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Search: fuck off

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>> No.46992250 [View]

he has a containment thread now as well, clearly it doesn't work
thought desu it's clear nobody on the board gives a shit for his "idols", so he should really fuck off for good

>> No.46992236 [View]

A great thread of three discord troons circlejerking... Fuck off

>> No.46992089 [View]

fuck off and stop lurking here, rat

>> No.46991802 [View]

Towa fuck off

>> No.46990065 [View]

fuck off with that shit
also probably a deal with bamco

>> No.46989873 [View]

Youre allowing rika hate posts and edited pics in here without reporting and replying to them fuck off

>> No.46989736 [View]

This, imagine kneeling instead of telling them to fuck off

>> No.46989508 [View]

The only thing wrong here is getchu sucking their cock and removing shit instead of just telling them to fuck off like dlsite did

>> No.46987330 [View]

Luna is really illustrating why I hated Laurence. Due to the lava, there is absolutely 0 consistency to the flow in his fight. Dodge into the lava, you stagger a bit, get wombo comboed and die since Laurence does massive damage.

I never parried for Orphan and think he's trivial once he's learned. As Luna fighting him showed, it is extremely easy to build distance from Orphan and recuperate and prepare yourself for his next attack. Once you learn how to consistently capitalize on the small opportunities he gives, he goes down like paper and I only ever remember being annoyed when he wouldn't stop jumping around so I could actually hit him. A big meaty weapon is also much better for the ebb and flow of his fight as you consistently get one big hit constantly once you learn his flow. It is trivially possible to get truly free hits on Orphan. Not so for Laurence who has big fuck off arm swings, AoE pounds, and lava everywhere.

>> No.46987164 [View]

>be Anon
>Bicorn waifu, small happy harem
>'we have to go back to my home village'
>after long journey
>met at gate by her twin sister
>disdain glare but allowed in
>bicorn takes my hand
>'disgusting, public handholding'
>[shrug] 'at least I can hold on to an Anon'
>reaches down and lifts Anon onto her back
>'public riding! and bareback!'
>[shrug] braids her black hair to make 2 'reins'. gives them to Anon to pretend he can 'steer' her
>'disgusting submission to be ridden like that'
>[shrug] reaches back, starts jacking Anon off
>'truly disgusting!'
>Anon cooms onto her back, her mane, her hands
>Bicorn casually licking her hands like a melting icecream cone
>'want some, sis..?'
>playfully flicks some at her twin, it lands on her cheek and lip
>[jumps like it's acid] tries to wipe it off, gets it on her fingers, on her lips, tries not to swallow any...
>'we need to get indoors so I can wash this filth off me!'
>Anon nearly falls off, has to grip waifu's upperbody, as she gallops after her sister
>both dash inside the barnlike house
>Anon almost falls off at the sudden stop
>Bicorn waifu is shaking with laughter
>Unicorn twin sister is on the floor in the rear-up, front-kneeling pose and reaching back to lift her tail up for Anon to fuck her...

>> No.46986635 [View]
File: 888 KB, 1733x1458, 1668351719023707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, no burqa for Kano

>> No.46986400 [View]

I understand it's the pride month and all but it doesn't give you the right to spam your homosexual wishes everywhere. You have to actually stick to the places where your gay shit is desirable.
Fuck off to >>>/lgbt/ or >>>/d/.

>> No.46984766 [View]

Fuck off.

>> No.46983455 [View]

>Brings up off-topic discussion about his own schizoid ramblings
>s-stay on-topic
Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.46982754 [View]

it's called
fuck off stupid off-topic faggot shitposter

>> No.46980161 [View]

I disrespect her and her culture as much as possible to get her to fuck off.

I'm on a mission to find a hebi.

>> No.46979811 [View]

Fuck off.


>> No.46979686 [View]

You also should fuck off.


>> No.46979347 [View]

Fuck off.


>> No.46978703 [View]

They're the ones actively trying to politicize their retardation, I just non-politically want them to fuck off with this nonsense forever. Shouldn't be hard to understand.
That being said, Miku definitely shouldn't have anything to do with it either way.

>> No.46978687 [DELETED]  [View]

They're the ones actively trying to politicize their retardation, I just non-politically want them to fuck off with this nonsense forever. Shouldn't be hard to understand.

>> No.46978463 [View]
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, クリミナルボーダー_life_sentencecrbd_life (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Criminal Border done.

>Episodes: 3 > 4 > 2 > 1
>Tatsuya >Meryl > Hina > Rin > Kotoko
I enjoyed the series overall quite a bit, it's definitely in my top 3 franchises where MC is a down-on-his-luck-loser who invents a super drug and gets involved in the criminal underground trying to monetize it and gradually grows to becoming a worse and worse person as he realizes the only way to escape is through the top.

I liked episode 4 quite a bit, but my big problem with it is that it was fairly predictable - you could guess pretty much exactly how it was going to end from the in medias res Rin scene at the start (that scene probably shouldn't have been there). The Tatsuya betrayal fake-out was obvious, and at no point did I think Luca was actually gonna shoot Ikki. That's the reason I liked episode 3 so much more than 4, with episode 3 I was on the edge of my seat going holy fuck no way this can't be happening I can't believe they're actually doing it and with episode 4 they pulled their punches to give a happy ending. I was actually getting worried they'd reveal Hina was alive the whole time and totally fine and also faked her death, thank god they didn't do that. I did like the twist of Luca just being genuinely helpful and on their side the whole time despite how suspicious she was and it would've all worked out if they just trusted her It's a perfectly fine ending, but it could've been better.

