pass N1! After the intense period of immersion that was September, I also felt significant improvements in my reading ability.

October was a very busy month for me between finishing off my internship, starting uni again (my holidays had finished), preparing grad job applications and other commitments. From early on in my Japanese language journey I'd been building up a large backlog of new cards in my mining deck. This was mainly because I never set a limit on how much I mined in a day, so there were often days where I'd mine like 50-100 new cards (meaning that my backlog kept growing faster than I was repping new cards). In order to try and catch up with it I began repping 50 new cards a day from then on. Not much else significant happened in October other than perhaps the fact I started reading a VN called Dies Irae during the month. It was probably the hardest thing I had read up to that point and I came across a load of vocab I hadn't seen before. Also, I found there were many lines I'd have to reread and think about for a while before being able to fully understand. As a result, my reading speed during the prologue of Dies Irae was about 7,000 characters/hour and even by the end of October I was only averaging 10,000-11,000 characters/hour on it.

I read quite a wide range of different texts during the month including LNs, VNs, web novels, blogs and just surfing random articles on the internet. Additionally, I tried my first reading stream in the server during that month by reading Dies Irae out loud - found it really fun and have done more since then. My average immersion time for October was 4.5 hours a day. At the end of October I decided to try my first N1 practice paper to see where I'm at and, to my surprise, I managed to get a raw score of 89/105 on it. This gave me the realisation that I was already able to pass N1 with quite a good score. My original plan was to mix in some JLPT-specific study in November but after getting that score I decided not to, and just continued immersing as normal.

November was mostly the same, being occupied by other responsibilities and only averaging about 4 hours of immersion a day up until the last week of the month. After that point, however, I had significantly more free time available again up until the end of December. With slightly over a week to go before the N1 test, I decided to challenge myself again by trying to read 1 million characters in a week at the end of November. I managed to achieve this goal by reading a total of 61.5 hours during that week and also managed to read 200,000 characters in a day for the first time. Anki was also going well, and by now never took me more than 30 minutes a day (even while doing 50 new cards a day with around 92-95% retention). I get questions regarding best ways to increase retention on Anki and what I personally found is that just trying to read more helped a lot more than fiddling with Anki settings, as it increases your familiarity with kanji and you're more likely to see the words you've mined again (although of course I understand that isn't feasible for everyone and a little bit of time spent optimising the settings isn't the worst thing in the world, it's just that it is a lot less effective).

>> No.38399050 [View]

Then definitely don't watch Sotsu because it's a direct sequel to Gou (which is a sequel to the original story). Heck, the way things are going people probably will eventually just recommend reading Gou/Meguri manga rather than watching Gou/Sotsu, but the manga isn't finished yet.

>> No.38398831 [View]
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Just some small stuff from the two DQ streams.

Summarized from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrLJFPeziwo

>Was just plain overuse rather than sickness(3:55)
She does her greeting very energetically and apologizes for the roughly three-day break saying she was, for the most part just lying down in bed reading manga, and that now she feels fully restored. She says that yesterday she was actually feeling rather fine even to the point of considering streaming, but the nousagi would probably call her out on still sounding hoarse and what if streaming would damage her throat and make her unable to stream again, she wouldn't like that, plus she has an important recording next week so she properly decided to rest instead.
She continues to say that she was a bit afraid before going to the doctor since lately there has been a lot of talk again about that thing* showing up and since there are people whose had it originate from throat symptoms she was worried that this hoarseness in her throat was from that despite feeling fine otherwise. But once she got checked at the hospital they said it wasn't like that, probably just a case of her overusing her cords and her recommendation was to try and rest while speaking as little as she can.

*She purposefully doesn't name it but it is unmistakably Corona/Omicron

>Her break made her consider a regularly scheduled break(6:17:25)
After reading a superchat regarding her break she says that she really earnestly rested these three days, and she slept so much that she was thinking that her body too must have been fatigued because no matter how much she slept she'd get tired again a bit later and such but because of all this she feels really rested and her throat is too in a good condition. The proper rest also made her think about perhaps adding in a regularly scheduled break somewhere within her activity, rather than something like three days in a row which she really wouldn't like to do regularly she was thinking about something like once a week.

