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>> No.12849988 [View]
File: 4 KB, 242x63, 219850403913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It should be noted that the Exiles were originally based off of one of the random enemy types found in the Genius of Sappheros. I can't remember if there was any context to their appearance or not, but when I saw them I thought it would be neat to expand the concept a bit.

Also, Rukkuto would likely be relevant to the plot in some way, seeing as she is, in essence, a forgotten robot herself.

I'm envisioning that failing at a specific point in the game would lead to a bad ending in where Marisa/Alice/Ect. are dragged away by the "medical" persona and converted into a lobotomite-cyborg to serve the E-2; a homage to System Shock.

>> No.12849938 [View]


"All arms possess four joints, having 360 degrees of rotation around their attachment to the chassis as well as the hand attachment ports, and a small section of flexible tubing around the arms gives them additional dexterity in movement. Ports exist on the left and right faces of the upper chassis, in which secondary arms are almost always installed in order to give the machine a wider range of actions; these arms are built to the same specifications as those on the base unit. A third port exists in the back as well, and certain versions of the arm attachment contain two arms at once, allowing a unit to theoretically have anywhere from two to up to eight arms. Arm types include a general purpose grasper ending in three clamp-like digits in order to secure an object into place, a medium-range continuous laser cutter in order to fabricate metals such as steel with precision, a drill for cutting into hard materials like stone and metal, a circular saw for processing timber, a jackhammer (which can be modified to work as a more general blunt object for smiting and forging metal), and a long-range water cutter for heavy-duty machining.

Rail-based Industri-Arms are generally built into whatever facility they are programmed to work in, and are fixed to moving on specified areas, with some being fixed emplacements. The fan variant is a prototype which hovers about a foot off the ground using a powerful fan in a fashion similar to a hovercraft. These units are rare due to difficulties navigating through many types of factory terrain, and are discernible by the rubber "skirt" covering the lower chassis as well as the loud noise they make when hovering, as well as fail due to being overtaxed. The conventional jet propulsed variant hovers anywhere from one foot to several meters from the ground, giving it limited flight and allowing it to navigate through even the messiest of facilities."

>> No.12849919 [View]

Based Uematsu and Tano.

>> No.12849879 [View]

He rated Sakura slightly fashionable. Tano being based is like "Are you sure?". Reversed his decision and rated Sakura slightly unfashionable.

>> No.12849861 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, robot-4_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"With the above, it is clear that the Electronic Exiles could not be tsukumogami, as the majority of them contain electronics in at least some rudimentary fashion. Nevertheless, the behavior of the exiles mirrors that of a tsukumogami heavily; as a race of discarded electronic appliances and machinery, they seek to overthrow and destroy the humans that abandoned them, to the extent that they are hostile to anything that strongly resembles a human in their eyes, including fairies and the more humanoid types of youkai. Tsukumogami aren't directly affiliated with the Exiles, but some will occasionally fight alongside them in order to achieve a common goal, and are free to roam the otherwise heavily guarded section in which the constructs occupy.

Animals and more bestial youkai are usually ignored, but some of the more intelligent units will occasionally preform a procedure on a few unlucky creatures similar to the above lobotomy procedure, in order to built a partially mechanized being which follows E² commands. These cybernetic animals are also more suited to live in the heavy air pollution that plagues the area.

"Fellow" robots, including those which actually function based on their electronics and built-in programming, are either encouraged or captured and "liberated" in order to serve the cause through forced capture and possession. Some specific machines will hold grudges against the model they felt replaced them, but this is considered fairly uncommon as all machines are expected to work towards the betterment of machinery as a whole. Any robot that spends enough time near the E-2 Mall or an area with crimson circuitry over it will eventually become possessed. How long it takes depends on the victim's AI, with free-thinking machines more able to resist this effect then "dumb" machines such as drones."

>> No.12817547,390 [INTERNAL]  [View]

yes she did

I masturbated to bubukka's images of that girl without even realizing

the image is clearly based on her...

>> No.12849825 [View]
File: 15 KB, 232x512, E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right, here goes nothing. Wall of text ho!


"The Electronic Exiles are a group of renegade automatons present within some of the more obscure parts of the Forest of Magic, a region of Gensokyo, most notably based within an abandoned, partially ruined shopping arcade from which the majority of their numbers reside. In truth, the majority of them are not technically robots: In reality, restless spirits of the forest have layed claim to the hulks of these forlorn machines, manipulating them and giving them life after being attracted by negative auras emitted by the abandoned objects. In addition, said spirits have convinced themselves that they really ARE robots, and attempt to model themselves over the popular ideas of what a robot is supposed to do (based on media also found within the mall), leading to the conclusion that their purpose is to overthrow humanity and take over the world, starting with the local region.

Most Exiles are either toy robots from decades past, simple automatons like a self-propelled vacuum, some sort of computer component like a microchip, or are a mismatch of various electronic objects and appliances, held together through crude welds, duct tape, and their own belief that they're meant to be solid constructs. While the former two are rarely dangerous on their own power, and the latter is somewhat threatning due to being a fire hazard, the last can range anywhere from being unable to stand to being a threat to even youkai, and thus it is a bad idea to underestimate the Exiles: A single scurrier might mean that bigger, meaner machines are somewhere within striking distance."

>> No.12849595 [View]

Beautiful. Based Monorus.

>> No.12849474 [View]
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, audience participation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Tano.

>> No.12849235 [View]

Based Monorus.

>> No.12849218 [View]

He would get out of an ushi Oni rape cave in a whole hour special based around it
>I would totally watch that

>> No.12849167 [View]

>If you can't figure out a way to princess-carry an Ushi-Oni to safety in a way that makes her wonder why the hell she can't stop blushing then frankly you don't even deserve to call yourself a Hero-class human.

