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Search: become lamy

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>> No.44552048 [View]

It’s sad that the only way to get prime Lamy back is with fear. If she doesn’t feel threatened she will just become this late watered down Lamy.
If she does an ASMR soon it’s gonna be even more clear the only way to get prime Lamy back is through fear.

>> No.44540885 [View]

The sad part is that a new gen needs yo debut in order for her to become the Lamy pre summer vacations 2021.

>> No.44535567 [View]

we all become lamy eventually

>> No.44350328 [View]

Botan was making out with Lamy so much her throat become sore, that lion girl sure is crazy in love

>> No.44323477 [View]

i will NEVER become lamy

>> No.44307255 [View]

Yukimin will become feral with another extended Lamy break

>> No.44299552 [View]

Become Lamy.

>> No.44266126 [View]

Become Lamy > become Kronii

>> No.44174938 [View]
File: 488 KB, 528x768, 1597912632657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Hyper Ultra Ultimate Deluxe Perfect Amazing Shining God 東方不敗 Master Ginga Victory Strong Cute Beautiful Galaxy Baby 無限 無敵 無双 Nenechi

>Applied to join hololive 4 times, didn't get a call back for 3 of those
>doxxed herself on her VERY FIRST tweet by showing off her distinctive artstyle
>Doxxed everyone in gen 5 by following them on twitter
>misspelled vtuber as vtuべr, leading it to become the #1 trend in japan
>spilled an endless amount of chow mein on her debut
>scheduled a guerilla singing stream because her monetization accidentally got enabled, leading to people calling her kanecchi
>Used to have a water cooler jug on her first few streams, taking well over 60-70+ sips of water over the course of 3 hours during her first superchat reading and didn't go to the bathroom until the last 20 minutes
>Wanted revenge on Polka for using water cooler jug on her stream, stole her hair accessory for a stream later on, leading to Polka countering it with using her hair braids as shoulder pads and giving birth to a very short-lived but legendary meme
>had a fall guys stream where 90% of it was her shouting her own name
>managed to wipe a full squad and simultaneously do only 83 damage in a single game in apex
>Went from Super Nenechi to Hyper Nenechi in just two streams, then immediately reverted back to Super Nenechi only for her to spontaneously ascend by a countless amount of tiers approximately a month and a half later
>ate alone in the toilet at school
>almost got robbed one time but kicked the dude in the balls and ran away
>thumbnails had such bad proportions they were made fun of in coco's meme review
>Sat around killing enemies mindlessly in Craftopia while everyone else did work, bringing her player level far ahead of everyone else's
>decided that the first thing to do after meeting god in craftopia was to punch him in the face
>desynced in craftopia so hard that the dungeon boss was only focusing on her and was still shooting her even after it died
>Conspired with Polka to beat up a quest giver in Craftopia, and after being scolded by Lamy, took the quest giver to the far back of the dungeon and old yeller'd them
>decided to read a full blown confession from a fan's marshmellow live
>replied to a twitter account named crap_gay thinking it was watson when holoEN debuted
>Had to do battle with a fridge because her hamster broke out of her cage and ran under the fridge
>spilled juice in her lap and couldn't stop sniffing it on stream and asked chat if they wanted to lick it
>got baited by chat to type "if you study japanese in nene, you will fail"
>referred to huke as hukeweb sensei
>got swarmed by a horde of crazy fans while performing an idol show in L4D2
>accidentally wiped her PC installing minecraft
>destroyed the entire nene production office and revealed that nenepro was a black company
>died 16 times in under 2 hours during the first gen 5 Minecraft collab
>Was welcomed in Japanese by Iofi at her debut and replied that she does not speak much english
>Told Iofi that she liked to skip cutscenes in RPGs just after Iofi tells her that she liked RPGs
>thought "te amo" was the french term for "I love you"
>scored three (3) in Choco's academic test
>Uses steering assist in Mario Kart
>got hard carried by her fans in Mario Kart team battle against Polka
>Chanted about destruction in a tweet after accidentally committing suicide by setting off a bunch of TNT on a hill in Minecraft
>ran and jumped into bed, completely missed and ended up sleeping on the floor
>Punched people's cats in Minecraft
>Accidentally flooded gen 5's building in Minecraft
>Forgot to place torches back down after the flooding and spawned a creeper which blew up a chunk of her room
>Accidentally put her name backwards "ƎИƎИ" on the Gen 5 building in Minecraft when shown from the outside
>After being told, she said it's supposed to be that way and updated it say "IMNENE" aka "ƎИƎИМI" from the outside
>Avoided an entire shitstorm from NND antis about janitors by skipping a Minecraft collab with the rest of her genmates because she wanted to stream Rhythm Heaven instead
>air-served not once, but TWICE during her collab with Kiara
>When given a present by Kiara, she panicked and grabbed the first thing she found to give as a present... a handful of gummybears
>Almost got robbed on her way back home but she kicked the dude in the nuts and ran away
>Unironically thought iCarly, Victorious and Hannah Montana were emotional western romantic dramas and made Kiara die of laughter when she told her, then proceeded to ask chat on a future stream for reassurance only for them to laugh as well
>iCarly was also the gateway to livestreaming and eventually lead to her becoming a vtuber
>Can pronounce "tomato juice" and "potato chips" in english perfectly but nothing else
>won all Among Us games by pure luck
>Trapped herself in a room she made as a prank for Botan