I've been going back and forth on whether or not being episodic helped. I think it definitely helped for my engagement and enjoyment, and it'll probably come off quite a bit worse if you read it all at once instead of sequentially. At the very least I'm glad VNs like this exist that are doing something really radically different than pretty much everything else on the market (I mean, they're imitating prestige TV, but that IS relatively new ground for VNs)

I logged off the internet to avoid spoilers since release but I'm guessing there's been a lot of shitposting about the reveal that Rin's gay and the Brad almost rape scene CG being posted out of context and I look forward to seeing it.

Also no Luca h-scene, kusoge, she couldn't have raped Ikki even once while testing Rave on him? C'mon. Actually going for a bro ending with Tatsuya brings it back up to kamige though.

>> No.46976353 [View]
File: 1.58 MB, 1553x1239, dying for others = ダサい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's not forget about the worst of all: when you Lego out the reading and move on without realizing that you have no fucking clue what it even means.
I figured I could context it out in those cases by looking at the rest of the text. Though yeah, it's a pain the ass especially if the word isn't 100% defined for me mentally. I'm not sure if it's because my native language is English or what but it would absolutely drive me nuts whenever I "know" something but also "not know" at the same time in JP - even when all the Lego pieces are in place in my head.
And oh man, 凸凹and 凹凸what an annoying Tetris ass looking pair. Appropriate that the 凸 kanji also looks like a middle finger to tell to go fuck yourself.
On top of the different readings for those two words, the reading for 凹む(へこむ) also differs. Thankfully, I've seen 凹む used way too many times in a few other untranslated VNs I've read in the past so it's a bit nice to use it as a way to bridge my understanding. In this case, I just try to think of the reading with 凹 in 凹む as "opposite" to 凸's reading in 凸凹 where I'd consider the difference between へこ/でこ. 凹凸- I don't know. Those two can make a square together and fuck off.
All of this probably feels more convoluted but hell this somewhat works in my head right now so hopefully sperging about it now holds up in my memory. I'm not a huge fan with making sense of things in isolation with flash cards and/or cursory dictionary lookups these days.

>Have you ever heard of ズージャ語? Well now you have! Pic related.
Ah, I never heard that before. Something new to learn about this language everyday huh. All of that totally went over my head honestly. I'm gonna have a fun ride with Cage once I get around to reading those games that's for sure. Not so clear about the context here 100% but what's fun with just looking at 代姦山 is morbidly picturing a mountain with rape everywhere from the kanji appearance alone. Talking up some off tangent bullshit here but well, Azuma is the only one who gets raped in Paradise unfortunately. At least canonically within his POVs since the main game is strictly told from his side. Probably my schizo headcanon talking but fuck, who knows what happened before with some of those gruesome deaths Azuma never had to witness. The true antagonist in Paradise really loves to have a ball with his victims after all.

>Don't know if they also did this in Paradise, but Cage was full of silly puns like this. Like 死武谷, or 喪成座. Best part is that all of these are story-relevant puns!
As far as I can tell, I haven't really seen Paradise being that heavy with the puns. There were likely some but I was probably too damn dense to see them clearly back then. I ought to read my favorite Paradise scenes again once I get better with my understanding later.
I think what's pretty adorable about Azuma's monologues is that he's fond of using 擬音語 to describe situations to almost an excessive degree. Even though Azuma is technically an adult, the sort of wording he uses feels pretty childish and not very refined. He's also a working class boy who overreacts a bit too much.
Besides the onomatopoeia and slang, one fun phrase Azuma likes using time to time is 尻餅をつく aka fall on backside (mochi butt). ex. Mitsugi Route scene in one of the bad endings- Azuma falls on his 尻餅 after getting smacked hard by Mitsugi. He somehow takes this as a way of endearment which is hilarious to me. It's too cute how the silly dolt falls head over heels with that autist's tsuntsun-ness while going off about it in that head of his. I swear, sometimes the poor kid just loves taking the abuse despite everything going on.
Though, I do think Azuma's immature speaking is fairly fitting for his personality since Paradise is a "coming of age" story with a late bloomer protagonist in a way. It's interesting how each route in the game shows a huge contrast with how Azuma solves problems and whether or not he chooses to depend another for support. I'm not overly clear with the themes in Cage series since I've been trying to avoid any heavy spoilers desu but the way L&D see writes toxic relationships and characterization, especially with codependency, is quite respectable in Paradise. L&D truly lives up to their brand name.
Going a bit off track here but while I thought Takara's route was definitely the weakest, I didn't think his route was a bad demonstration at all when it came to Azuma actually growing a set of balls to think for himself. Pic related was a great fuck you after all that mess - just loved the feeling conveyed in his words here.

desu I wished Paradise had Mitsugi as a bottom. I have a thing with "smart" tsunderes getting their asses handed to them. After Azuma, it was kinda cute how Mitsugi was the second person Matsuda was worrying about in his route. Matsuda did feel particularly guilty about him. All those guilty thoughts Matsuda had in those Musubi FD POVs are too juicy.

>> No.46976064 [View]
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, fortune teller what could have been.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a dozen ways to escape death and get strong in Gensokyo. The thing is it just requires effort and taking the shortcut at the cost of others doesn't do you any favors. The man shoulda gone and lived innawoods and cultivated. The rules only really apply to Villagers anyway, no one cares if you fuck off to the Forest of Magic.

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