You'd need to grab her on roughly the second set of legs, prop her up in your arms probably facing the ground based on the way her spine bends and you'd still need a way to see because most of what's in your face would be spider-legs and spider torso. This isn't a matter of looking 'heroic' it's a lack of a good focal point by which to lever her. You'll also need magical or mechanical assistance because she weighs more than the standard human can deadlift at roughly 1300kg.

>> No.12849112 [View]
File: 322 KB, 768x1024, g-project x pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I've had time to use both in a number of different holes, I'm ready to give my thoughts on pic related.

In short, these are excellent lubes that are good for either daily use or as a variety purchase. Both formulas (Sarara / Smooth and Nururu / Slimy) are characterized by their extreme lubricity and elasticity. This is relatively dense and slimy stuff.

Nururu is thicker and very "stringy". It is about as thick as Pepe orange cap, but more elastic and less "gloppy". It is hard to dispense only a small droplet of this lube because it doesn't cut off easily. I end up using my finger to grab the right amount of lube for application to a hole in most cases. Sarara is lighter, about the weight of ID Glide or Astroglide, but also exhibits stringiness to some degree. This stringiness in both lubes is a good thing, because it keeps the lube from becoming aerated during quick stroking, which is what makes glycerine based lubes sticky.

I've now tested both varieties with the following: Venus Clone very soft, Venus Real soft, Kunoichi normal, Lilith Uterus soft, Lilith Spiral Wave very soft, and Meiki Maria Ozawa. Sarara is my preferred lube in almost every application, but Nururu still offers better performance and longevity than standard Peace's or Pepee in most applications, particularly for medium to high speed play with very soft holes. I don't wanna overhype these as game changers or anything, but especially for hands-free use I feel like I can thrust more freely and deeply with these lubes.

If you are placing a less-urgent order and can wait an extra 3 business days for the backorder, I don't think you'll be disappointed in the quality of the product. You also get moé bottles.

>> No.12848903 [View]

thank you based rjob

>> No.12848650 [View]

I was thinking about getting some j-lube and a big 16oz squeeze bottle to mix things up a batch in advance for easy dispensing, but after reading that it's 75% sucrose, aka sugar, I'm imagining that it could go bad is just a couple days.

Is this a valid concern? How long can larger batches last? Does anyone have experience adding some kind of preservative to match the shelf life of normal pre-mixed water based lube?

>> No.12848601 [View]


Based dollfag

>> No.12848566 [DELETED]  [View]

Just shows that the ideals behind the 48 groups don't mesh with foreign mindsets. SNH is full of spoiled brats who can't be bothered to even practice, and JKT is a bunch of weeaboo Muslim nobodies hanging on for dear life to the AKB outcasts that they were granted to pull them out of the mud.
At the very least the only possible group we seem to be at the risk of getting is a Taiwan-based group, and as they were under Japanese administration for a good bit, their culture is a great deal closer and thus less likely to result in another desperate, culture-thieving mockery like SNH or JKT.
And thank God we don't have a chon group. Now all we need is for Gangjeon and Kuramochi to graduate, and we can finally have a 48 project that works the way it was supposed to.

>> No.12848510 [View]


>implying suu-chan didn't want to leave karen for based azumarion

>> No.12848500 [View]

So they're just going to censor the 18+ version themselves? This sounds like a disaster in the making.

I don't mind all ages releases of 18+ stuff but only if it's based on an official version.

>> No.12848496 [View]

>your introduction to the concept of moe was "Database Animals"
No. In fact, I haven't read a single "otaku" themed publication that purports to treat the subject in a rigorous manner. My assessment was based on what I've gleaned from continental/analytic philosophy, semiotics and anthropology. I'm just some guy who participates, to an extremely limited extent, in the smug anime girl shitfest that spills over to 4chan.

>not because the concept is defined by them
They can be treated, usefully for the purposes of analysis, as memes. They exhibit all of the properties of memes in their transmission, proliferation and evolutionary mechanisms. This random idiot probably thought along similar lines and tried to add a shred of academic credibility to his book by structuring its contents around anthropological frameworks.

The concept of moe didn't originate as "otaku media memes", but its behavior conforms to the theories developed in unrelated academic fields. They're just deeply appealing, fertile ideas that happen to be explored in the medium of children's cartoons, porn and other assorted filth.

>> No.12848039 [View]

Because these discussions are purely based on a stupid what if hypothesis and if I want to mentally challenge myself I'm gonna go and learn for the colloquium I have in two weeks.
I'm here for pictures and storys of cute monstergirls, not semi-deep philosophical chit chat and the purge greentexts they tend to generate

>> No.12847951 [View]
File: 86 KB, 656x518, 2014-12-29_233050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't notice her before, must be somewhat rare.

The main problem with the Touhoumon type chart is understanding which puppet is which type in the first place, it's not like in pokémon where you go "oh it's red/it has fire patterns/it's based on something hot -> it must be at least fire type!".

>> No.12847564 [View]

Youre right, they are more resilient to flipping but you should be gentle still.

what is this dank m3me you keep referencing?

I hope onahole review isnt salty we're gonna "borrow" his content. Added to paste.

I'd like to see it anyway
I'll accept anything you guys have for me. Based on your other review(s), you are a very detailed writer and something like that would only help flesh out the guidelines written in the paste.

>> No.12847186 [View]

What's the reason 95 is an old lady and 3.1 is a gray haired loli?

Also are they all based off other characters?, because some of them really look based off other characters.

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