>> No.44145318 [View]

>Singer (Talented and succesfull, people who wanted a music career and actually made it work. Music is the main and only focus, other activities only exist as a way to promote themselves and therefore their music)

>GFE (Lacks any particular artistic talent, not good and dedicated enough to become a singer, "funny" holos also belong here, because women aren´t actually funny", the only reason they´re watched is because they´re women)

>Whore (Exclusively in Hololive for social reason, not actually interested in personal or financial success, only in Holo to elevate their social capital)

>> No.44142519 [View]
File: 413 KB, 1868x1100, cursed_elves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves killed all the dinosaurs, Flare made volcanos erupt, Aki summoned a giant meteor, and then Lamy ensured that the Ice Age was extra long, all so the humans could evolve and you would eventually become a playtoy for the elves

>> No.44120814 [View]

Lamy is a sexy and popular woman, she's everything Tusk wants to become but can't.

>> No.44081818 [View]

yukimins are taking "become lamy" too literally

>> No.43967354 [View]

Lamy has become a pro dancer

>> No.43838968 [View]

When will Lamy become a troublsome needy GFE again?

>> No.43833930 [View]

She took the wording "become lamy" a bit further but for her own character.

>> No.43787996 [View]

Lamy will graduate to become the next Meowth CV

>> No.43785565 [View]

well, considering they still find watamelon and become Lamy funny it doesn't surprise me that they're stuck in time

>> No.43768403 [View]

Become Lamy and you'll get them

>> No.43754206 [View]
File: 886 KB, 824x894, 1662330262705158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy has become a cat by ways of becoming Okayu first.

>> No.43752055 [View]
File: 392 KB, 1448x2048, 1675018116309917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An introduction to Amane Kanata

>1. Streams in general

Kanata doesn’t use schedules but streams very regularly, she’ll often put up place holders well in advance or tell you on Twitter what the plan is. She used to part of the ‘mystery sleep hours’ gang but seems to favour either an 8pm JST / 11am GMT / 3am PT start. If she's been busy she may start later at 11pm JST/ 2pm GMT / 6am PT or do a twitch space and they last on average between 1-4 hours.

Many of Kanata’s streams are only half gameplay so don't be put off by the length. She likes to chat whilst reading out donations and its genuinely comfy to listen to.

A fun thing that happens is she will instantly lose if she gets too smug. It’s not even a bit, it just happens naturally. Her tsukkomi (straight man) powers have increased tenfold in the last few years. However if you where to ask me what her anime power is, she's the type that comes back stronger every time she's defeated. [Here's early Kanata being bad at Kirby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6YVT8Zz6ws

>2. Music

One of the biggest things about Kanata is the crazy amount of effort she puts in to music. She does less karaoke these days due to an ear condition which I won't speculate on here, but she recently started again and even asked for song suggestions on Reddit too. Her cover song output has been crazy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrA_Ti9HZRwrkSSp1zsmdkBHpXCG-rYC

She mixes, has wrote a group song and does her own backing vocals. Her flexible voice seems to be compatible with most other singers and she can really hold a note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQO9jsWMwE She has a wide range and can switch from cute to cool to a death scream in a moment. Genre-wise she branches out quite often, so there's always something (Fragile and Drain turned out be something I like).

>3. She happily goes along with jokes & memes

Kanata will tell you she’s not a gorilla and then instantly add a gorilla to her next thumbnail and give you a gorilla emote. She’s happy to go along with the jokes from adopting the Power Point Tenshi name and doing PowerPoint streams to this day. She’ll even play along with the cutting board jokes to the point of complete denial. She’s even the source of her own JUST KANATA meme and posts clips for people to use. As usual, Kanata is patient but please don't spam and read the room though.