Summarized from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEJ4z4Ikp7g

>Streaming with her new monitor(3:35)
Slight context: In the previous stream she mentioned that she had bought the monitor but had yet to set it up, so this stream is the first one using it.

She does her greeting and says that she finally* got a new monitor and the one she bought ended up being bigger than she expected compared to the one she had before, so she is a bit perplexed from the sheer size difference. When she bought the monitor she was unsure if it was the same size as her previous one but this one seems to be maybe one size larger because all her windows like OBS, Chat, and so on are really tiny which is a bother for her since her eyes aren't that good so the larger the easier it is for her, with this in mind she did have in mind to use the magnification setting in Windows but it the way it turned out put her off so she went back to 100% which was the recommended setting. The chat asks her if it isn't just the resolution that is different and she says it could be that but she isn't sure. But she says that everything is really clean compared to her old monitor, like everything is easier to discern and the colors are fantastic. She still has one of her very old monitors as a second monitor and comparing with that one is a remarkable difference, for example the colors on the old monitor are bleak and more vivid on the new one. She gets asked what monitor she bought and she says it is an LG UltraGear**.

*She broke her monitor 2021-12-18 and has streamed with a damage like this ever since https://i.imgur.com/875tfnS.jpeg
**Unfortunately she doesn't give more than that so finding which one is a shot in the dark

>Doesn't feel the same eye strain as before(6:41:28)
She brings up that it is really nice how sharp the image is on her new monitor since she feels like her eyes aren't as fatigued as they would normally be after a stream like this. In the end streaming with a monitor that has interference on it will tire you out she realized, so when she streamed long hours with her old monitor she'd be a bit tired but now even after she's done she isn't feeling any strain or fatigue.

>> No.38233277 [View]

ironically enough, the most practice I get for my japanese isn't reading manga or watching anime, or TV shows or movies. It's the fancomics/fanart I see on twitter everytime I scroll down my TL that I can make cards out of

>> No.38099205 [View]

Nhentai is just a scraper site, no different than reading manga somewhere else instead of Mangadex
Also, you don't get weird image galleries since it only takes from the comics, plus it has some of the Fakku content that was removed
Exhentai isn't really the filter it used to be

>> No.37939105 [View]
File: 114 KB, 1920x1080, [Zaphod] Rozen Maiden (2013) - 10 [BDRip 1920x1080 x264 Hi10P FLAC].[E64C9EA5].mkv_snapshot_03.55.110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the 2013 version. It isn't as bad as I remembered it and as people say it is. The style is leagues below the previous seasons, but it's pretty well directed (for the most part) and I even prefer it over the manga equivalent. Unwound Jun rejecting Kirakishou made me even more upset than when reading the manga. Time to read the manga again and sit through the shitty translations once more.

>> No.37629495 [View]

/lit/ hates every japanese book that isn't osamu dazai though. and /a/ only allows discussions of light novels with anime/manga adaptations.
reading kino's journey right now after i dropped it a few years back. I'm still surprised that the fan translation effort is still "alive", for the book itself it's quite simplistic, the whole thing reads like a nihilist approach of fairy tale books that you'd read as a kid.
i also just finished reading all of sugaru miaki works and that was surely a ride. might be too overdramatic at times but i think it's part of the charm. shame that light novels of this kind never really gain traction outside of japan.

>> No.37459980 [View]

1. manga sucks compared to a faithful adaptation
2. manga isn't reading

>> No.37444373 [View]

manga isn't reading

>> No.37430447 [View]

great posts and all but manga isn't reading

>> No.37419307 [View]

manga isn't reading.

>> No.37347056 [View]

reminder that manga isn't reading.
read vns.
(reply from tatsumoto saying "muh vns are spyware" in 3, 2, 1)

>> No.37343032 [View]
File: 521 KB, 850x1200, 1637115832090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never read because manga isn't reading

>> No.37251752 [View]
File: 237 KB, 1404x1058, 34_-_Disclosing_The_Final_Fate.mkv_11_08_21_18_55_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Manga isn't reading.

>> No.37209245 [View]

because manga isn't reading so he's watching a shonen manga

>> No.37104026 [View]

"manga isn't reading."
what type of person do you imagine?

>> No.36742582 [View]

then how come manga isn't reading?

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