>4. She’s shy but proactive

Kanata was always one of the more introverted members who could disguise it well, and if you where to go back her earlier streams, you'd barely recognise her now as she's become so expressive and talkative. She'd always defend playing cards games and chess alone. She even wrote a parody song about it to use as an outro which someone kindly translated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN35Vrd9JKc

However one of my favourite things about Kanata is that this doesn't stop her from volunteering and, as cliche as it sounds, trying her best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHIeccnwDvQ
As an introvert myself, I love seeing someone improve there social skills and be happy about it. Gives me a little boost to try more myself.

She's gone on to being the team leader at the sports festival. In the last few months we've seen her become Marine and Lamy home care nurse and form some fun trios with Kanaria (Kanata/Flare/Koyori) and Chamatannanora(?) (Kanata/Luna/Haato). She's also a rare one that other shy members are more comfortable with, such as Ayame and Aqua.

>5. Her endurance streams are iconic

She also does endurance streams and has insane mental fortitude. She’s done a 12 hours DK stream with Korone, a 24 hour variety day with Suisei, 12 hour Fall Guys and 20+ hours in Getting Over It and Jump King. Let’s not forget her ridiculous fight with Sans with other members cheering her on.

Since I last made this list she's done her craziest stream getting the illusive blue axolotl which has now become a mascot after 3000 attempts. More recently she completed Super Mario World in a single sitting. She also had a series of baseball game playthroughs which aired at irregular times too which makes it easier for anyone US based to maybe catch some streams at a reasonable time on occasion.

>Bonus. She squeaks when laughs.

It’s very cute and most likely why she has hamster ears alongside her Hamtaro impressions. I would personally adopt hamster Kanata. Also here's a timestamped link to a weirdly professionally taken photo of one of her rabbits. https://youtu.be/yBmoY-m64so?t=573

>> No.43749828 [View]
File: 2.12 MB, 1448x2048, 1679853699336737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An introduction to Amane Kanata

>1. Streams in general

Kanata doesn’t use schedules but streams very regularly, she’ll often put up place holders well in advance or tell you on Twitter what the plan is. She used to part of the ‘mystery sleep hours’ gang but seems to favour either an 8pm JST / 11am GMT / 3am PT start. If she's been busy she may start later at 11pm JST/ 2pm GMT / 6am PT or do a twitch space and they last on average between 1-4 hours.

Many of Kanata’s streams are only half gameplay so don't be put off by the length. She likes to chat whilst reading out donations and its genuinely comfy to listen to.

A fun thing that happens is she will instantly lose if she gets too smug. It’s not even a bit, it just happens naturally. Her tsukkomi (straight man) powers have increased tenfold in the last few years. However if you where to ask me what her anime power is, she's the type that comes back stronger every time she's defeated. [Here's early Kanata being bad at Kirby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6YVT8Zz6ws

>2. Music

One of the biggest things about Kanata is the crazy amount of effort she puts in to music. She does less karaoke these days due to an ear condition which I won't speculate on here, but she recently started again and even asked for song suggestions on Reddit too. Her cover song output has been crazy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrA_Ti9HZRwrkSSp1zsmdkBHpXCG-rYC

She mixes, has wrote a group song and does her own backing vocals. Her flexible voice seems to be compatible with most other singers and she can really hold a note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQO9jsWMwE She has a wide range and can switch from cute to cool to a death scream in a moment. Genre-wise she branches out quite often, so there's always something (Fragile and Drain turned out be something I like).

>3. She happily goes along with jokes & memes

Kanata will tell you she’s not a gorilla and then instantly add a gorilla to her next thumbnail and give you a gorilla emote. She’s happy to go along with the jokes from adopting the Power Point Tenshi name and doing PowerPoint streams to this day. She’ll even play along with the cutting board jokes to the point of complete denial. She’s even the source of her own JUST KANATA meme and posts clips for people to use. As usual, Kanata is patient but please don't spam and read the room though.

>4. She’s shy but proactive

Kanata was always one of the more introverted members who could disguise it well, and if you where to go back her earlier streams, you'd barely recognise her now as she's become so expressive and talkative. She'd always defend playing cards games and chess alone. She even wrote a parody song about it to use as an outro which someone kindly translated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN35Vrd9JKc

However one of my favourite things about Kanata is that this doesn't stop her from volunteering and, as cliche as it sounds, trying her best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHIeccnwDvQ
As an introvert myself, I love seeing someone improve there social skills and be happy about it. Gives me a little boost to try more myself.

She's gone on to being the team leader at the sports festival. In the last few months we've seen her become Marine and Lamy home care nurse and form some fun trios with Kanaria (Kanata/Flare/Koyori) and Chamatannanora(?) (Kanata/Luna/Haato). She's also a rare one that other shy members are more comfortable with, such as Ayame and Aqua.

>5. Her endurance streams are iconic

She also does endurance streams and has insane mental fortitude. She’s done a 12 hours DK stream with Korone, a 24 hour variety day with Suisei, 12 hour Fall Guys and 20+ hours in Getting Over It and Jump King. Let’s not forget her ridiculous fight with Sans with other members cheering her on.

Since I last made this list she's done her craziest stream getting the illusive blue axolotl which has now become a mascot after 3000 attempts. More recently she completed Super Mario World in a single sitting. She also had a series of baseball game playthroughs which aired at irregular times too which makes it easier for anyone US based to maybe catch some streams at a reasonable time on occasion.

>Bonus. She squeaks when laughs.

It’s very cute and most likely why she has hamster ears alongside her Hamtaro impressions. I would personally adopt hamster Kanata. Also here's a timestamped link to a weirdly professionally taken photo of one of her rabbits. https://youtu.be/yBmoY-m64so?t=573

>> No.43743204 [View]

Become Lamy

>> No.43731758 [View]

An introduction to Amane Kanata

>1. Streams in general

Kanata doesn’t use schedules but streams very regularly, she’ll often put up place holders well in advance or tell you on Twitter what the plan is. She used to part of the ‘mystery sleep hours’ gang but seems to favour either an 8pm JST / 11am GMT / 3am PT start. If she's been busy she may start later at 11pm JST/ 2pm GMT / 6am PT or do a twitch space and they last on average between 1-4 hours.

Many of Kanata’s streams are only half gameplay so don't be put off by the length. She likes to chat whilst reading out donations and its genuinely comfy to listen to.

A fun thing that happens is she will instantly lose if she gets too smug. It’s not even a bit, it just happens naturally. Her tsukkomi (straight man) powers have increased tenfold in the last few years. However if you where to ask me what her anime power is, she's the type that comes back stronger every time she's defeated. [Here's early Kanata being bad at Kirby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6YVT8Zz6ws

>2. Music

One of the biggest things about Kanata is the crazy amount of effort she puts in to music. She does less karaoke these days due to an ear condition which I won't speculate on here, but she recently started again and even asked for song suggestions on Reddit too. Her cover song output has been crazy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrA_Ti9HZRwrkSSp1zsmdkBHpXCG-rYC

She mixes, has wrote a group song and does her own backing vocals. Her flexible voice seems to be compatible with most other singers and she can really hold a note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQO9jsWMwE She has a wide range and can switch from cute to cool to a death scream in a moment. Genre-wise she branches out quite often, so there's always something (Fragile and Drain turned out be something I like).

>3. She happily goes along with jokes & memes

Kanata will tell you she’s not a gorilla and then instantly add a gorilla to her next thumbnail and give you a gorilla emote. She’s happy to go along with the jokes from adopting the Power Point Tenshi name and doing PowerPoint streams to this day. She’ll even play along with the cutting board jokes to the point of complete denial. She’s even the source of her own JUST KANATA meme and posts clips for people to use. As usual, Kanata is patient but please don't spam and read the room though.

>4. She’s shy but proactive

Kanata was always one of the more introverted members who could disguise it well, and if you where to go back her earlier streams, you'd barely recognise her now as she's become so expressive and talkative. She'd always defend playing cards games and chess alone. She even wrote a parody song about it to use as an outro which someone kindly translated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN35Vrd9JKc

However one of my favourite things about Kanata is that this doesn't stop her from volunteering and, as cliche as it sounds, trying her best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHIeccnwDvQ
As an introvert myself, I love seeing someone improve there social skills and be happy about it. Gives me a little boost to try more myself.

She's gone on to being the team leader at the sports festival. In the last few months we've seen her become Marine and Lamy home care nurse and form some fun trios with Kanaria (Kanata/Flare/Koyori) and Chamatannanora(?) (Kanata/Luna/Haato). She's also a rare one that other shy members are more comfortable with, such as Ayame and Aqua.

>5. Her endurance streams are iconic

She also does endurance streams and has insane mental fortitude. She’s done a 12 hours DK stream with Korone, a 24 hour variety day with Suisei, 12 hour Fall Guys and 20+ hours in Getting Over It and Jump King. Let’s not forget her ridiculous fight with Sans with other members cheering her on.

Since I last made this list she's done her craziest stream getting the illusive blue axolotl which has now become a mascot after 3000 attempts. More recently she completed Super Mario World in a single sitting. She also had a series of baseball game playthroughs which aired at irregular times too which makes it easier for anyone US based to maybe catch some streams at a reasonable time on occasion.

>Bonus. She squeaks when laughs.

It’s very cute and most likely why she has hamster ears alongside her Hamtaro impressions. I would personally adopt hamster Kanata. Also here's a timestamped link to a weirdly professionally taken photo of one of her rabbits. https://youtu.be/yBmoY-m64so?t=573

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